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Everything posted by Dutchy

  1. I flew over it on Saturday and it still looked pretty frozen to me in the middle.
  2. Great videos Steve. Been watching Chris's videos for awhile, and now your videos. Was weird watching your vids first and then the video Chris posted today. Different vantage points, Great stuff though. My hats off to you sir.
  3. Thanks for all the replies. I have zero expectations of it and if it doesn't work, plenty of other things to do. Most of you have confirmed what I was thinking re: kids, attention span, snacks and buckets. Watch this space, you never know what might happen. Thanks again. Doug.
  4. I remember it well, you are extremely tall if I remember correctly. I find that creek very interesting as I am a biologist and it always amazes me how those fish get there. Thanks for the PM.
  5. Dear OFC members, I have not been active at all, although I read the board all the time.Stuff to clear. Roy, I believe I said something rude to you a couple of years ago and I am genuinely sorry. Was having a bad day. I still remember the thread and what I said, sorry. My reasons for inactivity from a fishing perspective are now four years old and two years old. Fishing has taken a major back seat obviously, I married late in life and we had kids quick. Life has been a blurrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr. Anyhoo, we have rented a cottage for a week in Tiny ON (on Balm Beach) and I am really excited, because my son is showing interest in fishing. I know nothing of the area and honestly, I am asking for your sunfish and/or bluegill hotspots.Is there anywhere around there? The lady we are renting from is unsure, said there is a dock people fish from. Any info will be kept top secret. PM me if necessary. I thank you in advance. Cheers Doug.
  6. That is an old tale and not true. Birds will not reject an egg or baby bird because of a human touching it. If the bird started to follow, it is imprinting on the person. As a biologist, I would have taken it, but in general you are right Misfish. Leave all wild animals alone. Nature is a fickle beast. NIce fish Chris.
  7. We went through 2 sump pumps in 4 years, thankfully with no major floods. Our house is only 7 years old. Doesn't seem right. We ended up bringing in a plumbing company who did some thing in the pit (and I don't know what it was) and put in a certain make of sump pump (Edit, we had bought a pump and when they saw what we had they laughed and said no. Its not like the pump they put in was expensive compared to the one we bought). No problems since. That was 2 years ago. I can go down and see what make it is if you want. We have alot of standing water near our house.
  8. Its rugby sevens they are playing. Its very popular particularly in the South Pacific countries. No surprise Fiji won it. If you type in rugby sevens in wiki, it has a great page with all the history of it.
  9. I went out twice a few years ago in March from Miami Beach on party boats, and it really wasn't very good. I think I caught 3 fish in a total of 10 hours fishing and nothing caught on the boat was very big. Someone did catch a small shark, and we saw a 8 foot hammerhead very close to the boat on the surface, but the actual fishing was not great. On one trip we went out at midnight and I think that is when I caught the fish, the one during the day was rubbish. We did drive down to the keys, cannot remember where exactly, but a private charter came in with at least 20 mahi mahi. If you have time, what drifter said.
  10. Fantastic stuff. I lived in Vancouver for 4 years and never went fishing. Possibly one of the biggest mistakes I have ever made.
  11. I'm really sorry for your loss Wayne.
  12. Not that exotic Rich is acting like no-one ice fishes there. Confronted guys walking away with way over their limit. Being 6"3" and 300 lbs I can do that because no-one typically is dumb enough to mess with me. The secret species or 2 is not spectacular, just not well known about and can only be caught in certain areas which apparently Rich is lucky enough to hit in 4 hrs. They are not in there thick, just there. First fish I ever caught in there ice fishing was one of them. I wish I was a conservation officer in Ontario, like some people here seem to think they are. Its why I don't post here anymore. This site is full of wankers who think they are the law. Go ban me Roy, couldn't give a crap. They guy asked about ice fishing around London. I hope he contacts me and we can go fishing together. Thats the point. Opinions are like cuties. Cuties????? Seriously, thats the best you could come up with? Lets all be secretive and never fish anywhere that anyone else every could, like Dorchester. Good one Rich. I thought you were better than that. And I know where the pinks run. Maybe I'll let that out next.............................
  13. Yeah sure Rich, cause no-one ice fishes in Dorchester.
  14. Dorchester Mill Pond is OK. Pike, crappies, bluegills, pumpkinseed, usually fairly constant bite if you fish the deep runs. There is another species in there, but it is not widely known, so I ain't posting what. If you want to know, send me a pm. And no I don't mean bass I'll defo hit it at some point, so if you wanna go keep it in mind.
  15. Nice fish Chris. I picked up a nice silver hen in a huron trib monday morning. Water actually dropped in level while we were there. Need some serious amount of sustained rain.
  16. I've been out of Miami Beach and Clearwater many times. Pretty much any of the party boats are going to be good value ($50 or so for 4 hrs). Problem is they tend to catch lots of smaller fish cause they hit reefs etc. Still alot of fun. Just pick one and do it. They are all the same pretty much in my experience.
  17. Nice going Rich. I have only caught them once, in the English River on Vancouver Island. They hit spinners like crazy, I caught 10 in about 3 hrs. Like you said, not sure why people thought they had to snag em.
  18. Ate the snapper. Very tasty. Much to the wife's excitement, got the barracuda stuffed. Arrives in december. The whale sharks are plankton eaters. There were between 50-100 of them in the water where we were. They sort of leave you feeling abit insignificant. Most of them are about 20 feet long, the largest 40 feet.
  19. I recently went to down to Mexico to get married and wasn't going to miss an opportunity to do some fishing. My best man, dad and future dad in law hired a boat for 8 hours and headed out into the Caribbean sea to see what we could stir up. It was kind of rough to put it mildly and only Simon (best man) chummed the waters, but he did a damn good job of it. Neither of the dads had ever been fishing before, so I knew this was going to be fun. First we trolled the reefs looking for something to hit, and it wasn't long til we had a decent fish on. I was first up and even after pulling sheephead in on Erie on leadcore, I still wasn't prepared for this 20 minutes later, on comes a 60 inch barracuda After this we headed out into much deeper water searching for marlin. 3 hours go by, I was sleeping and bang, sailfish is on. So I made my dad grab the rod: 50 minutes later and we all had turns, the fish is boatside. The guys on the boat were trying to get us to kill it and none of us wanted to. I was last on the rod, so I let the line go slack and off it went. No pics, so you'll just have to take my word for it. Mid-afternoon we went back in towards the reefs and they were using some weird tactics. They would hook the line onto the downriggers, drop it down and snap it out. The bait only stayed down for a minute and they kept doing this. These were handcrank riggers, not much fun. Anyhoo, we started getting into a bunch of yellow tailed snappers: This one crapped all over me Mid way through catching about 10 of these guys, Simon was up and the guys on the boat starting shouting, we realized it wasn't a snapper: Another barracuda on the boat That was the last fish on board for the day. Had a great time, last time fishing as a single man. Took the opportunity to go swimming with the whale sharks the next day, I recommend this to anyone who has never done it. Simply amazing creatures to see. Cheers Doug.
  20. I never thought I would go through my pics looking for the smallest. This is pretty fun actually. Got this guy on the Maitland a couple of years ago. Crushed the roebag.
  21. Got this little goy on a mepps 4 in Colorado.
  22. Yeah alot of access was "lost" after the tornado. We went in over on the north side last year at the tressel, but its a shame because we had a great spot on the southside for steelies which we cannot get in at anymore. It would be nice if the town council would come out and clarify the exact position, ie, can they actually prevent access like you said. My understanding is that the town leased the road to the mine, but I could be wrong. The whole situation is bull as far as I am concerned. Last year we asked if we could walk down towards the mine next to the train tracks and they wouldn't let us. And if as I reread it that they are blocking on the southside of the mine, that is complete garbage. We spoke to a supervisor and he said the only bit that can be closed is where the gate is going up towards the grain silos, cause they own that bit. If the town is allowing all this fishing access to be blocked, its going to cost them in the long run, fisherman are a major source of income to the town for sure. Very short sighted.
  23. Very good stuff, sounds excellent. Saw them on the weekend, first time I have seen them with Jesse........
  24. Nice Brian, wish I could have gone.
  25. This year so far has been a bust for fishing, just have not had time to get out at all. Wedding in august, selling and buying houses and work just eat into your fishing time something terrible Yesterday we got the chance to get out fishing with H20 operator on Erie, not passing that up. Fantastic day on the water, bow was first in the cooler followed by the 2 smaller eyes. It went quiet for abit and just as we were going to pack it in, the three bigger eyes hit one after the other in the space of 10 minutes. Its was very hot, but great company, some good laughs and stories, the fish were just an added bonus. I am still amazed by the number of flies biting your legs to shreds when you are 10 miles out Next up - August 22nd marlin fishing in Cancun.
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