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Everything posted by Dondorfish

  1. Hi all - hear the shoreline at gilford is starting to slush up. Does anyone know of any access that i can use to get my sleeper hut out on the bay? Finally got it completed and I really want to get it out there - even if its only for a few weeks! Don
  2. Haven't been down to the ramp - but most of this area is under 2 feet of snow! - Can't see it being accessable without some major hand work. The main roads are fine but the side streets are now starting to be plowed - don't think I would want to try the hill down to the launch! Sorry to rain ( well - snow! ) on your parade but its better to know the facts Don
  3. Thanks Wayne. I am finally gonna get the new hut out Saturday morning and I hope that there isen't much new snow - adds to the work. Don
  4. Hi - does anyone know if lake simcoe got hit with the latest snow storm? Last thing it needs is more snow on the ice. Don
  5. Hey Darcy - was the hut locked? I never lock mine and I leave nothing inside. They go in - see that there is nothing and move on to the huts with the locked doors - Must have something good inside if they lock em'. Don
  6. Thats why I keep my hut roasty toasty warm - not for me you understand, but so that the perch eyes don't freeze! Don
  7. Well good luck Mike and we'll be watching for your report - don't forget the camera! Don
  8. When out on the atv icefishing I keep mine on a strap around my neck and inside my floater suit. When I want to take a picture I just wait a few seconds for the lense to aclimatize to the cold air ( no moisture on lense ) - have had no problems at all and the batteries seem to last a lot longer to. Hope this helps Don
  9. I have one of the original Canon S1 and love it. When the time is right to upgrade - will go to the rebel series. Friends have the rebels and they are amazing. Don
  10. I think I really like the new one - I'll try it for a few days and see Nice job guys! Don
  11. Driftwood for me - happy to see it back! Look at all these new fangled boxes ( first post since the change ) Guess i'll have to learn it all over again Looks pretty spiffy thou Don
  12. Never heard tell of a float suit with a 5 year life span - is this true? I have friends with suits that gotta be pushing 20 years old now! Don
  13. No problem Nipissing - I put a call into my friend ( haven't seen him in a couple of years ) to see if there were any other good ones around. I left a message as he wasen't home. If I find out anything - I'll let ya know. Don
  14. Ya Steve - I believe that was it - to bad it seemed to have alot of stuff for rod building Sorry guys - tried to help Don
  15. Yup That worked - and thanks - now I am dizzy! Well - dizzier then normal! - LOL But your right - pretty cool Don
  16. years ago I went to a place in Hamilton to get rod parts. Thay carried rod blanks as well as all the other parts , as well as some high end stuff. I can't for the life of me remember the name of the place or where in Hamilton it was located - but my buddy swore by them as the best place to by rod parts - and he had made over 300 rods. I don't even know if the place is still in business but I will try to find out more info and post if I do. Don
  17. Didn't work for me either Dan Don
  18. Not a great picture of my mount - but you'll get the drift - works awsome - can be turned to be viewed at any position in the boat I consider it money well spent - and removes in a heartbeat. Don
  19. Nope Lew - Don't do it. When I am on the boat , my Fishstrike 2000 is never more then 8' 1 1/2 " from me ( 16' 3" boat ). With the setup in the picture there is still only 4 small screws holding it to the boat ( in the base ). They will just yank the whole unit right out of the boat, screws and all, and will figure out how to remove the locks later. If you leave the boat - take it with you - or someone else will! Don
  20. Great Job - wish mine had one! mind you - being from Niagara - I have had the plow for 2 years and have yet to even try it out! Great idea thou - thats usin' your noodle! Don
  21. That is sharp - any idea on the cost and what they weigh? Don
  22. Thanks Rick - some good advise ! Don
  23. Hey Rick - whats the best way to handle it if you get any? - My puter has been running funky the last few days. Don
  24. LOL - Mike - just for the record - I don't use a Jiffy. I have a Strikemaster - and it's been ready for 2 months now! lol Oh and by the way - really nice report - great photos but its to bad no fish - keep at it - you'll get em' yet! Don
  25. Nice batch or crappies there Glen - bet they're gonna taste real good! Thanks for the post Don
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