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fishing n autograph

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Everything posted by fishing n autograph

  1. I have to give the Fire Fighters credit for what they do.....although we don't alway get along, i have the utmost respect for them, and we make each other's jobs a lil' easier.....
  2. Hey Guys, Just had a few things to say, i won't take long lol..... Last night, as bad as the weather was, i braved the 100km drive to work. It was a long night as we were only answering emergency calls, so all the barking dogs and parking complaints had to wait. Anyway, one thing that happened repeatedly last night was people collapsing while shovelling snow. Please, if you have a heart condition, or aren't feeling well and get dizzy while your shovelling the white stuff, please stop, don't do it. Give $10 to one of your neighbourhood kids to shovel your snow. We had 3 middle aged men die in snow banks from heart attacks last night and i pray that nothing like that happens to anyone on this board. Be Safe. Second..... I normally try to do something good for someone every shift. I believe in Karma and sometimes doing something good for someone else makes a person feel good. Last night, I was able to catch my first drunk driver. Took a while and worked my tail off to find one in the last year. I was proud of myself for making the roads a little safer last night. Although it wasn't much, i did my part. Please don't drink and drive. If you've only had a few, that's a few too many. There are a lot of people out there who dn't know their limit and don't know when they're not in any shape to drive. So over the coming holiday season, if you're gonna drink, don't drive. Get a cab, walk home or god forbid, give your wife the keys lol..... Take care, have a safe holiday Dave
  3. Hehehe....and once the baby comes, and it's fishin season, the little miss with veto you going fishin! don't believe me? I used to fish a lot before we had our daughter and after Izzy was born I went out once!
  4. spoke to a co-worker who's from the area and has parents living on the lake. He said there is about an inch of ice but the locals are crazy enough to fish and drive on it.....he recommends waiting!
  5. Hey Guys, Quick question that just crossed my mind... I'm just wondering, can you actually use dry fly hooks for nymphs or is that taboo? lol Thanks for your help, Dave
  6. nope not starting out....just looking for other sources, thanks though
  7. Hey Guys, I'm looking for a decent website for fly tying patterns. I normally go on flyanglersonline.com. Does anyone know and others that have good step by step instructions? Thanks, Dave
  8. great, nothing like a snowstorm and a night shift....lol...another 2+ hour drive home!
  9. Hey Snag, was thinking the same thing when I went down to Punta Cana 2 years ago. I did some research and found out that the DR isn't the place to go fishing. Apparantly the guiding services aren't the greatest and neither is the fishing. The place to fish is Cuba. The DR is not the safest place, but when I walked the beach there were a lot of locals fishing in the water... Hope this helps
  10. you'll notice that the true heroes of the game are not on that list....Ripken, Gwynn, Yount, Boggs, Ryan etc....i always had a suspicion with Clemens...hardly ever hurt until his 42nd bday when they started steroid testing
  11. Here's the full list of players: Manny Alexander Chad Allen Rick Ankiel David Bell Mike Bell Marvin Benard Gary Bennett, JR Larry Bigbie Barry Bonds Ricky Bones Kevin Brown Paul Byrd Ken Caminiti Jose Canseco Mark Carreon Jason Christiansen Howie Clark Roger Clemens (In the report he is said to be injected, not the direct purchase of steroids like others named in the report) Paxton Crawford Jack Cust Brendan Donnelly Chris Donnels Lenny Dykstra Bobby Estallela Matt Franco Ryan Franklin Eric Gagne (A lot of inside information in the Red Sox dealings in acquiring Gagne) Jason Giambi Jeremy Giambi Jay Gibbons Troy Glaus Juan Gonzalez Jason Grimsley Jose Guillen Jerry Hairston, JR. Matt Herges Phil Hiatt Glenallen Hill Darren Holmes Todd Hundley David Justice Chuck Knoblauch Tim Laker Mike Lansing Paul LoDuca Exavier "Nook" Logan Josias Manzanillo Gary Matthews JR Cody McKay Kent Mercker Bart Miadich Hal Morris Daniel Naulty Denny Neagle Jim Parque Andy Pettite (In the report he is said to be injected, not the direct purchase of steroids like others named in the report) Adam Piatt Todd Pratt Stephen Randolph Adam Riggs Armando Rios Brian Roberts John Rocker F.P. Santangelo Benito Santiago Scott Schoeneweis David Segui Gary Sheffield Mike Stanton Miguel Tejada Ismael Valdez Mo Vaughn Randy Velarde Ron Villone Fernando Vina Rondell White Jeff Williams Matt Williams Todd Williams Steve Woodard Kevin Young Gregg Zaun Albert Pujols Pudge Rodriguez
  12. My thoughts exactly.... As good as people think these criminals have it in prison....really it's misunderstood....there is no cushy prison and where Pickton is going, it ain't gonna be fun....he'll get shanked one way or the other
  13. Okay...bear with me lol, I moved into my house mid-June and received a visitor from the Ontario Energy Corp. Anyway, they asked to see my hydro bill and gave me their shpiel about protecting consumers from rising energy rates. So they gave me this form to sign which said nothing about rates or costs etc. Just that the person came to speak with me. So a few hours later I get a phone call from the same person asking me to verify whether that person spoke with me. SO I verified it....Then in October I get a frantic call from my wife saying that there is a pushy person that keeps coming to the door and demanding to see our hydro bill...which she refuses and threatens to call the police.... Today I get a bill from my Hydro provider which is almost doubled what I normally pay and i start freaking about the amount of energy that we've used. i compare this to my last months bill and the consumption difference is like 0.002 kilowatts. Anyway, we call the provider stating that there was a problem with our bill and they said that the costs reflect the rates of the Ontario Energy Corp and that we should take it up with them. My wife informs the customer service person that we didn't sign up with them. We were informed that we did..... So we called OEC and asked why we were signed up when we never signed a thing....They claimed that we signed a five year contract and that they had my voice recorded confirming that we agreed to their service. So My wife loses it on whoever she was talking to...in fact she informed the good customer service rep that we were harrassed by one of their representatives and she got so worked up at the fact that we were scammed into this....wow...she actually was crying....so the jackass on the phone says that it's a fixed rate and we basically were paying $235 a month for our usage for the next 5 years...which is a crock because our usage hasn't gone over $140 a month and that was with an air conditioner going! So to make a long story short, we got out of the "contract" and owe them 2 payments of $235.....based on this billing period and the next... What a rip...don't get scammed by these con-artists
  14. Hey Guido, How do you tie the weed guard? What do you use?
  15. Sounds like an easy trip! The hard part would be convincing my wife to let me go!
  16. does it matter what u use for a tail?? i used leather cord (looks like a thin shoe lace) for my tails b/c it was all i could find.... what did u use for the weed guard???
  17. Hahaha....yes...i've only had 2 donuts since i've started and a couple of timbits but that's it, i've had McDonalds once in the last 8 months but that was because i missed dinner and McD's is the only place open at 3 AM..... It's more like "I've just worked 12 hours, commuted 2 round trip and i'm too tired to work out" lol....and with a baby it's more like i'm too busy..... But i've gotta start somewhere and cutting down my calories and the portion size will help! Thanks for the support guys!
  18. i'm only 5'8, but i'm getting to be 5'8 wide too lol......it's just the lifestyle that i have to change, i don't eat junk food very often, but my portions when i eat are beyond Denny's size lol.....
  19. Well....it's time for a change lol.... When I got married I was able to drop 40lbs and that was through diet and a lot of exercise. After I had gotten married I was okay, about 10lbs heavier than when I got married....now, almost 2 years later i'm 190lbs and going up. I would like to say that it was from my workouts, but i'd be lying. Anyway, here goes nothing. I'm going back on the diet and increasing my cardio with my workouts....basically, what i was thinking was scary. Gaining 30lbs in 2 years meant that i'd be dangerously overweight by the time my daughter went to school, i wasn't too happy that I was slowly killing myself, anyway, wish me luck, it's gonna be hard
  20. Thanks Dan, I know brookies love mice, but I'm afraid there aren't too many brookies big enough around southern ontario that'll take mice..... nothing on a jig head yet, i do have them on 4x, 2x and 4 and 6 streamer hooks
  21. Hey Chris, any chance there is hide left for fly tyin'??????
  22. Those are cool man, way to go!
  23. Evenin' everyone, I got a quick question. I have just finished tying my first 5 predator mice. Tail's and whiskers and all, but what I'm missing is the ears. Is is necessary to have them, or will a hungry bass or trout really notice that they're missing? Any thoughts? Dave
  24. It was a joke....an misunderstood, I meant that I didn't know the exact section of the HTA because when I was at the college I had it pretty much memorized.....gimme a break man
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