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Everything posted by richyb

  1. An arrow kills by slicing the organs causing the animal to die from blood loss Or suffication from blood in the lungs. To them it feels like a bee's sting and then they get woozy and fall over. have you ever cut yourself with something really sharp and you dont really feel it for a few minutes ? .... I have seen bucks get shot and then continue chasing a doe for 50 yards then fall over . So obviously they arent in pain if they are chasing poontang !!!!!!!!!!!! Longest i have tracked an animal shot with a bow was maybe 200 yards. It wasnt a very good shot thats why it went so far. The deer i have shot have dropped between 40 and 60 yards. I know if i have a record book animal in my sights hes going down .
  2. I just flipped to wild tv and found the answer to my question . His tv show is called THE RACKMAN. he is also a guide.
  3. Who goes hunting to shoot a small one ? Thats what seperates a good hunter from an average joe hunter. Being able to shoot trophy animals year after year.
  4. Is he the guy that has a moose hunting video ? his name is Real and it is all dubbed voices into english.
  5. i would be happy with a spike horn bull with my bow ... or rifle even ....... thats insane !!!!!
  6. plugs are fine ?
  7. sounds like its choking on water ? after plowing through a field in 2 feet of powder mine did that for about 100 yards going up the road and would only move at about 5 mph. Then it finaly cleared itself and runs fine. I figured i got snow in the air intake. try putting some gas line antifreeze in it and let it run for a while . worth a shot .
  8. I was in goderich and stopped in to pick up one of those sleighs. . Ofcourse they were out of stock but the guy said i could get a raincheck. Im not going to drive 3 1/2 hours to get the thing so i stopped in at the orillia store. WOW out of stock who would have guessed it? The guy at the orillia store said nope i cant get a raincheck so i asked for the manager. So now i have the raincheck and i hope it comes in sometime soon so i can use it this winter !!! Aparently they are as bad as bass pro shops when it comes to sale items never being in stock ! !!
  9. nothin better than a mohawk and a huge perch .... Congrats !!!!
  10. Thanks for the heads up .. I have been thinking about getting one of those sleds. Doesnt take much thinking now
  11. Any chance of adding whitefish to the tournament ?
  12. What all needed replaced ? that kind of money on an older sled is pretty much an over haul of everything.
  13. I would tell them to take the parts off and put the sled back the way it was. . They must of replaced EVERYTHING that was even starting to show signs of wear . For the 3 grand they want to fix it you could buy a very nice sled that is like new ...
  14. I graduated that course in 05' had a great time and it was actually fun to be in school .. When i started they told us the line about " the old timer co's will be retireing soon so now is the perfect time to be in the field" yeah they might of retired but then they cut the budget 4 million or something like that. Some of my friends have found jobs in the field but they have all had to move away. Good luck
  15. I got 2 nice smallies through the ice today while fishing for perch ... They were released unharmed.. My first time getting a smallie through the ice but i have got lots of largies.
  16. On simcoe my dad got an old wood stove on wire line while trolling for trout , said he figured he had a 30 pounder. Likely from an ice hut.
  17. Best year of fishing out of my hut was when my uncle lost his minnow bucket down his hole so he moved his hut thinking it would scare the fish away ... I moved my hut onto that hole and had the best fishing i have ever had. I had a buddy drop his cell phone down my hole once. .. another a zippo lighter .. dad lost lense out of his sun glasses while he was bringing up a fish and it went down the auger hole. Lost the net once but then caught it a couple days later.
  18. That has got to be one of the dumbest things i have ever seen !!!!! If i got one of these for x mas i could post it in that other post about the not so great x mas presents..... I wouldnt take one if they wee free just my opinion
  19. pretty much any where you mentioned . i have only fished simcoe and something as simple as a 2 foot drop off or a big rock on the bottom of a big sand flat will all hold fish ...
  20. GO DEEP OR GO HOME !!!!! i only fish 80 + feet of water... havent got many whities in shallow unless it was at night with minnows.
  21. If he hit his head on the hole then you obviously seen the fish and know what type it was and how big he was ... so why are you asking us if you seen it ? Big fish are fun on light rods
  22. GREAT WHITE !!!!!!!! nah maybe not but i would bet money on a pike.... I have seen a 5 pounder pull that hard on light tackle
  23. I use a williams wobbler,,,, williams whitefish ,,,, mr champ ,,,,sweedish pimple ,,,, jiggin raps ,,,, lots of people swear by bad boys jigs or any of that type of jig.... i jig with just a snap of the wrist lifting the jiging stick end about 6 inches at a time about 1 foot off bottom. . p.s . i have only fished simcoe for whities and these all work great there EDIT: i just seen your post about th pike and perch and that williams ice jig that has the sidehooks on it that you got the perch on will do the trick ! maybe 1 size bigger
  24. just about to put a pizza in the oven .... sippin on a vodka and oj right now .. then the case of beer and likely finish the night off on the bottle of rye ... cant wait for tomorow morning ...
  25. I didnt mean that the jitterbug wont catch fish... I just think that other lures will catch more fish.. I have 3 jitterbugs in the box and have spent some time with a tube of crazy glue filling the holes from pike !!!!! so the do work i just would rather use something else these days with all the options ... maybe its personal preferance.
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