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fishing n autograph

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Everything posted by fishing n autograph

  1. hey i got one of those one year, but it's a baseball stadium
  2. sorry to hear of your loss gary, my deepest sympathies
  3. We are far from being above scrutiny......we are watched closer than anyone and often treated worse than criminals.....people choose to hate us based on the uniform we wear and some will be happy to kill us based on that fact. Not based on who we are as a person, but for the uniform we wear. But who are the ones they call when they need help? Yes, some of us make bad decisions and i'm not defending the O.Dot whatsoever because most of them are too intense....hell they give other coppers tickets including my deputy chief lol....hell they'd give Julian Fantino, their commish a ticket. But our job is like everyone elses, people make mistakes and sometimes they drive like idiots, but unlike your job, not everyone is watching everything you do. And when you make a mistake, it's not in every newspaper in ontario. Oh and BTW, SIU are relentless. They investigate you even when you're not involved in an incident. I have been investigated just for being in the police station when something happened. Yes it's necessary because we need to be accountable, but sometimes they are absolutely brutal which is why we need a lawyer present whenever they talk to us.
  4. Definitely not going to touch this one....obivously there is more to the story!
  5. just remember not to judge us all by the actions of few.......O Dots are a different breed and as for the section of the HTA, new it at police college but that went out the door when i hit the road lol.....
  6. i was kidding, we have to stop
  7. "I believe he should be accountable and be punished the same as all of us, if something serious had happened. Obviously he can't be charged with dangerous driving because the Law permits him to do so in the "line of his duties" . yes he would be if something serious had happened, and it was his fault on top of that, he would be charged under the Police Services Act and would probably lose a rank and up to as much as 150 hours of pay all of his vacation, not including his sick time......and in some cases where a life was lost in a collision there have been times were the officer had been so grief striken and guilty and committed suicide
  8. To answer your question is this legal? Yes it is. The Highway Traffic Act allows us to drive like that in the course of our duties. However, keep in mind that in some situations driving fast w/o lights and sirens is necessary. Nothing tells a bad guy to run faster when he hears sirens in the distance. What the HTA does say is that we have to stop at all stop signs and red lights with lights on. It doesn't say what kind of stop though hehe As well, always remember that no one who drives in the GTA pays attention to whats behind them and they very rarely hear sirens. I've gone to emergency calls and was stuck behind a driver with blinders for 4-5kms with lights and the most annoying siren i had and they still wouldn't move. I can't vouch for the copper that was driving like that, but there may or may not have been a reason. The job's tough and everyone is a critic until they need help and then they are our best friends
  9. A transfer to Waterloo Region Canon Rebel Ti 14ft aluminum deep and wide Dodge Ram 4x4 or Chev Silverado
  10. glad to see you made it home.....i was almost in a pretty bad accident on the 401 on the way home....was run off the road by a pick up
  11. Not much wildlife other than rabbits and skunks and the common birds like cardinals, jays near my old place, but since i've moved, i haven't really seen anything yet, but I live near a conservation area so i'm hoping something comes along. Heck, i see more wildlife in Markham than I do here in Kitchener. Like London, KW has released falcons in out area, but I haven't seen any yet... Hey where's muskiestudd...he'd sure have stories out in Sutton
  12. So......haven't been fly fishing in a while...probably since last year, but I wanted to start getting ready for the spring...so I started tying flies and when I went to grab my fly boxes I noticed one was missing...well, the box had probaby 50+ streamers - buggers, egg sucking leach and other minnow patterns!!! All that work gone! Oh well!
  13. I live in Kitchener....looking for a fishing partner who's got a boat lol...I wanna learn as much as I can about boating before I convince my significant other to let me buy one!
  14. it's a green heron.....
  15. 11/20....ha, half those fish i have never seen before
  16. sorry for being unclear guys. It's not mold, they're scuff marks from literally touching the walls lol...moving furnature, and now i'm noticing that if my leather jacket touches the wall it'll leave scuff marks
  17. well, most of the good trout spots on the grand are protected so you'll have to make your lures barbless. Grab lots of spinners and you're set. As for gear, get a medium action to medium-light action and a spinning reel and you're set. I'd go with 4-6 pound test..... Oh, be careful it's quite rocky where the trout play on the grand!
  18. is that good for matte paint? I know it works for glossy paint
  19. Hey Guys, I'm a first time home buyer and I have never had drywall....got tons of black marks etc on the walls, other than painting, how do I get rid of them? Any suggestions?
  20. I'm still waiting to light up the Romeo y Juilietta Churchill my parents bought me.....but i usually have Cohiba or Don Tomas...i've tried some random ones I've recently found Guantanamera which is a new Cuban brand..not bad.
  21. When my daughter lets me lol!!!
  22. Hey All, Just wondering who are our cigar smokers on here???? Fav. Brand? and if you say colts i'll chuck a snow ball at ya lol!
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