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Everything posted by splashhopper

  1. Let's try to keep this post in the top 2-3 positions today until we hear from Wayne and how the surgery went today .... Here is one of my favourite sings about a daddy and a daughter <iframe width="560" height="349" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/vmC3rJR7E98" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
  2. May your daughter be graced by His strength through the surgeons hands. May He bless and comfort you and your wife's heart through all this. And may he carry Jenn's spirit in His hands during the procedure to comfort her and talk with her about her fears and anxiety of what tomorrow may bring for her. God bless Ron and family
  3. if he drives to London, I will take him out in my tinnie... Kinda like a "test drive" for him
  4. nobody caught any pretty fish
  5. amazing.... some of those clouds looked like tears from heaven
  6. looks like a fun day... thanks for posting it
  7. I caught a very unique ( to me ) looking brookie this past weekend and got to thinking that most of us here have caught a fish or two that we think is beautiful or unique in its own special way. Please post yours and give us a line or two as to why you think it is special to you. Thanks ........................................................................................................ Here is this past weekends brookie. Note the yellow stripe under its jaw.
  8. ((((( Terry )))))
  9. thanks for the pics....
  10. love the reports.... the tips are appreciated too
  11. Terry: I have a 12 ft tinnie that I bought for $300.... but u can have it for $600 !
  12. Feeel the pull. Then SET the hook hard.
  13. wtg Simon.... odaat
  14. i love night fishing.... I use top water lure.... u hear it,... then u feel it.... then u set it.... what a rush
  15. that sounds like the blue green algae that i am referring to in my thread on this stuff as well
  16. so if the fish are swimming in it... i shouldn't be touching the fish( if i catch one there)
  17. great fish happy ending
  18. reservoir..... old forest is under the back end .... flood control but the algae is all over the place. I am wondering if the algae is sucking the oxygen out and depriving the fish..
  19. 2 of the 3 farms surrounding this lake are old order mennonite. Forests surround the lake on all sides. No golf course for 20 miles or so away.
  20. the best kind of fishing
  21. thanks for a great adventure TJ..... now I can start saving my pennies...
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