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Everything posted by richyb

  1. Ya i got the tranny rebuilt, 4.3. I have a carlsons choke tube think its .650 I have been shooting wincheters so maybe ill try a kent load and see how they work , thanks .
  2. Hey turkey hunters, reading the other thread has me hauling out all of my turkey gear and getting ready. I would like to get one with the bow this year but for my back up plan the boomer will be ready. Ive got a stoeger p350 pump 3 1/2" ( cheap but it works) The last 2 springs i have been shooting 3 1/2 " #5's but im thinking about picking up a box of number 4's. Will the number 4's have a little more range than the 5's ? should I stay with the 3 1/2 " or downsize to the 3" for a little more speed ? thanks guys ! GOBBLE GOBBLE
  3. The last few years acrctic cat has had an auto 400 4x4 quad brand new for $5999. I have one and its a great bike.
  4. Because they arent very good hunters and spook the deer before they get the chance to see them. OR they go to the stand and fall asleep and miss all of the deer that walk by lol
  5. I went for a walk through the property that I hunt on in oro and never seen any birds. I did see some tracks so I guess they are still in the area.
  6. Coldwater to orillia is only a 80k limit anyways. whats wrong with driving 60k if the roads are crap? My g/f used to drive like you ( i have to do the speed limit, screw the conditions) untill she wrote off her car on the 400. Better to be safe than sorry.
  7. I work at a golf course and was supposed to start back to work today , guess another week off !!!
  8. Deer yard up for the winter. Looks like they are being fed at that location. That is likely every deer for a 3 mile range that have yarded up there. My buddy had 17 deer in his backyard everynight over the winter.. Cool pic.
  9. On the news it said a couple different locations. one location was the 8th of oro. thats gotta be the boat graveyard on hwy 11
  10. maybe cut into chunks and used as cat fish bait , something has to eat them.
  11. I have never been on a boat an not fished , accept for that one time on the midland 1000 island tour boat haha.
  12. Thats insane !!!! would only cost a couple grand for the chopper ride to play that hole lol. I was golfing today , had back to back birdies , then came the doubles and tripples HAHA
  13. I have always wondered where those boats are comming from at the 8th line of oro and highway 11. Looked like lots of scrap boats in there but every once in a while there would be a beauty sittin in the middle of the pile.
  14. It is good to see that walleye closes on the 15th now on simcoe. The only time I was out there I was the first on the ice and got a 8.5 pounder and thought I had the mother of all eyes. The last 1/2 hour before dark there had to be 150 people and I easily seen 50 walleye caught and mine was about the smallest !! Seen a cuple guys with a couple of 15 pounders beside them as I was walking in. Cutting the season short should help for sure.
  15. I would pick speed. Sluggish fish slow it down and active fish i love to burn it ..
  16. I got my biggest bass on a flying lure, close to 8 pounds. ofcourse not many other fish but ill give credit where credit is due
  17. jerk jerk jerk , pause ,, jerk jerk , pause jerk SPLASH !!!!!! oh man i cant wait
  18. I wish my camera was as cool as yours and has a shotgun attached instead of a flash. I havent seen a camera kill a fish yet. Maybe guys only have enough space on their memory cards to take 1 more pic so they have to hold up the 2 fish at once that they want the picture of . HAHA KEEP UP THE DOUBLE FISTING GUYS, they make wicked pics for people like the 99% of us who like seeing pics.
  19. A good fishing report includes pictures. Why take up space with 2 pics when you can grab the 2 fish and make one great shot? In some situations I think its actually a good thing to keep a fish in the livewell for a while to let it get its strength back up before you release it. Maybe you should stop looking at peoples fishing posts because you might see a pic of a poor fish being held out of the water OH NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO.
  20. Sounds like a fun, long day but im sure you would have been way more productive if you spent more time at fewer locations.
  21. I think i know why you didnt get any pike.. You reel with the wrong hand !!!! haha just kidding buddy. I bet you had fun just chucking some lures and finaly being able to fish.
  22. Dont get me wrong, i have had plenty of fish nail my baits at the side of the boat and even had a few pike run into the side of the boat. The differance is that these fish have been chasing a bait for a ways and im guessing they see the boat as a safe place for the bait so they try to nail it beore it dissapears. Just from my experiances every time i see a pike in shallow water that my boat is about to drift over they are gone like a rocket before the boat gets over them..
  23. In my experiances they would be spooked. I normaly drift and chuck spinnerbaits in shallower water and most of the fish i see are blasting off in a hurry when the boat is about to float over them.
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