Yes, it was a beauty fish.... no questions asked..
Two years ago I made the same mistake in a picture too and it really sucked because I didn't think to take a couple of shots, with the sign in, of the big assed bass that I caught.
There are many newbies on this and in the tournament that may not be fully aware of the sign details requirement.
In case any of THEM are reading this post,, here is is what tripped ME up two years ago:
" Qualifying fish:
Fish must be caught legally by angling methods only. No fish that appears to be caught illegally will be considered. Fish must be in season. Fish entered must comply with 'caught fish' regulations for the jurisdiction in which they are caught. Fish must be caught in waters of the the Province of Ontario (all of a body of water that lies at least partially within the boundaries of Ontario is considered Ontario waters; ie. all of Lake Erie is eligible). In the case of out of province members, fish must be caught in their home state or province or the waters previously outlined. Exceptions... no bass from California or Florida may be entered.
You must provide a clear image of the fish. It is recommended, but not necessary, to have a measuring device in the image. You MUST include in the image the words 'OFC 2011' or ' 2011'. You can write this down on anything you like, but it MUST be there. Do not enter fish without this requirement. The words OFC 2011 or 2011 must be part of the original image and not edited in."
Happy fishing.