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fishing n autograph

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Everything posted by fishing n autograph

  1. if you already have your card it's $23
  2. on newer vehicles the brake and indicator lights are separate
  3. So...after a while i've found out some things that people didn't know about the rules of the road.....so i'll shed some light so guys on here don't get dinged.... 1. If you are turning left and the light turns red ONLY ONE vehicle can complete their turn.....i usually see 2-4 people run it.... 2. Your permit HAS to be signed in ink 3. You have to have a real insurance card in your vehicle, not a photocopy. Your permit can be copied, but you must have both sides photo copied 4. You cannot make a U-turn: 150m from a hill, dike, bridge, where there's a sign that say no U turn, or where there's a curve in the road 5. You windows cannot be tinted so dark that the driver cannot be seen 6. you have to have both headlights working, identification light (licence plate light) has to be working), but you only need one working break light 7. You have to come to a complete stop at all stop signs and red lights...rolling stops are not stops 8. Amber light means slow down and prepare to stop. Technically running the amber light and going through yields the same penalty as running a red light. 9. When turning left, you must yield the right of way...especially when the light is amber and people running the yellow...if you get into an accident you're at fault. 10. When consuming alcohol the legal limit is .080, however, any reading between .05 and .079 will result in a 12 hour licence suspension. 11. If you have your G2 licence you cannot have any alcohol in your system, drive after midnight with people in the car who are not family or over 18 and drive on 400 series highways 12. Your validation sticker has to fixed to the upper right corner of the rear licence plate - for cars 13. Having a loud stereo, squeeling your tires or having a loud muffler is considered excessive noise and can result in a ticket 14. I recommed not having your dog in the front seat of your car...if it's on the lap of the driver its considered crowding the driver 15. All occupants of your vehicle has to be wearing their seatbelt UNLESS you're a cab driver with a fare, you're reversing, ambulance with a patient, police officer with a prisoner or have a note from your doctor saying that you cannot wear your seat belt for medical reasons 16. Driving with a suspended licence or disqualified licence will get your car towed. 17. Bet you didn't know this...... you can drive ANYWHERE on the road if there is no other traffic on the road 18. Bet you didnt' know this....... if you do not affect other drivers...ie see 17..... you don't have to signal 19. all loads in your pick up truck must be tied down and secured 20. 3Km/hr is a $12 fine lol
  4. thanks for your support guys....it's been a rough day....hard to work when you're head's not in the game
  5. Hey guys, I got some real bad news today when I got home from work. My father, who has been battling a form of skin cancer for the last few months has taken a turn for the worst. He saw his surgeon for the third or forth time today and the surgeon basically told him that there was nothing more he could do because the cancer in his forehead had been spreading too fast and that it was a rare form...a more elusive and evasive form. The doctor basically said to my father that he needs chemotherapy asap to survive. Even if he gets the chemo, he only has about a 50% chance to live. He was advised to go to Toronto to see a specialist (we think he's at Princess Margaret). The problem is, is that this doctor is the only doctor in Canada that can deal with this. My father had a biopsy about 4 years ago that came back negative, but his surgeon today basically told him that the result were Bull and that he has had this for a lot longer. We're not sure how far this has spread. I had a long conversation with my mother tonight. She had her ups and downs, but for the most part she feels cheated. Over the last few years my father had lost 85lbs and in that time, my father seemed to lose all of his heart troubles and was more healthy than he ever had, so naturally my mother was thinking that she wouldn't lose her husband to a heart attack at an early age. Now, he has cancer.... Need your thoughts guys, i'm having a pretty good break down right about now with different stressers that are happening. Dave
  6. i fish bronte all the time, although i don't live in Oakville
  7. Hey guys, I got a lot of time off coming up, just wondering when pike open back up on the lake, thanks, dave oh, btw, is opener this weekend?
  8. Hey guys, gotta question for you....i punctured a hole in my A/C hose...took my car to the mechanic for an estimate, he said the part from nissan is $218, but wants to charge me $360.... am i being ripped off?
  9. your's too?? i thought mine was the only one!
  10. Hey guys, It'll be my first time out this season....i needed to get out and get some air. Gonna be a nice day tomorrow, hopefully I can find some chrome.... Anyone wanna join me? I'm hittin' Erindale Park....will be there at sun up.... Dave
  11. very nice fish WTG
  12. wow...talk about Karma....I placed a few Gerrittesque remarks on this thread...and what did I have to do last night?????????? I had to put poor bambi down with a shotgun after she got hit by a car. Then, after I was done with that accident...bambi's friend runs out on the road from the other direction and gets hit by a car. Luckily this one ran off....
  13. it is....but we're told to use the shotgun instead...harder to miss i guess
  14. For fishing the grand you need to DOWNSIZE BIGTIME.....16 is the largest you should go....18-24 is basically the best sizes to use when it comes to nymphs and dries.
  15. perhaps it was closed due to dangerous water conditions? they do that up here all the time.
  16. the result of an incestuous relationship...oh wait u said utah not arkansas
  17. well, we've got the place we're stay....it's a small b+b in Old Montreal...looks really nice and has rave reviews...it's a block from Ste Catherine's....so we'll be hanging out down there. My wife has spent time down there but I haven't....closest i've been to Montreal was Ottawa....
  18. Just for 3 days...11th-13th...we're driving up early on the 11th...bout 5.5-6 hours from where we are....
  19. Yup we're already going to st josephs....gonna go pray for a miracle...no not the Leafs winning the cup...i just want my old wife back lol
  20. Hey Guys, The wife and I are heading to Montreal next week for a little getaway. I'm just wondering about things to do, sightseeing wise. Any suggestions? Thanks, Dave
  21. skunky beer...good food...cute waitresses...lots of Whopper stories lol...nuff said!
  22. i was addicted...first time I got on it I dropped $800 on autographs
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