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Everything posted by Zubris21

  1. sunrise on the Cataraqui River
  2. Can't help you out, I don't live in that area anymore. Erin is a nice little town though, I worked at Calerin golf course a few years ago.
  3. I signed up for the tourney through the sign up post, but never heard if I was placed on a team. Was there a limit to the number of people? or did I miss something?
  4. I can understand people getting tired and frustrated when dealing with customers, especially when things out of their control are leading to customer frustration. To me customer service is not only how I'm treated by the individual behind the desk, but about the professional and consistent service provided by the company. I've heard all about the poor quality of trucks U-Haul owns and how they do not meet the same safety regulations because they are all licensed in Arizona. I wish I could avoid their company completely, but they kind of have a monopoly on the market. They are one of the few truck rental places that allow for one way trips. My biggest problem with U-Haul is that even if you reserve a truck, they only guarantee that one will be available in your 'region'. The thing is upon making your reservation they don't specify the boundaries of the region. The first time I used U-Haul was to move from Kingston to Guelph. I was told I could pick up my truck after 5pm the night before the move. My plan was to pick up the truck right at 5, get it all packed then hit the road early the next morning. Went into the store at 5pm to get the truck, they said o.k. no problem we have one for you, it's in Ottawa. OTTAWA thats a 3-4 hour round trip just to get the truck. In my opinion that is a completely unprofessional way to run a business. If someone makes a reservation the truck should be available at that same store, or at the very furthest within the city. Luckily that time I complained enough and ended up calling the head office because I was livid and they reimbursed me for the gas to go pick up the truck, but the experience has still turned me off of U-Haul for life.
  5. Customer service has gone down-hill! I moved from Windsor to Kingston today and had to get U-Haul. The girl working the counter was incredibly rude, and kept hanging up on the people that were calling. This is not the first bad experience with the U-Haul company and I would never recommend them to anyone! Avoid U-Haul at all costs!!!
  6. As a bass fisherman Im surprised you haven't already caught a pike. I typically fish L.M. Bass and Walleye and I would say 3/5 trips I'm out I get a pike in the mix as well.
  7. Its astonishing how many people ask when openers are... You can pick up a regs book at any tackle shop, Most Canadian Tires and wal-marts. Just find your zone and check the opening dates. Don't forget to look for your particular water body on the exceptions list because even within one particular zone regulations can be different. Heck many lakes and rivers have sanctuaries which are closed all year. In addition to the opening and closing dates make sure you are aware of the possession (number of fish you can keep) and slot limits (size of fish you can keep) because these can get you in just as much trouble as fishing out of season. Heres a link to the regs. its a good think to get familiar with http://www.mnr.gov.on.ca/en/Business/LetsF...L02_163615.html
  8. Can't help you with the fishing, but I'm jealous of your location. I worked at Camp Kitchikewana for a fall on Beausoleil Isl. and we launched out of Honey Harbour to get there. I'm actually pretty jealous of anyone who has a place anywhere in that area! It's just so beautiful around there.
  9. Well then its an eye for an eye, because I'm jealous of the plethora of fishing opportunities at your door step!
  10. You're going to hate me for this.... It's been 20+ and sunny for the past week here in Windsor.
  11. Im living in Windsor right now and made it over to a couple games. It's true they had trouble filling the seats at the beginning of the season, I got tickets to 3 games at $9 a seat to fix the problem. Seems like as I went the seats filled up and the radio shows are starting to talk about how the fan based turned around. I also recommend bringing a rod. The river truly is right there and there have been plenty of boats and shore anglers alike the past couple weeks. Im going to try to get out tomorrow or sat for one last fish before moving back home to kingston.
  12. Can you guys make 2 of them and send one over to me?
  13. I love using spinnerbaits, but I have a hard time paying for them. I like the strike king and booyah, but I find when your catching pike after pike on a good day, most spinner baits wont last terribly long. Thats why I try to pick up a handful of cheaper lures in various colours so I don't get too bent out of shape over ruining them. Sometmes CT will have some Charlie Tumbleweed spinners on for $.99, and thats usually when I'll grab the cheap ones. they run pretty true as well.
  14. Thanks for sharing, don't have a boat yet, but hopefully in a couple years/ plus I rent and borrow friends regularly enough. I'm going to try to jump on this offer if I can find the time in the next 2 weeks.
  15. In Windsor we're down to 1.18/L today. It was 1.28 last week at a few places.
  16. I do a lot of camping, but have yet to make it up to Algonquin. This report however gives me some added incentive. If I can I might head to Frontenac Park in the next couple weeks. They have a couple of small lakes that are (or at least were) stocked with Splake, but the lakes are very small and very deep and hard to get to, so I'm not sure what kind of presentation to use. Good luck on your trip this year!
  17. Whenever I use spinners it's typically because I'm bottom bouncing. I usually slide the open wire end of the bottom bouncer through the snap for the spinner, then I wrap the spinner around tightly and clip the hooks onto the weight. I know its not idea, but works for me and my rig is almost all ready for next time. Just have to put a big fat crawler on there.
  18. oh ya, the fish was 40 inches and about 16lbs, long and skinny, but pretty good for the St. Lawrence.
  19. My story is not of a fish that I caught, but one for my buddy. We headed out on the St. Lawrence bottom bouncing for walleye. Stopped at Timmys to grab some coffee before we hit the water. Wouldn't you know it his tackle box got lifted from the boat while we were inside (couldn't have been gone for more than 3 minutes). Hit the water anyways because I had enough tackle to cover everyone in the boat (it was crowded there were 4 of us). Anyways we got into the walleye pretty good. Caught about 20 between 3 of us. The other guy didn't get anything all day (the guy who lost his tackle box). We decided to have one last drift and we all reeled up in hopes the fish would hone in on his bait. Wouldn't you know it a small walleye hit, he reeled it about half way to the boat, then his line started to peel off the drag. We couldn't believe it. after a good 5 minute fight we got the walleye to the boat, along with this Monster Pike. The pike had hit the spinner on his worm harness just in front of the walleye, chomped down on the line and wouldn't let go. We managed to land the big pike without it even being hooked but unfortunately the walleye got away in the process of netting. We were all in such a good mood afterwards, we went to CT and bought a bunch of new tackle for him because we felt bad that he lost well over $200 worth that morning.
  20. The Chartreuse harnesses by jiggernaut. I probably catch 9/10 of my walleye on this rig when Im bottom bouncing. They can be hard to find, but its my go to!
  21. I typically don't use lures that are too big either. Just had a 1 ounce sinker on there to see if I could cast it at all. Thanks for the info!
  22. Here are a few pictures of the reel I can't operate... There are lots of controls on it, a couple seem to do the same thing too me (the magnetic control and the knob on the other side both seem to determine spool tightness) Like I said I just got it cleaned and in a week or so will be able to get it on a rod and give it a try... if anyone can give me any tips to help with this reel it would be great!
  23. I don't know if the casting is simpler... I have an old shimano beast master that I had in the basement for years. brought it out last year to give it a go and couldn't cast at all. I could have a 1oz sinker on the end of my line and I couldn't cast more than 20ft. However I just had it re-greased and cleaned so I'm hoping that will fix the problem. If anyone knows anything about this real/how it should be set up for optimal casting please let me know so I can add another toy to my arsenal!
  24. where do you drop it off? can you send it by mail somewhere? Haven't heard of this project.
  25. Kingston Harbor Largie....
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