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Everything posted by anders

  1. Last night was a good one too...fast paced...few whistles. Fleury's breakaway save on Cleary at the end of the third was stellar
  2. Malkin looked sloppy, yes, but Hossa has been skating with a yellow streak behind him for a while now...almost pathetic! If Detroit plays like this in 7, they are done! You cant win a hockey game in the finals when you play the last period. 12 shots by the end of the 2nd for Detroit...thats dominance for ya!!!
  3. .................................
  4. We always have this discussion but always come up with split endings. You choice, Scott Stevens or Nik Lidstrom...no body else, betweent the two, who would you want to lead your team for a long playoff haul. Playoffs, not regular season..disregard regular season statistics and awards...its the playoffs when the real warriors come to play. As of right now, they are tied in Playoff points, but Lidstrom got there faster Lidstrom has 4 cups to Stevens 3 (that will likely change) Both have Conn Smthy trophies My pick is Stevens...he striked fear in opponents, played pk and pp and could change the game or series with a hit. Who would you choose.
  5. Loosen the knob just above the drag. Should help what lookifforwalleye said. Shouldnt have to take it apart
  6. Lots of gutless things go on during a game that the viewer doesnt see, the camera just happened to catch that one...if it was reveresed, you probably wouldnt see it as gutless...just a feeble and weak attempt to gain the puck
  7. Like i said previously...the return of Draper and Pavel would make a huge difference...but man...5-0....expecting the Pittsburgh to show up not Wilkes Barre The slash wasnt that bad...its being overblown...seen much worse....its the playoffs, not womens hockey.....The wings arent even make a deal out of it, just the media.
  8. anders

    I'm a dad!

    Congrats Lucas! Thats great news! But you should already have a GLoomis hat on him! Julia sends her best to Daneen(sp) as well.
  9. For the use that its going to be put through...why not. As long as care is taken while transporting and storage, the combo should last a very long time for the price.
  10. Wow that is simply amazing. How much would you charge to do that? Curious, cause up here people are always wondering what to do with the racks they get.
  11. Have to agree with that statement...poster boy for the NHL, so of course they are going to sell his stock...it will be criminal if he wins the Conn Smythe if the Pens win.
  12. Flashbacks of last year when Radulov knocked out Arnott in the first round....this one could have been ugly. Oh...and for the game....Detroit really dominated that one They look tired...hopefully its a better appearance by the wings in game 5 Nevemind seen Stamkos......seen Stoty....pretty hush this morning.
  13. Chuck Norris is afraid of Dave Mercer
  14. If you have five dollars and Chuck Norris has five dollars, Chuck Norris has more money than you. There is no 'ctrl' button on Chuck Norris's computer. Chuck Norris is always in control. Apple pays Chuck Norris 99 cents every time he listens to a song. Chuck Norris can sneeze with his eyes open. Chuck Norris can eat just one Lay's potato chip. Chuck Norris is suing Myspace for taking the name of what he calls everything around you. Chuck Norris destroyed the periodic table, because he only recognizes the element of surprise. Chuck Norris can kill two stones with one bird. Chuck Norris CAN believe it's not butter.
  15. Im on the fence so its merely the sport in which i watch, not who wins, that said with Draper back in and good possibility that Pavel (How do you spell his last name) is in as well gives the Wings a distinct advantage...now that Zetterberg doesnt have to do all the dirty work, it can be spread around to those 3. If they are back in the lineup, i can see wings winnng this one. If there not......
  16. Congrats on the 25000 general discussion topics....here's to 25,000 more! Cheers
  17. We are all pretty quick to judge, but does anyone actually now if they have to purchase a license at all? Not trying to stir the pot, but this could be a pointless discussion if they did have to purchase it. Like i said....just a question. They do make yummy sausages!!!
  18. Awwwww Raf.....that looked good for the smoker!!!! Solid fish man!!
  19. Wow....i cant believe how this one turned out........or maybe i can........ I Love this place!!!!!!!
  20. I throw montreal steak spice in with original fish crisp....tastes awsome. Cant go wrong with pepper either Welcome to the board!
  21. They do have depth, but i do think boston could match that depth with there 4 line. They just ran into a hot goaltender.
  22. Ok...lets take a couple of deep breaths here...nobody's hating....everyone is congratulating the guys for a remarkable catch. Everyone on this board has there own ideals and moral, etc. on catch and release, and keepin....thats what makes this board great....and leave P3ta out of it...i really dislike that word.
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