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Reef Runner

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Everything posted by Reef Runner

  1. Thanks guys...at least they didnt take the car, that's for sure. I'm sure karma will get 'em for me...oh, just figured a name change for mr. louisville slugger...karma
  2. That would be I irish, and it would help reduce alot of discarded rods if more people left the cork wrapped with plastic as long as possible
  3. Jeeezzz, that's alot of water Sam. Good on ya and the others that are helping out with the situation over there. With the warmer temps snow melt might be of concern, but at least there's no call for heavy rain. Godspeed in your home resue efforts. Amazing pics reefrunner
  4. Oh, I bought it at BPS for 69.99 two years ago and have enjoyed it ever since. It should well be within your budget and you will not be dissappointed with its performance. Casts like a dream. Be sure to get the 4000RB for bigger pike, I know you can pick up a 2500RB at CTC but its a small reel with not ba helluva lot of line capacity. The 4000RB can hold around 150 yards of 25# powerpro with a couple yards of mono backing. Let us know how your search ends up. I was looking for a reliable baitcatser earlier this year and the kind folks on the board pointed me in the right direction. Happy hunting, reefrunner
  5. I too have been using spinning gear for the longest time, actually this season will be my first with some real time put in on a bait caster. My self I have a Shimano SEDONA 4000RB on a 7" MH for my bigger pike combo. the reason I prefer this real as opposed to the stradic models is that the drag adjustment is located at the back of the reel. I find it easier to play a fish using that drag system rather than tootin around with the drag on the spool like on a stradic. Something to consider when looking for a spinning reel; it's hard to find a good spinning real with the drag system on the back. reefrunner
  6. Awsome stuff there Paul! Gotta comend you for keeping the RC in the water so it did not have to sustain trauma, lol. reefrunner
  7. Well, Get out to my car this morning to drive to work and low and behold, severed wires where my stereo used to be. They ended up taking my stereo, deck face from the glove compartment, along with my ipod. What amazes me is that the car was in my driveway, fake alarm light detterent did not deter and the kicker NO FORCED ENTRY. Not a lock broken, not a scratch around the window frames, nada. They were kind enough to lock up my vehicle when they were done. So I filled a police report just to notify the authorites, but will not take it to insurance just because in the long run, that measure will end up costing me 10x the amount of the stereo with inflated premiums. Just have to bite the bullet and take the loss I guess. reefrunner
  8. Very interesting read. As I don't travel in my boat from the great lakes inland, I wonder, is there any similar regulations for pleasure craft monitering the proliferation of these mussles into our inland waters ie., the Trent-Severn and others? I can really see the hazards to our shallower, warmer lakes such as the Kawarthas. reefrunner
  9. lol. I can't help but re-reading all the posts now...lol
  10. All good info here. I usually leave the plastic wrap on my cork as long as I can. I, probably like many here, just have the cork get darker and grittier until it's time to belly up the cash for a new rod. reefrunner
  11. Welcome to the aboard! Hope you enjoy yer stay! reefrunner
  12. Good to know POLLIWOG. Thanks for chiming in, as it only happened once to me I will be sure not to have it happen again. Thanks again, reefrunner
  13. Welcome to the board Flex! Don't fish for bows but wish you the best of luck this year, get out there and fish dude. And I'll be the first to say it.....we like pictures. reefrunner
  14. Nice kitties fishmaster. Thanks for the post reefrunner
  15. I don't think you broke any rule out there, but could be wrong. Seeing as it went back unharmed I see no issue. I had a similar experience fighting a HUGE ski out of a canoe. had to shore land'er and as soon as I got it close the hook popped out. Hell, I jumped in the water with my shoes on and was cold, but not miserable, the whole day. Good story and pics Lew, now to print T-shirts that say "don't screw with Lew" reefrunner
  16. Nice pics. Glad to hear the chromes were cooperative today. Thanks for sharing, reefrunner
  17. Amazing report. Thanks for posting and sharing your trip with all of us. reefrunner
  18. Sweet ride and great report. Thanks for posting UF, lookin' forward to some more 'toon trials. reefrunner
  19. Good replies, I don't want to take anything away fom other posts so only thing I would add is proper release tools like a set of pliers/wire cutters, spreaders, a small collapsable pocket knife and a stringer. reefrunner
  20. Congrats on the new edition. Reminds me of how I got my short-haired pointer way back when. Pup followed my brother home one night from returning a movie rental and the owner gave her to us, citing allergy amongst his kids. reefrunner
  21. WOW. Awsome post and some great how-to there. Thanks for taking the time to share. It'll save some here $$$$ for sure.
  22. My best wishes and prayers go out to the Spry Family and all their supporters
  23. Could'nt agree with you more....nothing beats a rye and ginger
  24. I got a packet of leaches at the sportsman show and got some high hopes for them for pickereyes this year. seen the bucket, but as I'm usually haulin' too much anyway I figured packets would be better. reefrunner
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