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Everything posted by Dutchy

  1. I would guess so too, but that is what the guy told me. I am sure there are other red flags on top of that. I have heard the same info from other people at airport check in before when the TSA was first brought online in the early 2000's. I always got searched and that was why. I am sure the frequency with which you cross the border also plays in to it as well.
  2. For everyones info, single male travelling alone is no 1 on their list. Race/ethnic background is "largely" irrelevant. This is because they are scared if they racially profile, terrorist groups will find people that don't fit the profile to do their deeds. I know this because I used to get dragged in all the time as well. I had one immigration officer who was quite chatty (And he was reading Ontario outdoors) and I simply asked why I was being pulled in all the time. Answer: Single male travelling alone. I'm sorry you had to go through it, I can totally relate, but if I moan about it, it won't change. Your approach works the best, suck it up and smile. :whistling:
  3. In north america, not a believer. Is it possible in the Himalayas and places like the Amazon? Yes I would say it is possible that large unidentified primates exist.
  4. Nice ride. I'm sure everything will work out. Those who persist succeed.
  5. Beautiful :clapping:
  6. I've caught bows and suckers in the same pool many times.
  7. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TNDJey8mIA0
  8. LOL Dr S. Maybe too close to the truth

  9. He's way to green behind the gills. If it wasn't for his dad, nobody would even be talking about him, he would be just another back bencher nobody. To me a conservative majority is very bad, but thats what it is. Time to go fishing.
  10. You think? In some pics she does look hot and then in others she looks, well, less hot. I cannot make up my mind if she's hot or not
  11. Had one for a while, never connected it to the web. Never saw the point.
  12. Canucks totally deserved it, but when they lost that late goal I did think here we go again. Great play by Burrows in OT, but really they should have closed the game out by the end of the second. No wonder Chicago let Niemi go when they knew Crawford was waiting in the wings. All I need now is my Pens to do the same tonight
  13. Looks like an autoclave to me. I didn't see sherriff's post before I posted. We have autoclaves at work.
  14. Don't count out Vancouver, well not until they are 4 goals down early in the second............
  15. Now Ryan, I hope you know what to do if you ever get that lure caught in a piece of wood
  16. I agree, hopefully the rains will give the fish that extra incentive to spawn and get the hell out of the rivers.
  17. Minnow bucket story lol, Mercer couldn't wait to tell that one again. walleye fishing featured pretty heavily in London.
  18. Good to meet some people again, Slowpoke we need to get after some musky this summer
  19. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d0dD59FYxJ4
  20. I'll get out at some point, even if it is mid next week. Lots of fish moving where I would normally go, hopefully some of them will still be around. Hell I don't mind catching the dropbacks
  21. We'll be there tonight. I want a red shimano hat.
  22. Nice fish, congrats
  23. Didn't see that coming, wow, stunned is the word. My condolences to his family.
  24. Ask your self how stable the unknown company is. I have seen lots of people move to unbelievable jobs with start-ups etc, only to be unemployed a year later. If they are offering you substantially more coin, ask closely why.
  25. Yes I agree completely. There is something very different about the Canucks this year, they never quit and have an unbelievable offense and defense. Did anyone see Kesler's goal against Calgary the other night, bloody hell, who can defend against that. I think they will have Chicago in 5 games. Its not much of a match up.
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