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steve barrett

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Everything posted by steve barrett

  1. Had the same problem last year. I thought about changing the short shaft to a longer one but said what the heck and sold it .Bought a long shaft but newer 9.9. No problems as of yet.Steve
  2. I would say go with the yamaha . This is advice from a guy who only buys Johnson,s.
  3. Great site guys .Keep it going because us older guys need a place to go to remember the times and places that we used to go that the younger guys are going now. Congrats! Steve
  4. Hi guys. Went to the fishing show and I myself thought it was ok for only the second year running. Didn't buy mutch just a couple of lures.The darn things each were more than the price of the admission. But what I really took a few minuites to look around to see fathers showing their young kids what fishing is all about. They were around the fly casting mats, the lures where some dads were explaining the different types and the boats. These guys were not here to buy but to do what most of us should be doing .Getting kids out there fishing.After all who is going to take out us old guys when we can't launch our old tinny any more.I would say we shouldn't complain but take our kids to one show in the spring .Beats going to canadian tire with a young one and trying to exite him by looking at shelves of fishing stuff.And thats my two cents worth.
  5. Like the new look. Congrats!
  6. :Gonefishing Picked up a couple of the crawfish on friday the natural and the orange brown.They are sure pretty looking and if they don't catch any bass I will mount them on my wall.Just kidding.
  7. Hi guys .Tried Orangeville CT wasn't mutch worth buying .Will try later maybe wallmart has a better selection.Steve
  8. Hi Lew Hope to see you there today. I will be with my son in law my fishing bud. Steve
  9. QUICK QUESTION. Is anyone going Friday ? I will be there around lunch time an would like to meet some fellow fishers. I do mostly soft water and drown a few flies now and then. I will drop by the facts of fishing booth a few times and hope to meet some OFC guys. Thanks Steve
  10. Guys . I hate to spoil one's fishing but I believe to keep one's mouth shut isn't really fair to to others who want to fish the credit. I have fished the west credit since 1958 when I was a young kid and have seen a lot of changes since then. I can remember the river being white when the dairy in Erin would flush it's milk tanks. The septic tanks would leak along the river during the dry summer and the ministry guys would tell us to not keep the fish. If one wants a good read check the Orangeville banner a few weeks back .It's on the internet . They had a 4000 cubic meter raw sewage spill into the river a few weeks back about the last thaw. The grand river had one last year during one of these thaws. I don't feel the ministry tells us everything about these rivers they just want us to catch and release and thats it.I just had to put in my two cents worth. Steve
  11. Poor wee guy .I know how he feels .The boys at the hospital over did me and it took hours to come out of the drugs. My wife said I was really out of it.
  12. Nice picture.
  13. I have stayed at foster's a few times many summers ago and found the camp and the guys quite friendly and helpfull. The best place for pike and I have caught many down there is west of fosters and along the south shore when a north west is blowing in.They seem to go for the may flies .Steve
  14. Guys I have tried the fish crisp I really find it too salty.I don't really use a lot of salt on my food and I found this batch a bit too salty.Maybe I should have cut it with a little beer and some for myself and after a few more beers It might have tasted better. This year I might try you know who's stuff I hear it tastes not bad mixed with beer.
  15. Hi tibbs You might try a dipsy diver .I used one many years ago and it was ok. It will get you down into deep water and is adjustable. They are not too expensive. Steve
  16. Nice toys Jim. I did not bad myself a new gps for my truck so I can find the lake and a new camera to take pictures of the fish I catch.I think she bought them to just get me out of the house.Now If I can only find someone to show me how to use the camera and post my pictures online. Anyhow all the best for the new year.
  17. Guys this is finally my year to go fishing .Been busy with new fishing guys in the family.Had a wonderfull time with my new boat. Ordered a new lund with a short transom.Got a 9.9 motor from gerrit and waited .Guess what I got. A new lund with a 20 inch transom. Not mutch good with short motor. Well s--t hit the fan at lund but they didn't help mutch except change the plates. I finally sold the short shaft and bought another 9.9 Long shaft through Craig's list. Twice the money.But that's life . I got out only once this year .Come spring watch out this old fart will be burning out the nylon and fireline .Them old brookies dont stand a chance once I arrive. All I can say is all the best for the new year and good fishing. Steve
  18. Merry Christmas all. And Very good new year.
  19. My favourite fish are specks and walleye done on the barby in foil with real butter salt and pepper and a twist of lemon. Can't beat that. Steve
  20. Nice fish Bruce .When I was a kid many years ago we ate many catfish and perch and still today I like a good feed of perch.Idon't get out mutch these days too wet and cold bad for my joints .Anyhow great pictures and report. Steve
  21. Sure pinch all my hooks give the poor fish a fighting chance to get away. I like to catch brook trout and let them go with little or no damage to them.If the hook is too deep I guess trout is on the supper menu tonight.
  22. HI guy The boat launch is clearly marked on a sign as you are comeing into the village of Euginia. As you enter the first corner into the village on the right hand side there is a sign to the lake. The street is Canrobert and you will take a right it is about a km down the road on the left.Good luck Steve
  23. Nice smallie.I don't think I have the nerve to fish in such a smallboat.But on a holiday weekend that boatlaunch is crazy. I tend to avoid it and fish during the week.Nice report always like to see one having great luck fishing Euginia.
  24. Brookies walleyes and pike filleted and fried in butter.
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