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fishing n autograph

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Everything posted by fishing n autograph

  1. i'm sure you're car will be found in a parking lot of a local mall....usually that's where i find 'em...
  2. don't worry, i'll be fishin all over the grand this year anyway...love some of the ponds up this way
  3. Don't worry, i wouldn't eat anything from calidonia to fergus lol...gross....why don't i just lick the handrails at Union Station....lol
  4. a new feature with some new cell phone technology is the locator.....my c phone...even w/ half a bar or no signal will be able to tell bell where i am or where the last place i received a signal
  5. isn't that the pot calling the kettle black lol......raw sewage....lol....Gerrit you're from the Hammer, you should know all about sewage in the water....
  6. nope, milne dam isn't open.....but last summer i usually have my lunch in the parking lot off of Princess st x markham rd....just south of 7 and i'd watch people come and go w/ fly rods...they'd usually stop and share the pics on their cameras....
  7. Sorry to hear about your car.... It's 99% a student who's looking for a joy ride....the grand-am isn't a car that is high demand or bound for Russia....if it were a Benz or Bentley i'd think twice lol
  8. The second most polluted river in Ontario has a good run of Steelhead....further up into the Markham area it has a lot of browns
  9. All my fishing gear is right handed, for some reason I could not use my left....oh well
  10. you know, they say that the Irish invented civilization....but they had a couple of guinness and forgot where they put it!
  11. Instead of going down there I ordered online...picked up 21 different lures/baits for $74US including shipping which was a pain because BPS online charges $16 shipping...yikes...oh well....
  12. look for easy structure like beaver dams....
  13. Hey all, Since I have Monday off I thought I would go wet a line and look for some chrome...only question is...where should I go? Anyone have any suggestions? I was thinkin Erindale Park on the Credit but I wasn't sure if it was still open. One more thing, can you renew your fishin license at CTC? Or do I have to hit a Tackle Shop? Thanks, Dave
  14. i'd still give'em a ticket
  15. 4 lbs Berkley Vanish
  16. well said stoty....i look for the shows i wanna watch...too bad the new fly fisher isn't on enough!
  17. See we're not all bad But seriously, monitor yourself, whiplash and other soft tissue injuries as a result of traffic collisions (not accidents...that implies there is no fault) set in 24-48 hours after the fact.... Glad you're okay though, it's pretty dangerous when people run red lights.....
  18. if you wanna pay for culligan...lol....but i'm looking as well, there are plenty of quality companies in our area that sell/rent water softners.
  19. Hey do you work at the Novopharm in Stouffville????? Glad to meet ya by the way!
  20. Alright gentleman, I've set the date. The KW Get Together/Swiss or male bonding ritual...whatever you wanna call it will be: When: Wednesday April 2nd at 7:00 PM Where: Filthy McNastys on the corner of Erb and Westmount Why: It's nice to meet local guys..perhaps make some plans for fishin' Who: Anyone can come How: Walk, ride, drive, jump, pogo stick whatever it takes to get there! Let me know who's coming or the general number of guys so that I can make a reservation! See you then, Dave
  21. is no one planning on coming lol
  22. how about Rondeau or Long Point where they can fish off the pier?
  23. which ever date is the 18th lol
  24. That's how ya got your name crazyhook!!!! Where's ur white bucket lol!!!
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