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Everything posted by misfish

  1. Grass is still green here Roger. Might be picking worms Wed night.
  2. I could use two for the back of the Ram John,,,,,,,,,,,,, Send ya a pm later on in the day. Were going to get nailed sooner then later Im sure here.
  3. I am all for making something for the ice anglers to enjoy a day on the hard water. I seen this on Sunday at Cabelas. My only thinking was, WHY? Why make something that has no anchor tie downs, why make it so it can be blown over when you are in it? There is no areo to this. I can see this only for a day on the hard water when the forecast is , no wind. Im sure a couple of hundred bucks, could be better spent , then on this death trap. One hole,one heater. Wind blows you over and you got, one heater,that is not your friend. If you own, or thinking of one, think about it. I for one,would never have this. Im only posting as a safety look at this. B
  4. Oh the days I wish I was driving a beater. Ya sure,cut in,i,ll take your side off.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. dave524


      That was a 79 on the show, we had an early 50 Studebaker and Dodge on the farm, kinda recall it saying Fargo on the hood.

    3. Rodbender


      I had one today south on the 404 all of a sudden here's my cut off put me on the off ramp so now I have to go a little way out of my way to get back on the 404 should have followed her then tongue lashed her :D

    4. davey buoy

      davey buoy

      I don't even post anymore,the stuff I see is just what it is,you always have to be on high alert all the time.

  5. I would do a brunch. I am working the 28,29,30. I always made the ice fishing ones, well all but one. LOL
  6. Tim Hortons was Canadian once too, but it is south of the boarder now. Wonder what a TIMBIT is down there? LOL
  7. CTC is in the states now, why would you not be covered?
  8. Na, easy neck shot. Why harm the mount part. LOL Nice shot RB.
  9. Awesome,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
  10. BINGO Thanks Bruce.
  11. What was the name of the drive in north of keele way back when? If was near a dirt race track. I was probly 6-7 then,. Remember going to both. Pop use to make big paper bags of popcorn and lots of butter,and big bottles of coke. I think he had his own bevey in the back of the dart.
  12. Yup, but if only one would get Creed MQ, I would be happy. LOL
  13. Who would thunk, a frozen puddle in a parking lot, could get ya all fired up. And this was in the big city this morningLOL. Also, hand augers are getting out of hand. Stupid prices. And finally,heading back , I thought I was mid pack of a restricker plate race when this driver almost missed his cut off. He made a beline right accross all the traffic at full speed. How he made it, I will never know. Only one car spun out. No caution though.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. ecmilley


      the 400 barrie invitational was it? lol

    3. misfish


      It was like, I have to get from the fast lane to the finch off ramp. We in Barrie know how to draft and change and slip the draft up here.LOL

    4. Fisherman


      Just wait til you see one driving with a full burka and msquito screen, you'll crap


  14. They look like, double trouble. Enjoy.
  15. LOL Party pooper.LOL Saturday cant come soon enough, to head up hwy 26.
  16. For those that are wondering if this is for real, Simon is to my left,but I had to turn off my go pro, as a CO was heading our way.
  17. When I got the call, I was on my way as fast as fast could be, and it didnt take me long to be catching as well,,,,,,,,,,,
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