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Everything posted by richyb

  1. ok im lost , whats the story behind that ?
  2. My girlfriends aunt gave us a shamwow and its the biggest crock of crap ive seen . Its basically jsut a chunk of felt. I tried soaking up some water and all it did was smear it around. I also think the shamwow crazy eye guy killed billy mays
  3. Im more of a south bend type of guy
  4. Do it the good old way , use the prop to lure her in and spear that pig J/K
  5. I have seen my brother catch a couple beauty ski's ( 44" and 47") on a 6'6 med gorilla stick and a quantum energy reel. I think the only reason for a big rod is to chuck huge lures not the actual fight of the fish.
  6. Nice report but im pretty sure your bluegill is a pumpkin seed ( sunfish) or one of those hybrid's that ive heard about.
  7. im on facebook , that fish wrangler game is addictive .
  8. What brand of camera is that ? im looking at getting a trail cam but havent started looking too seriously yet.
  9. VENISON steaks and potato salad, and carling beers, hey for 28 bucks a case ill choke it down
  10. yep happy c day to you , i just got in from the orillia fire works and a few beers . then came home to some people sittin on a cooler full of beers in my driveway , had to honk to get them to move. never even offered me one , they just moved 10 feet so the g/f could get us in the driveway . dang , im out of beer.
  11. I think everyone has to double click to go back on this thing. When the x-mas skin was on i only had to 1 click
  12. The g/f and I are planning a camping trip and one of her friends told her that they camped in algonquin on tea lake and had a blast. The g/f has already called and got prices but havent booked anything yet because I want to have decent fishing for a couple days where ever we choose to camp. SO what kinds of fish are in there and is the fishing any good? thanks .
  13. Ok thanks , found it under options. Wierd , I never changed that setting before.
  14. Why do I all of a sudden have to click on each post and response instead of just opening a post and scrolling down to read the responses.??????????????????????
  15. Power pro all the way !!!!! I have only spooled up with fireline once and it wasnt pretty. I had one of my largest pike on with fireline and it took a big run and the line cut into itself and cut off. So I sat there all pissed off, big pike broke off , big rapala gone, black crap all over my reel and rod guides, and i decided it was time for a change. Ever since ive used power pro for my heavier set ups and it hasnt let me down yet.
  16. CONGRATS !!!! I have never got an ace and have only been with one guy who has. I took a chunk of plastic out of a cup once and the ball sat about 1 inch away but no luck. I have made a 2 on a par 5, holed a 3 wood from 240.
  17. Yes you have to cut them to see how many rings there are. ................. sheephead have huge odoliths, bluegills and smaller fish are maybe 1/4" long
  18. mike , i thought you have a boat now and wouldnt be stranded on shore ? if you dont want it ill put it to good use
  19. I think all fish have them , at fleming we took odoliths from the odd dead bluegill, pumpkin seed , walleye caught in our nets. If you use a diamond edged cutting tool you can cut them in half and use a microscope to check the fish's age. They have rings like a tree.
  20. That rapala skitter pop is one of my fav's
  21. They work great for smallies
  22. that would make a decent combo for the price.
  23. I have seen some combos for around 69 bucks at bass pro that i have grabbed and feel every bit as nice as my expensive stuff. They might not hold up for years with heavy use but for a couple times a year they would be great.
  24. Good report, too bad we cant count thos bass for the team . I guess you changed your opinion on taking pics of an oos fish that isnt a giant? this is from another post. "Unless your OOS catch is a giant then take a quick pic, if not throw it back as nobody likes to brag about OOS fish in the first place, let alone smaller 2 and 3lb OOS fish, let the dam thing go and get back to the fish your targeting lol. I think there is a rule on here saying that all Out Of Season fish need to be clearly marked with OOS so the viewer knows that the catch is indeed out of season. Respect the fishery and there will be fewer problems. Remember by releasing the fish quickly you are doing the fishery a favour as you are limiting the time it takes for the panfish to creep in and eat all of the eggs and fry. Just my thought's, Mike" YES IM JEALOUS, i got skunked the other day .
  25. Bow and arrow
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