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Reef Runner

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Everything posted by Reef Runner

  1. I thought I won the contest when I saw it in my mailbox lastnight. I guess everyone's a winner, YAY.
  2. Congrats to your bro. My first ski is still my PB, 48inches and FAT, still trying to break it. My victory dance on that one was an award winning preformance, lol.
  3. I got the Ibycus for my Garmin unit. Took 2 full days to download. They are decent topographic maps IMHO. That being said, I beleive what you are looking for is Hydrographic Maps, as opposed to topo. So were are not showing you apples and you're asking for oranges, clarify what you are looking for. By the way, I would be particularily interested if anyone can help this member with a Garmin Hydromap download
  4. Thanks Barnie! I'll send you a PM shortly to arrange the drop. I'll be sure to give 'em a good testing on proven home waters, "the control".lol. Stoty, I don't mind sharing the lures with ya bud. Shoot me a PM if your interested in dividing the loot. Thanks again Barnie, reefrunner
  5. Sign me up Barnie. Sorry to hear about your friend. I work downtown. Maybe we can arrange for a time for me to pick 'em up.
  6. Very nice fish. I can't wait to get up there.
  7. That pic brought a tear to my eye (strain, not emotion, lol). Congrats on the PB, she looks like a beaut.
  8. Thanks DouG. Garmin support line insn't open until Monday, I assume that is what you meant. Faulty install?
  9. I bought my first Garmin product today, the etrex venture HC Installed the software (trips and waypoints) and am an absolute newbie to the program. So, without sounding ingnorant, how do I..or even could I..unlock maps. When I go to utilities tool bar and select unlock maps i get a window indicting "Unable to start Unlock Wizard. PLease reinstall the program and try again". So before I reinstall the program for the 4x Any experienced samaritans out there who would care to help out this ignoramous? Any help would be kindly appreciated. All I have is: Ventrue HC trips and way points any maps I can be directed to Thank you in advance and I assure you the device will utilze its full potential, if I can get it there,lol,PMs more than welcome, reefrunner
  10. Thanks fer the new desktop background (last pic!) Beautiful up there, a slice of heaven you got.
  11. Would love to see the colours on those manitoba musky! No rush, we just addicted to fish porn.
  12. Wow, sounds like a good family vacation. No pics?
  13. I would head for structure closer to the deeper water, ie., rock piles, underwater reefs. Bang around the depths with a white with silver flake tube jig.
  14. NICE. Enough smiles and slime to go around!
  15. Good luck to your brother! Man, I hope the make MMA legal in Ontario.
  16. Amazing photos Raf. Thanks for sharing. Did you have to tweek the ripplin'redfin when you switched to single hooks? Better hookups?
  17. Deep diving Xrap silver/black back has been good to me in the area.
  18. Exciting. Hope the weather and skeeters are kind to ya. Have a good time.
  19. I'm 26 and Law Clerk at a downtown TO firm for just over two years. Can't beat 'em, so I decided to join 'em.lol. Taking my LSAT this Monday (ouch, heart attack). If all goes well I'll be returning to school fall 2009. Where? Any school that I can have access to good fishing nearby, hahahaha. Never too late to go back to school. If you do it while your young, the chicks should be around the same age Good luck, reefrunner
  20. Thanks a bunch guys. I think I'll be satisfied with the Legend even though it has its disadvantages to newer units. Thanks for your input Barnie, a main reason why I'm considering the Legend is a friend of mine can get me a considerable discount on the unit and they do not offer the one you have described. I have the old serial pin jack on my compuer so the USB feature (which may be remedied with an adapter anyhow) is not an issue. I want just a basic unit that can take a beating and I won't be too concerned about getting damaged in the bush. Another selling point, I've noted moosebunk in his last trip had one....If it's good enough to navigate for him and the Chippewa I should be more than happy with it.lol. Again, thank you to all who replied, your knowledge and sincerity is much appreciated.
  21. I would figure taking it out of overdrive would give you more pull up that hill. I drive a standard and if the hill is steep, I pop her down a gear as its less stress on the engine.
  22. Yeah, the Blue unit Raf. I've read many reviews and it looks like it will suit my needs. (keep fishing instead of searching where to go and getting lost amongst the islands and back bays, lol). Thanks for the reply, your advice is very much appreciated and inching me towards purchasing an invaluable tool.
  23. Thanks for your reply Dan. Good for navigating new water and trails? Worth the $$$$? 8megs good enough for the basics?
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