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Everything posted by tinbanger

  1. Spent a few hours riding the waves today in search of some Pike , we even broke down and tried for perch to elude the skunk , but no luck. we launched from Orillia and worked the north end , even a quick trip into Couch didn't help. TB
  2. Nice job Good incentive for my upcoming Tuesday trip to Gbay TB
  3. we were out today from Orillia towards Stawberry - definate roller coaster but no probelm as we are familar with the boat and what it can take. Oh yeah - no fish TB
  4. Nice report guys , tough weather but it paid off TB
  5. Thanks for the report Lew . well worth the trip. looking forward to more TB
  6. nice pics hey isn't that ...oh never mind. thanks for sharing TB
  7. did someone say shore lunch! Launch Crawl LOL He was pretty fast on the winch , back on the trailer in less than 10 seconds! TB
  8. so many fish so littletime LOL Pikeie has a camera so stay tuned for some Steelie action I need a new camera ( again) as I dropped mine in the river while we were there tb
  9. As per his earlier post I hooked up with Tundra and Lightning last Thursday for a day on the mighty Ottawa. Thanks again Rod ,had a blast with you and you dad and learned a lot including how to net your fish anytime Saturday Morning yougest son and I were on the road before 4am headed to the Soo to meet up with Pikeie and spend 1 1/2 days fishing the St Marys. Arrived at 10 am to find Pikeie fast asleep in his dorm , cell phone off .Luckily we knew which window was his .Couple of 'wanna go fishing' and he was up .Must be those late night'study'sessions. Short drive downtown and a 10 minute walk past the locks Huron Superior we are at the river. My second cast something slams my chartruse cleo , few minutes of fight and man do they pull, it was landed . Not the prettiest looking fish as they are nearing the end of the spawn Fish kept us busy with 30-40 on and 15 or so landed. couple of scenery shots took a break for lunch then fished the after noon till about 5 , action definatly had slowed down . Next morning (sunday) was cold and wet , we planned to fish till about noon. On the walk in we meet up with a fellow fisherman on his way out with a nice steelhead ,they are starting to move in and we we see one or two that morning moving by. a few more fish and we are about to call it a day when my youngest hooks what was probably the biggest fish of the day , unfortunatly it gets away on him and soon spools him snapping his line. Luckily Pikeie was downstream , grabbed the PP line and managed to land the fish That was it for the day , another quick lunch and we drive home in the rain and snow . Spoons ( chartruse ,blue white ,pink cleos ) all worked well. Pikeie was fly fishing or drifting roe bags with his float rod ,Numbers of fish caught were pretty evenly split between the 3 of us. Next year we will go up earlier for the pinks or later for steelhead Lots of driving some new friends and fishing with my sons , can 't be beat TB
  10. Way overdue report from this past summer The family vacation this year was a drive to Dryden to see my Sister and family .The first stop was S.S. Marie to scope out the college that Pikeie is now attending.Spent a couple of days checking out the city , droppping off resumes and lounging around the pool. Rained most of the time . Up early and on our way to Dryden via the US . Had deceided this to take this route up due to lower gas prices and flatter terrain , hauling the boat , 5 people and gear was gonna take a bite out of the wallet . About $800 in fuel costs for the two weeks was bit hard to swallow none the less Arrived in dryden and caught up with the family .The next few days hanging put and doin a little fishing as my Sister lives on the water northwest of dryden. One of our planned excursions was to the famous Lac Seul area . We loaded the boats and packed the gear the night before and off bright and early the next morning. Bit of an education on loading my bro in laws boat on a roller trailer ..oops sorry bout the prop .Luckily he had new one We arrived at the launch the following morning to find water levels way higher than usual but not quite high enough as my brother inlaw dropped his nice new crestliner right on the launch ( damn roller trailers) fortunatly no damage but couple of red faces for sure . Launch was busy but everyone was on the water in short order. the 30 min boat ride was interesting ,last fifteen minutes or so was nothin but burnt trees ,Area was ravaged by fire 8-10 years ago .It was amazing to see the size of the fire ,islands in the middle of the river several hundred yards from shore burnt . There were little pockets of bush that had survived but for the most part nothin but burnt sticks. Good wind blowing meant for some rough water but a good dry ride We stopped on our way to our final destination to try out a small bay area . Caught a few small fish but decided to push on .Glad my Bro in laws buddy knew his way around .Lots of submerged rocks ,logs etc.We followed thier tracks exactly Finally arrived at the area that we planned to fish .Within the first hour we were hooking up with some fish .Kept enough 'legal' fish to have a shore lunch . no shortage of firewood thats for sure After Lunch we decided to split up a bit having two boats we though we would try and cover more water .My Brother in law headed across the large bay area and we decided to fish the points and drop offs right near the lunch spot .Paid off with some of the largest fish of the day . True to his name Pikeie started to target Pike and ended up with a couple of nice fish . Even a decent walleye on a large spinner bait. What we though wa shaze started to increase after lunch and we started to notice a distinct smell of smoke we did put out our fire right ? Turns out ( as we heard later) it was smoke from fires in Saskatchewan . As always the day went by by way to quick and we returned back to camp /One day is definatly not enough time fro this fishery . Walleye caught mainly on jigs tipped with minnows or white tube jigs , pike on spinner baits or large (5") spoons. tb
  11. don't missunderstand ..i plan on sevral more outings its just that .. THE END IS NEAR ! tb
  12. governator you will soon see all that 'soft' water in the bay turn hard (ice) it just take so damn long
  13. I see some posts with pics taken with the use of tripods. with the rest of my trips this year solo I was wondering if there are any suggestions of what to buy (size) wherE to buy and how much I can expect to spend. TB
  14. Hunting posts , boat storage posts , steelhead posts , NF posts , hockey posts ...can mean only one thing ...soft water fishing is almost over. I have 6 trips planned for the next 6 weeks and they will fly by . December is the cruelest month tb
  15. great report nice to see the young lad get his first deer. 300 savage is still my favorite bush gun , light , short , accurate and trouble free ,can't say the same for my semi's. Love the hunt camp experience only get in now for the weekends ( not even huinting this year) but its an experience i will always treasure. our deer camp has been in use since eearly 1900's our oldest member (83) still makes the trip in each year .The stories around the table at night are my personal highlight of the hunts. thanks for sharing TB
  16. but thursday is lookin good! TB Good steady wind getting stronger with snow flurries here in Barrie right now
  17. Don't tell me that was the only fish caught ,,, i feel sooooo special . Thanks again Rod ,was a great day , enjoyed the company as well as the weather. Learned a few new tricks ( planer boards , meatballs and spoons for Muskie ?) Off to replace my missing tackle TB
  18. Thanks for the replies and some great ( luckily!) stories. Follow some basic safe boating practices , be prepared and where a pfd and there will be lots of great stories to come. TB
  19. not sure hwat happened with the PM but you are better off with Lew for sure good luck guys TB
  20. I'll chose excuse number 6 Newbie to posting pics is what I should have said . TB
  21. awesome thanks everyone for helpin the newbie more pics to come TB
  22. Can't deer hunt on my own ...colour blind ...blood looks brown on the leaves. And keep quiet about the cell phone ..also keeps my better half happy TB
  23. Thanks for the report some nice looking bass ! Love seeing kids having a blast fishing TB
  24. PM sent TB
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