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Reef Runner

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Everything posted by Reef Runner

  1. Dang, great report. If it wasn't for all the exotic locals in the background I can swear it was the same fish. lol. Anyway congrats on the Steelie(s?) Good start to a good year. reefrunner (P.S. I'd be p-ee-ed off with all that trash the fellas left behind in the second pick)
  2. I do prefer to handle fish by hand, smaller fish that is. I find that I can lip 'em or hold 'em behind the head, pop the hook out without keeping it out of the water for too long. This being said, however, the bigguns need a net..make sure its a quality one. had a huge pike find a burst of energy right before I netted him and he torpedoed through the damn thing. reefrunner
  3. Kudos Pigeonfisher. I too have noticed an over-abundance of "the rage" as you say. Too bad for the guys that post just to share their experiences only to get ripped up by overzealous members, my hope is they don't get deterred from posting. When I see bad judgment in replies to posts I would just remind myself that there are more better seeds than bad ones here, as Scotty's act of kindness in a previous posts demonstrates to go with others. Me thinks it's just cabin fever setting in... reefrunner
  4. Good on ya Scott. People like yourself keep this community above the rest for sure. reefrunner
  5. Hey hook n release, "Because not all divers are made equally,,,, the new TORPEDO Diver will Scuttle the competition *TM" I find that one invalid as it has been authored in a previous posts...infringment is a Federal offence. reefrunner
  6. Nice fish and thanks for sharing! The weather was a beauty this weekend. I tried my luck for some T.O. pike but just ended up washin' some of my lures. Keep slayin' em. reefrunner
  7. I got myself a C3 with the help of many on this board. Haven't used it yet, but can't stop casting small egg weights around the room. lol. Come on, Spring reefrunner
  8. "upgrade your arsenal...get torpedo divers" "Loves to play where big fish love to prey" "scuttle the competition, put a torpedo in the water" reefrunner (man, I could do this all day)
  9. My prayers go out to him, rickster. They got great medical care out in London; he's in fine hands. Chin up, reefrunner
  10. "Keeps fish on target" TM or "Runs true. Runs deep" TM or "Stays locked in the strike zone" TM or "Dang...you sunk my battleship" lol reefrunner
  11. Nice baits... Some great craftsmanship on the floors ther Roy. I know what you mean about the sawdust, once worked in a door factory on the cutting floor. My boogers turned to paste, great for paper mache though.... reefrunner
  12. lol. good one.....going into my arsenal
  13. Good on ya Gerritt Best of luck livinisfishin, hope all works out.
  14. Wow! That's amazing. A big thank you to Maureen fo putting alot of energy and hard work into providing opportunity for the French family. reefrrunner
  15. Hey Anton, Pike are slimmy buggers and tend to swallow baits deep as they are aggressive predators; here's a few tips for handling them when without a net. When handling a pike, as with any other fish, try to keep her in the water as much as possible. Play her a bit until she's tired and bring her in parallel to ya. Have all your release tools handy. If its managable, grab the pike by the "ears" (on each side of the head, just above the gill plates), don't squeeze to tight. Pop out the hook and release. If she's a biggun', best to shore land her or tail grab. If you must, slip a couple fingers under her gill plates but being sure you don't harrass the gills. take her out of the water to take a quick pic supporting the fish with a hand underneath the tail. I'm no pro, and I'll probably get ripped up by some overzealous members here, but I hope that helps you if you catch, handle and release a pike this weekend. reefrunner
  16. Beauty Laker and good way to end the ice season. I know what you mean when a skunk day is upon ya and you finally land one...how many hopeful hours after have I spent in that situation. We can all relate. Thanks for sharing, reefrunner
  17. Sweet fish. Lookin' to get some time in this weekend. How are the ice conditions around the shore's of T.O.? reefrunner
  18. Thanks Gerritt. I'm sure to log in some pike for the tourney this summer at the cottage, however, I thought I might just ask. Good to know about the start and end date. reefrunner
  19. Bump. Well, if it's not running yet and I happen to land a monster pike in the harbour this weekend, can I make it count if I put a tape measure to it and ONFCOMMUNITY.COM sign in the shot? I'll eneter it once the teams have been assembled by the mods. reefrunner
  20. Oh, If we do bump into each other on Saturday, I don't mind sharing some of my tackle witcha---I got all of the above lol. reefrunner
  21. Good selection of baits there for ya Anton. Check the hook ups section as I listed off a couple lures and tips that'll help out. Proper release gear is key, as others had advised. Anyone around the Harbour know of the conditions? Ice? Best of luck to ya, and keep a look out for me as I might be around Saturday as well. Hope you get slimmed, reefrunner
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