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Everything posted by GBW

  1. My Mustang suit is.
  2. Glad you found it and it wasn't costly
  3. Fished there about 4 years ago and 6 or 7 guys in group in a few huts all skunked. We did get a sled ride out vs being told to walk...
  4. Wow man, great read and scary for me the way you wrote it. I have NO clue if what I would have done. Happy you are all okay! Cheers for staying calm to get out of it with the pup still by your side now.
  5. The Russians are falling like snowflakes! This is a sad display so far by them and the Ref's.
  6. What year was it?
  7. So, huzzsaba what did you do or are you doing? LoL
  8. Correct. Hence the line between after Crow lake
  9. Happy New Year all!
  10. I had the same one, pass only on a down hill with a tail wind! Otherwise great. I'm leaning the same way in the very near future. Just have to sell the house and get into my new place and my little Cruze (2017) will be gone. Yes the new Toyota's have problems too like all brands but I hear much less about them than the other brands for a full size truck.
  11. I had a brand spanking new Ford ranger 1996 that had it's starter motor fall out while getting it's 3rd oil change. Constant clutch problems too that Ford couldn't figure out and it blew a month after the warranty expired...
  12. As Joe said, alloy shrinks in the cold. Steel doesn't. I "assume" snows are on a second set of steel wheels for most as to why my replies have been the way they are.
  13. You need to see the whole tire (off the car with a good light) to ensure it's not a nail/screw. Trust me they can be small and lost the head and it's just the pointy body now causing the issue.
  14. Put some soapy water near and on the valve stem and take the dust cap off when doing so and look for bubbles. I see more leaks there when it's not a nail/screw in the tire in most cases.
  15. Thanks man!
  16. Nick, where was this rental? I think my Mrs would love a little place like that for a night or two. PM if you like
  17. These type of 'pads' is what I mean if you were wondering. https://www.google.com/search?q=kids+foam+pad+floor&rlz=1C1CHBF_enCA857CA857&oq=kids+foam+pad+floor&aqs=chrome..69i57.11399j0j8&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8
  18. I am a fan of "Polar Paws Heat" socks. Work great in my Baffin's or any other boot for that matter. Soft too. Just find any brand really at the CTC chain of stores that have "heat" in the socks type and you should be good. PS, a layer between your boots and the ice really helps keep your feet that much warmer even if it's $1-store foam pads.
  19. Some of it is digital media too so depending on the live feed will depend on what you see. BUT the World JR's is a Can/US thing most of the time for sponsors.
  20. We all have a stage Mr B that we go through of disconnect and then finally reconnect with our family (some not so lucky in that manner) and I am Happy for you that you are there; reconnect. NICE gift by the way! I hope you had a very Merry Christmas!
  21. I hope that you all have a Merry Christmas! Enjoy and be well.
  22. Sorry for your loss Chris. Pet's are family too!
  23. This guy? https://www.facebook.com/pg/gremlinscustombaits/posts/?ref=page_internal
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