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fishing n autograph

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Everything posted by fishing n autograph

  1. Let me know what day is good for you local guys.... Dave
  2. nothin's gonna change. If i have to commute to work and fill up every other trip to work (ie 2 fill ups in 4 days) I can go fishin too!
  3. chuck norris once punched a man in his soul
  4. yup, a friend of mine was stepping out of his cruiser on a traffic stop and was rear ended....he was off work for 2 years
  5. To put it bluntly there are a lot of laws that people aren't aware of....from a 12 hr license suspension for blowing b/n 0.05 and 0.079.... It is also illegal to turn right on a red light when there is green arrow indicating advanced left turn.... not signing your ownership in ink is a $110 fine.... Keep in mind more police officers are killed by rubberneckers running them over during routine traffic stops...it's scarey how many time's i've jumped out of the way
  6. For coffee right????? I don't do donuts
  7. When would be a good time for everyone? weekend? weekday?
  8. We could do something like Kelsey's on Fairway...Filthy McNasty's on Erb....Huether....something local
  9. it's Ralph Intranuovo....put it this way....since he is considered a low end player you won't see more than $50-60 for it. honestly i would expect it to go less than that.
  10. My meters buried under 3 feet of snow, is that gonna cause carbon monoxide poisoning?
  11. Hey all, I noticed that there are a lot more guys on the board here from the Kitchener Waterloo area. I'm just wondering who would be interested in a get together? Let me know if there's anyone interested? Dave
  12. Going to bed after a long night shift and digging out the plowed in entrance to my drive way...... Nite Nite
  13. WTG Chris... nice to hear someone's actually sticking to one job!!!! Dave (the guy you taught to flycast lol)
  14. Yeah, i was in complete shock! I didn't even remember to ask him to incribe it "92 + 93 World Champs" oh well...still an incredible moment
  15. Hey Guys, Any flyfishers know how to tie an egg cluster pattern? I've googled it, and i've tried a bunch of on-line tying sources and nothing...I even asked the guy at BPS's White River Fly Shop and he acted like I asked how do i fish with dynamite lol..... Anyway, Lemme know, Dave
  16. Hey Guys, As a lot of you know i'm a huge baseball fan and an autograph hound. So, today was a family day out and before we headed to BPS, we stopped by Frozen Pond in Vaughan to meet Joe Carter. The wait was worth it because when I brought my daughter up to have a picture taking with the World Series hero, he was playing with her and making her laugh....it was funny...he looked at her, and she reached out and grabbed his face!!! Here's some pics.... Waiting at the back of the line..... And playing with Joe Could a father be more proud lol...her first autograph!
  17. I have to say I wasn't too impressed with BPS. The deals weren't that good......i figured that with their size they could give us better prices so next time i'll save the gas and go to a local shop...or shop online
  18. I'm headin to Vaughan to a Joe Carter autograph signin then i'm takin my two ladies to Vaughan Mills Mall....
  19. wow....i usually get skunked most years....maybe this year'll be different because i've upped my coffee intake to about 3-4 cups a day
  20. Heading up there tomorrow, anyone else goin?
  21. only way to fish for brookies is with a predator mouse on a fly rod!!!!
  22. No, i don't think that my mail carrier is stealing my mail HOWEVER....I have a problem with my mail man who has routinely DESTROYED anything that comes in a large envelope. I've had a least 2 dozen autographed 8x10 photos bent in half because they routinely disregard DO NOT BEND on the package.
  23. Drink a TON of water!
  24. Hello All, I know there was a topic on here recently regarding HD TV's. Best Buy has a good sale on for a 37" Sony Bravia....$999.99..... Anyway, is this a good TV, or is this the HD TV that has a line through the screen? Thanks, Dave
  25. yeah, the dam is there to control the flood plain below the lake after the spring thaw....there's a good article on that part of the river in the Canadian Fly Fisher Mag.....plus the water is used as part of the water supple further down the river
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