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Everything posted by Dondorfish

  1. I take it then Joey that you put in at queenston ramp? I live about 10 minutes from that ramp and have never used it. May give it a try on the weekend if I can get the boat ready on friday. Don
  2. Nice report Joey - looks like you guys had a great time. Did you stick to the lower river or did you go out to the lake at all? Don
  3. Mike - you deserve a fish, if for no other reason but your shear determination! Thanks for the report - it was nice seeing Montreal. Don
  4. Met up with Simcoebob on saturday when I went to pick up his trailer that he had for sale. What a great guy - had a great talk and now I can't wait for next winters hard water! Thanks Bob Look forward to meeting up with you when the hard water starts again. Don (Tracker)
  5. I have not fished Lake Ontario for trout / salmon in close to 20 years so any info would be greatly appreciated. I would like to get out on the Niagara side while I wait for the walleye season to open up up north. Can anyone tell me which is better this time of year - lures or spoons , and downrigging or planer boards? Thanks for any info you can share Don
  6. Make sure that the trailer is hooked up to the truck when trying the lights or you won't have proper ground and the lights won't work. A cheap auto electrical tester will check it out real easily - start at the plug on the truck and then, if all is good, hook the trailer to the truck and work your way back. Don
  7. I used to go to the French River every May 24 - but the fishing was less then great - give the Bay of Quinte a go - much better and alot warmer at that time of the year! Don
  8. Nope - says I am still a d@#khead - lol Don
  9. Was just on my way out to the boat to head out fishing, when I happened to turn around to see this: Within about 5 minutes the sky opened up with hail followed by some of the heaviest rain i've seen in a long long time. Glad I looked behind me Don
  10. Does the Dodges not have a hitch bumper ( good for like 3000 lbs. ) like my FORD had. It's all I ever used for the boat and the utility trailer - just add wire harness and ball and your good to go. Don
  11. Well - I know in the past that Megellan has gotten a bad rap on here, but I have had the Maridian Marine with the Trent - Severn waterway chip , for years with trouble free service. I wouldn't hesitate to reccomend it, or buy it again. Don
  12. I just put up a self serve sign - and raised the prices! Ya - I was deemed a jackass also! Don
  13. Only when I step on them! And Glen - you be nice - lol Don
  14. Hey Clifff - This report ( or one similar ) is released every year at this time. I wonder if they actually bother to check the ice or just release the report. Any responsible angler should always check the ice for themselves and understand that even in mid February deep freeze - NO ice is 100% safe. Don
  15. Just got emailed pictures of my buddies trip to the keys. Managed to get out on his dad's boat for a day of fishing - hope the pictures come through! Don Nice little nurse shark - and I think the smile tells it all:
  16. Wow !!!! Awsome Don
  17. Done - And what a great idea! Don
  18. I couldn't agree with you more - F150 all the way - I am sure that dodge has their uses - I just haven't found any yet! lol Don
  19. LOL - an oldie but a goodie! Don
  20. We'll be out in Alcona tomorrow and staying overnight to fish on sunday as well Don
  21. Good luck and don't forget the camera! Don
  22. Wayne - Never mind the photos from the plane - take your new boat over and show him how to make that jump - lol Very nice pictures by the way!! Don
  23. Thanks for the kind words guys. Next year it will be alot easier to spot with the OFC stickers and flag - so drop on by and say hello. That was it close to shore at Innisfill Park ( now moved out to the deeper water - 83 feet ). That was as far as we got with it before getting stuck - lol. The atv took it the rest of the way out! I will be adding better skis to it in the off season and plan to add the strips to the bottom of the runners ( Clampet ). It did take many many hours to complete, but I enjoy building things so it was fun ( most of the time! ). Hope some of you guys drop by if your out that way to say hello. P.S. - No T.V. - but i do have a portable dvd player that runs off the battery! And the microwave will have to wait till I get generator for it! - and yes - it's as heavy as it looks! Don
  24. Well - I wanted a sleeper hut on Simcoe ( I know - I know - only a couple of weeks left! ) so out came the tools. First was the base - 7 1/2 X 10 should be just about right: http://www.ofncommunity.com/forums/uploads...8_184_17810.jpg http://www.ofncommunity.com/forums/uploads...8_184_21802.jpg And now the finished project: http://www.ofncommunity.com/forums/uploads...08_184_5193.jpg And this is my setup: http://www.ofncommunity.com/forums/uploads...8_184_20071.jpg This is the interior - top bunk folds up for fishing: http://www.ofncommunity.com/forums/uploads...08_184_7235.jpg More interior: http://www.ofncommunity.com/forums/uploads...08_184_9112.jpg http://www.ofncommunity.com/forums/uploads...08_184_6993.jpg This is the view from the front door: http://www.ofncommunity.com/forums/uploads...8_184_21161.jpg Now - If I can just catch some fish! We put it out at the end of Innisfil Beach Rd. Started in 45 feet and then moved it to 83 feet Good fishin' all Don
  25. No contest in my opinion - listen to the 2 guy's above Don
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