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Everything posted by livinisfishin

  1. Nice fish!
  2. Thats the best response so far!
  3. Thats some painful looking stuff
  4. That is slick!
  5. Thats a great offer thank you! I am at my friends trailer in honey harbour for the rest of the day. If i wasnt here I would go for sure!
  6. I think ill pass on the shore fishing at that time. Ill have to find a way to get out in a boat.
  7. Thanks Ron. Is it worthwhile shorefishing perch right now?
  8. Is it possible to fish from shore while this event is happening or is it just to crowded?
  9. Congrats Nick!!
  10. Thanks for your help Brian and Art. I went out and tied two hooks to the line and an egg sinker to the bottom. Ive done this in the fall at a certain spot when the silver bass are in shallow there. I got squat....a 2" largemouth. I tried that setup for a good hour with nothing great. After i tied on a tried and true mepps cyclops firetiger. First cast it hit the water and i hooked into a largemouth that was about 1.5 lbs. Tried lures galore after not a single bite. Ill have to give these finesse tactics a shot...or get a boat.
  11. I plan on going from shore a little later tonight and I need some ideas of what to use? Typically where i go i catch pike, bass , perch and pickerel. I havent been getting anythinh using twister tails and any other lure i have put out there. I would like to try worms and just let them sit but i am unsure of the best setup for them. Looks likebits going to be a bit breezy tonight. Thanks for any help
  12. In the reading ive done when it comes to bass and bluegill ponds when you have lots of stunted bass you need to thin the heard . I think you figure out the average aize of the bass and cull any smaller then that number. So say any under 10" are out..most of the reading ive done is from the states so their average size of fish are probably larger then here. Once you start culling the fish you ate creating more room in the pond for the bass to grow bigger and also there will be more food available. The other thing is when a pond is built stock it with forage fish first and let them reproduce before stocking other fish to get them established. Since this pond you are talking about is existinf you probably shouldntnjust throw in pounds and pounds of minnows because they will just become a snack for the bass and wont have a chance to get established quite like they would in a new pond. Ive read that bluegill are good for the bass to eat . The bluegill reproduce consistently and grow big enough to become a main staple in the bass diet. Before you do anything go onto his site and spend a good day or two reading. Dont quote me on the info ive given but its just what ive picked up off the site ive posted. Hope it helps. http://forums.pondboss.com/ubbthreads.php
  13. Congrats chad...best wedding report i have ever read! ( first and only one with fishing involved)
  14. Nice video. Amateur porn for the hunters, very hardcore.
  15. Did she ever!
  16. Good for you man! Ive seen a few posts from buddies who were in it and the loved the experience. My one friend is pretty sore though.
  17. Ive had fully charged batteries do it to. Thinking i should just invest in a new one.
  18. Does anybody elses 160 start to act weird after a couple hours...the screen really starts breaking up and and only getting partial images?
  19. That trip looks like a blast. Great report!
  20. Nice catch chad!
  21. Nice fish!
  22. Nice report! Can't wait until I can go for my first fly in!
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