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Status Updates posted by misfish

  1. Hey wall-eyed, are you still growing? I got a kinck in my neck looking up and talking to you today.LOL Nice to see an old member from the board.

  2. Rowwed and flip and rowwed and flipped and flipped some more. Early morning top water smallies, then perch in 95fow, a white fish surfaced in from of me,WHAT, then some micro tube smallies. That made up for lost time.LOL

    1. davey buoy
    2. Terry


      and we had fun fun fun

    3. misfish


      And it was fun again today bud. I feel 5 pounds lighter already.

  3. We got a high rish take down here in Barrie on the 400 north bound. Just in time for the weekender drive.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. misfish


      Dave, you know where I work. It took me 1/2 hour to get home. Lined up from the lights at BBP / bayview. Both directions from fairview or bayview stacked.

    3. misfish


      Looks like it was worth it. They got a killer off the road.

    4. BillM


      Yup, Vaughan cafe killer is now behind bars.

  4. My doctors name is Dr. Backtowork,,,,,,,,,,,,, I liked the other one. Dr. summeroff.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. misfish
    3. misfish


      Now where did I leave those whities????????

    4. dhickey


      Boxers work better than tighty whities in the summer. As for the fish?Good luck .

  5. Well the eye is feeling norm. Lets see what the doc has to say this morning. I got eveything crossed that I possibly can.

  6. LOL Hey dude, you got a flat tire, pull over,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,guess he couldnt hear me from the front window. LOL

    1. Fisherman


      Doofus must have thought it was a washboard road. How you can't feel that is beyond me.

    2. misfish


      Maybe he thought it was a crack, tire. LOL

    3. irishfield


      About as good as the OPP that I slapped my head, flicked my bic lighter and pointed at the front of his car yesterday to tell him his head light was out. He gave me the finger...

  7. Nice morning. Think I,ll go for a boat ride.

    1. misfish


      Nothing like sitting back, starring at bent rods. Sure glad they stayed that way. I was way to chillax to even grab the net . Thanks pal.

  8. Nice to know there is new up and coming young machanics starting their own bussiness. Gave a new guy a shot at the ford fudgit. He,s not into you need this and this and that. He tells you what it is and it,s done. Nothing hiidden. He has a new customer. It might also help that I work wit his mudder. ;)


    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. misfish


      Was my thinking Wayne. He is pissed.

    3. spincast


      a thunderous applause for life lived well, and an example for all

    4. misfish
  10. Hey Pete, wheres that report?

  11. Piss off AK LOL Have a great time.

  12. Told to take 10 days more of R&R. Guess I just wasnt ready to go back.

    1. Terry


      what's your doctors name

      Doctor Summeroff

    2. misfish


      Do you want his number? He dosent allow fishing BTW. sO You might not like him.

  13. Like I said. One of the two, No bending no lifting and no pontoon fishing for 2 more weeks. Might as well get the ice gear ready.LOL Back to work though. Just as an adviser.

    1. davey buoy

      davey buoy

      Good news,your on your way !!!!!

    2. spincast


      good news. Lost of summer and fall left still to wet a line

    3. Pikeslayer
  14. There are two things I want to hear Monday. Your eye is well, and yes, you can go fishing. I am more then happy to hear the first and put off the second, but, I WANT TO GO FISHING.

    1. Rodbender


      Hope all goes well for you Brian

    2. Fisherman


      An extra day or two of patience means the fish will be just a wee bit bigger, hang in there..

    3. spincast


      Looking forward to some good news!

  15. Sitting with the ole boys again today. They are all retired. if this is what retirement is going to be like, I cant wait for the next 14 years to fly by. Then I,ll be telling the ole day stories.LOL

    1. davey buoy

      davey buoy

      Sure beats going to the mall and sitting everyday with friends.See a lot of that in the big smoke .

    2. spincast


      14 years? that'll fly by before you know it

  16. Was nice to go and sit with the ole boys down at the water front. It kinda reminded me of the rat pack. LOL A few perch were caught by them and sea gulls feasted on gobies.

  17. If your not fishing on this beauty of a day, I,ll trade spots with anyone of yas. LOL

    1. HTHM


      I'm roofing *sigh* Boy did I get lucky with my extended family!

  18. How ironic. Dale jr wins Daytona 400, and the 3 car crashes end of the race. This time the driver of the 3 car walked away. Think SR, was with the 3 driver last night? Cant amagin what Childress was thinking afterwards.

    1. Joey


      Ya, I thought that ironic too B!


  19. Some movies should be left at one. No 1 2 3 sequels.

    1. mikeh


      What movie are you talking about?

    2. grimsbylander
  20. All I ask is PLEASE give me a few hours of early morning bass,n before you call me in to work. Looks like the only opening I have all weekend weather wise.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. misfish


      Or called off.

    3. spincast


      the fish'll be there when the winds die down. be safe out there folks

    4. misfish


      Well I got 2. Thats better then 1, and much better then none.

  21. Turns out the company new fire wall blocks this site due to some advert trying open the same time I click on the site. Oh well.

    1. irishfield


      Production just went up plant wide!

    2. misfish


      LOL Wayne. Machines run well,thats why I have time.LOL

    3. Terry


      use a proxy server


  22. Is it me, or is the site real slow loading today?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. icedude


      Good Stuff Brian B-Off to Killarney Provincial Park BB-Happy Fathers Day to All Involved..Paul-Hey to OFC Terry !

    3. davey buoy

      davey buoy

      Good here since 3pm when I got home?.

    4. misfish


      Must be a work thing as it,s good here at home. Have a great time Paul. Fathers day already.wow TIME FLYS TO FAST THE OLDER WE GET.LOL

  23. Simcoes warmed up eneough to start flipping the flippers. Small lakers still in 50 fow. Herring too. Lots of fun.

    1. ketchenany


      Ever thought of rigging up the drill like the auger?

      just a thought!

    2. misfish


      I have a motor and battery. I like the work out. Still a young 50 old guy ya know.

  24. Sure feels like fall to me .. Did we mis summer? LOL

    1. spincast


      Or its April showers?

    2. Joey


      Yup, weird year for sure B. Usually we get our thunderstorms in May. I think we're off to a late start this year!

  25. MMMM BACON. Thanks brudder

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