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Everything posted by splashhopper

  1. the KING of BIG BASS is back..... keep those pics coming.... i love em
  2. great report aaron... keep em coming
  3. AWESOME !
  4. It sure is... and with the price of fuel lately, I can even go for dinner after !
  5. Thanks Richard... i should be up your way this weekend...
  6. excellent report..... we really need to get out fishing together this summer...
  7. AWESOME Pics..... u oughta look in to writing and shooting your own pics for some magazines yourself,,,, u have a natural talent .
  8. If ya want some company, I will dig out the sportspal too
  9. "Well I decided I can't go out for opener week and not have any pics for you folks so I was feeling a bit better and decided to head back out by myself, got out for a couple hours and got 8 more and lost a few no big ones or anything sepcial just some 15-16 inchers." Now that's a dedicated OFC'er. Great pic of the little one driving the boat too.
  10. congrats on the new PB..... that shallow runner gives me ideas..... hmmmm ... lol
  11. sounds like it was a blast....
  12. Opening week finally arrived. I have been dreaming about bass smashing my topwater lures for a few weeks now. My plans for heading north got waylayed at the last minute and I was just a little bummed out. But after reading another report here this week on Urban fishing I adjusted my attitude and went with what I could do. Sleep was almost non-existent Friday night until about 5 am sat when I finally fell asleep " for just a few more minutes".... Yeah right... 7 am... shiiite.... I am LATE Jumped in the truck and wouldn't ya know it... a LINE UP @ TIMMIES on a Saturday morning Relax ron.... relaaax,.. the fish will still be there... lol I went to "my local " honeyhole and tied on the ScumFrog( black). Five minutes later and KERSPLASH,.... he missed it.. Who cares.... I saw it.... my blood was pumping..... A few minutes later.... another one goes for my black frog..... This time i was TOO EXCITED and didn't wait to FEEL the fish... Winter rust in the topwater technique Moving on to another access spot.... i toss that frog back out to some lilypads.... KRUNNNCH..... MISSED again The good news is that I think I have the right colour frog on.... on cloudy days at this reservoir I always use black. I decided to walk a ways and try another spot that has produced for me consistently. On the way to that spot I have to walk across a long boardwalk....Just for the helluvit I stopped and tossed the frog in to six inches of water near a log that was justting out from some bushes at waters edge... Just as the frog came down on the near side of the log.... KRRUNCH.... I wait... one thousand, twothousand.... SET THE HOOK.. FISH ON !..... I get it on deck.... I AM NOT SKUNKED for the opener... It wasn't my biggest Largie by any stretch at this location.... who cares... I am not skunked.. It's amazing how much the fishing seems to get better when the pressure of that first fish is off my back. Here are a few more from the topwater opener: That frog took a beating : And this one felt a LOT BIGGER that it was.... no wonder... i pulled its body weight in weeds in with it And here was the largest for the weekend.... the pic doesn't do it justice... it was a real fattie... I really need to figure out how to make my arms longer when using my blackberry for pictures: Thank goodness I read that other URBAN FISHING report this week
  13. very nice.... is that the river at your trailer or the one 15 minutes north ?
  14. wtg paul.....
  15. Beauty fish
  16. That looks photoshoped. agreed
  17. that video just re-arranged a bad day for me.... way to go Jack.. U Da MAN ! Thanks for posting this.
  18. oh, i DO know how you feel... just wish it was an option for me somedays now too
  19. 10 minutes from home
  20. GREAT report.... thank you for taking the time to share your trip with us.
  21. very nice mercman
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