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Status Updates posted by misfish

  1. Bruins in 5,I like the leafs,but got to stay with my team.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. asdve23rveavwa


      My heart says. Leafs in 6, but, my head says Bruins in 6.

    3. misfish


      What,no coffee bet Dave? LMAO

    4. davey buoy

      davey buoy

      Let's do it!!,Picked in a pool today.St.Louis from the west TO from the east.Why not lol.Picked from a hat.

  2. Leafs Montreal/Sonan/ Jones,Nascar at Richmond/Poker game to win Leafs play off tickets.Going to be a busy Saturday night.

  3. Cant remember being this excited about trout opener in a long time.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. misfish


      Perfect fishing weather. upanader. Java an toast,an good to go.

    3. Christopheraaron


      Already have one this morning :)

    4. misfish


      Holy,everthing here was high and pretty blown. Lost one fish hot shoting a mini kwik fish. Flys,zero.

  4. Thirty one years today, with the same woman. I must be doing something right.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. spincast


      Congrats. You obviously understand that a man's home is her castle :)

    3. irishfield


      He's got that right Rick... I'm in the same boat come August 31 years and I've only been married once! lol

    4. HTHM


      What a tolerant woman...

  5. Finally got my 7ft 4-5 wt fly rod. All rigged and ready for next saturday. :0))))))

    1. Christopheraaron


      nice! Looks like I'll be getting a st croix combo next week :)

  6. Holly sudden down pour here.CRAZY. Tornado watch. One may have touched down in Shelburn.

    1. danc


      Fell sorry for you Brian. Snowing like crazy here and should turn into a blizzard by morning.

  7. Five straight days off. What to do,,,,,,,,,,,,,, FISH FISH FISH. And turkey scout.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. fishnsled


      The turkey's are wondering around in my subdivision. There, saved you sometime to just go fishing. Unfortunately there is one less this morning, looks like it was hit by a car.

    3. misfish


      One les dinner. RIP :0)

    4. Christopheraaron


      grab me some feathers Will ;)

  8. Five straight days off. What to do,,,,,,,,,,,,,, FISH FISH FISH.

  9. Lets hope,that was the OUT LIKE A LION.

    1. spincast


      so long as its OUT period. It'll be June before spring arrives at this rate

    2. moxie


      This is ridiculous!!!

  10. You lost a great fieind Dan. Hope the race brings a bit of a smile to ya. 48/88 1,2.;o)

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. danc


      DEJ was wrecked by a girl. lol



    3. irishfield


      He's use to it.. .his step mother wrecked him tooooo !

    4. misfish


      Ah no,Vickers was wrecking everyone.

  11. White out conditons all morning here in Barrie.5-6 inches of snow,2:30 pm,it,s all gone.Not thats crazy weather.

    1. Joey


      Welcome to Spring in Canada my friend :)

  12. Is it normal to see a dead drake mallard,lying in the middle of Dundas ST.?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Christopheraaron


      Did ya grab some feathers?

    3. lookinforwalleye


      I am surprised there`s not a lot more things lying in the road the way they drive down there!

    4. TJQ


      Yes... yes it is... anything is "normal" in Toronto.

  13. Tony Stewart gets the "IM A KNOB" of the race award. Thats racing fella.LOL

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. danc


      The same guy that dove down to block and took out half the field in the Sprint Unlimited earlier this year kwickfish.

    3. esoxansteel


      More fun will be had at Martinsville the 1/2 mile paperclip the week after easter

    4. Roe Bag

      Roe Bag

      Brian France is taking lessons from Vince McMahon. Much like wrestling NASCAR is just about putting on a show. Drive what we tell ya, where we tell ya, when we tell ya, and how we tell ya. Oh yeah,and keep your mouth shut while you're doin' it. Don't criticize the "CORE" product. Isn't racing supposed to be the "CORE" product? What a joke!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  14. Hey hey,whats ya got on yer mind,,,,,do da dodada,play it wolf.

  15. Bristol was the hardest ticket to ever get.At one time,there was a two year waiting list. Sad what Im seeing now.

    1. F7Firecat


      lol just got in from Bristol, there was some fantastic racing going on, i love going to Bristol, better racing now than 8 years ago when I was there

  16. Will it a crappie day,or will it be a crappy day,only time will tell. Lets go fishing.

    1. misfish


      It was crappy.Not a tick at our baits.Lots of suspended fish,but not active.

  17. Im off to the great running waters.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. irishfield


      Betty's glad you went out...

    3. misfish


      She sure was Wayne. I brought home fresh meats for the week from Brants. ;)

    4. danc


      I'm off to Red Lake. Don't think I'll see any running water there.

  18. Time to tie some roe. Going to get my stealhead fix this weekend.

  19. GO NFLD GO Beat that Howard guy.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. davey buoy

      davey buoy

      How can you say that?,lol. Howards the man!!!!!!!!

    3. misfish


      Da byes are in trouble. What to do? I say rip it and grip it and let er go.

    4. misfish


      Dat was a close one. Were getting better. Dat Howard guy is tooooo good.

  20. What a beauty of a day wasted ,working inside.

    1. spincast


      So true - but so nice to see the sun still over the horizon at 6pm.... the spring she is a comin'

    2. Rod Caster

      Rod Caster

      first signs of spring in north bay too.

  21. Ok whats up with deleting pm,s? I cant get the full page. I get an error,wait for .

    1. spincast


      big brother is watching you

    2. misfish


      Alls well,had to go off page for some reason.

  22. PM,s are getting full again. Dont be offended if I delete you.

  23. Off to the Credit. Happy,happy,happy.

    1. misfish


      Im an idiot.All the way down there,and my wadder jacket is left behind at home. Go ahead and say it,Im an idiot.

  24. Thanks to those that sent PM,S on the credit.Havent fished it in a long time. Hope to have a report late Saturday.

  25. Making a trip to Mississuga Saturday. Please PM Credit river conditions PLEASE. Erindale area.Thanks.

    1. sinclair


      Fish so thick y'ken walk across their backs!


    2. dhickey


      And I was thinking I needed help..Yikes..

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