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Reef Runner

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Everything posted by Reef Runner

  1. Good point UF. I've had many misses jigging because of the supple rod tip. I always wondered why Bill Dance would nearly jump ten feet in the air to set the hook, I thought it was just theatrics, maybe 50/50.lol
  2. Yes, it may be more expensive because he is non-resident.
  3. Ola amigos, I was looking into getting a handheld GPS unit for when I go to back lakes or onto some new water. My budget is not very big so I am looking closely at the Garmin Legend. Opinions? Also, what other costs will come with buying this unit (ie. memory cards, maps/chips, etc.)? How detailed are hydrographics on these units, if available. Thanks in advance, reefrunner
  4. Good read JohnF. Good on ya for gettin out and trying new things.
  5. Nice bow. Great report and thank you for sharing. reefrunner
  6. Yup, when we went last year he tried selling us the cabin we were staying in. lol. In the lodge itself, he's got some massive stuffed ski's, awsome place for sure.
  7. Any help I can give to a community member
  8. CASA BLANCA. No doubt, Brian is a class act, in a class of one. lol. I would go back in a heartbeat.
  9. Another french musky hunter. Well an OFNer went this past weekend, without much success. It is a hard place to fish and hard to find them. Look for weed growth adjacent to deeper water. I think a Km or so South of the Dokis reservation there are a couple of cabins (Brian's place, don't remeber the lodge but the owner was unforgettable, great guy btw) with a dock wrapping around the lakefront. That little bay in there has plenty of weed growth and we got a HUGE ski follow but no takey. Good luck, reefrunner P.S. beat me to it BillM, lol
  10. A little bugle sounded with sympathy... wa wa wa waaaaaaaaaaa.lol
  11. PRESIDENTE!!!!!! Man, good beer, but the drinks are so strong there, I think I was drinkin the beer to get sober.lol I could go for one right now as well.lol
  12. Someone at work just sent me this photo taken from their past weekend at the cottage. Pretty cool. reefrunner
  13. It sounds like it starving for air, true, but that wouldnt explain the trim not functioning. I would say its electrical, alternator dying on ya , but just a logical guess based on the info you gave us. ..or it was the banana.lol Good looking lure musky matt, when's monkey season open up? lol
  14. Steel in June, WTG. Thanks for the report. Now use them marshmellows for campfires. lol. J/K
  15. SPINNERBAITS and release tools. 'nuff said.
  16. LOL...typical of my experience Stoty, LOL.
  17. I'd love to help...but won't get out until after my exam. Went out once last month to sctratch that itch and reported on the experience. Expect more from me in about three weeks. Lew, as always, brings up a good point. I don't measure and photograph all the fish I catch. If I catch 5 pike, my method is to photograph one that seems like the average size amongst all for my post. But if its worthy of a photo, for colours or size, or a tourney entry...it's time for your close up fishy! reefrunner
  18. I just came back from the Dominican and I had an awsome time. We stayed at the Cameleon Majestic in Punta Cana, amazing place. Didn't go on the fishing charter as the gentlemen "trying" to run it was a sleezeball and kept changing rates/hours/package. He obviously didn't want to earn my business, just ween my wallet. His loss, we had 12 potential clients. Be wary of business practices down there. Try the Dune buggies, best day trip EVER!!!! reefrunner
  19. I prefer fishing with other people, bit out of necessity most times, fish alone. I like fishing with other people....that like to fish that is. When I have the opportunity to go fishing, I am usually out on the water from sunrise to past sunset. If a 14 hour cast-a-thon is not your forte, you shouldn't be in my boat. I always feel like I have to "warn" newbies that this is an all-day thing. There are not alot of people I know that enjoy fishing as much as I do. I do enjoy taking other people out as well. I love the feeling when they get a technique down, cast properly or bring in a fish into the boat. Those days are my technique tutorial, knot tying seminar and catch and release info session days.lol. Which leaves me little opportunity to hit it hard myself. Every weekend (that I'm not studying ) I like to get out and wet a line. None of my friends fish, I take them out once in a while, but they get bored real quickly. So I usually go off on my own and hit the water HARD. This allows me the opportunity to practice and perfect new techniques and strategies and I am usually rewarded with more fish on the plain fact that I'm concentrating on fishing and not yaking. It is nice to share the experience and a laugh with someone. reefrunner
  20. My best wishes and prayers are with you and your family. Your friend and team member, reefrunner
  21. personal experience relived? lol. J/K Note on another post, please do not mate with infectious plants for the possible spread of STDs.
  22. I was at an tackle store this weekend talking with the clerk about GPS mapping units this weekend and I am convinced he did nnot know the difference between the two. Suffice to say, he didn't make the sale.
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