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Everything posted by richyb

  1. So the girlfriend has lined up her holidays with my days off work and we are planning on camping but not too sure where yet. We live in orillia and are willing to drive an hour or 2 to a place that catches my eye. Were looking for a place that isnt crazy busy and also has good fishing. Any suggestions are welcome , thanks .
  2. congrats on the good day , i got skunked fishing pike on couchiching
  3. Stick 2 metal posts in the ground about 6 feet apart. water the ground in the area, hook up jumper cables from a car battery to the 2 metal posts and up pops the worms. I have never seen it work but i have heard about it.
  4. Whats the biggie in taking a pic of an OOS bass ? and why cant it be a PB ? because they will hit anything ? . How about the channel cats in the grand ? they are concentrated and they will nail most baits. Guess you cant count a PB untill they are out of the river and scattered out again in the lakes. Steelhead are in the rivers to spawn and people target them while spawning ( yes open season but is it really different?) I dont see any harm taking a quick pic of an OOS fish as long as your not targeting them and it was an accidental catch. I think the people that do see the harm are just jealous. Its not like they are catching them , filleting the sides off and then trying to release the fish. ps. My PB pike is 14 pounds that I caught while fishing in the perch festival and it was OOS . I caught it , reeled it in , held it in my hands and released it , is that not the definition of CATCHING a fish ?
  5. aww man i was thinking that maybe the fur market was going to go back up instead of the royal kick in the sack that it has been getting lately!!!!
  6. I have always had my best luck for pike on the far side of the lake.
  7. Nah the porch should be fine for another year
  8. There are monster crappie in sparrow. The bays seem to be infested with pike.
  9. Sweet cats !
  10. Yep all ready to bag me a thunder chicken. hopefully with the bow this year
  11. It was my first year hunting turkeys and i never knew how big those buggers actually are. When i first seen him i thought it was a bear coming out of the bush. Rookie mistake, i know better now. I killed him so i guess it wasnt luck just kidding. YES SINKER i should have got the 870. I went to ellwood epps to get the 870 but they were sold out and i had my heart set on buying a gun that night. When they said i could get a gun for cheaper thats full camo i couldnt resist. Stoeger is made by binelli, beretta. It has the internal parts of the nova, just cheaper materials on the outside. PLUS i know how to shoot a gun, ive been hunting for 15 years and have many kills with no wounded animals to my credit. ( no big game, maybe the odd duck or partridge) so my gun goes where i look too. The only problem i have is this stupid turkey patterning that is plenty good enough to knock a bird down at 40 yards but isnt up to the standards that i would like. So i think i am giving up on the situation since my shoulder is tender, and my cheek is sore. Also i wandered into a golf store and baught a nice new titleist wedge that set me back a few pennies PS. the main reason i was looking to tighten up my pattern was to keep less pellets out of the body of the bird, 30 some hits in the head and neck is plenty when it only takes 1 to kill it. Thanks guys.
  12. No i bought the gun new but it was missing the turkey choke so i got a discount. Those pictures of my pattern are with a carlson .650 turkey choke.
  13. I have tried it with my normal full choke that came with the gun. The pattern wasnt very good. If you think im lucky to get my choke to fit after wrenching on he other one , id hate to try putting a choke tube in after not having any choke in at all. Would that not tear the threads right out ? also im trying to tighten in a pattern , not make it wide open.
  14. I went and got a new choke today. truglo gobble stopper extreme model tg175x .665 dia. The package says its for my gun but just my luck it dont fit. It screwes in about 1 turn then it gets realy tight. Tried a wrench on it but that just got it stuck. . I put my old choke back in and went for round #2. put up a 4x4 chunk of paper and fired a couple shots . ( different paper each time) my tightest grouping is just under my point of aim but its still only got 90 pellets in a 10 inch circle. So now I have a sore shoulder and im not too impressed with the new choke not fitting
  15. Nah it doesnt take 100 pellets , only 1 , I have dropped birds at 75 with this gun ( first year judging distance, thought it was 50) But id like to get it shooting as good as possible. I am very currious to see pics of other peoples patterns to compare. I have a full choke that came with the gun but I tried it last year and I was only averaging 15 in the head an neck, thats why I got the turkey choke. Cant wait to see others pics. Most of the pics I can find online arent much better than the results I have unless they have scopes, expensive shells, and expensive chokes.
  16. I was doin some reading and thy say a good turkey gun is one that will put 100 pellets in a 10 inch circle at 40 yards. Maybe ill try a shot at the circle and see how many I can get. Would the .650 be too tight and be giving my shot too much compression and making it spray a bit? most of the reading ive been doin people are using .665 or .670. The guys at the camp think im crazy wanting to hit a turkey with so much lead. They are happy putting 5 in the head and neck at 40, but I want some serious blood when I pull the trigger lol
  17. Aw crap i forgot to put in what size shells lol all 3 1/2 inch. winchester 4, and 5 and kent ultimate diamond number 5 . I might use the guillotine with my bow, a guy at the camp baught a pack but then figured out he couldnt use them with his x bow unless he kept taking off his foot sturrip after he loads it.
  18. HAHA well if were using #2's i might as well just use my 30-06 , im sure at 40 yards i could take the head clean off !
  19. I got my choke at the wolfs den , thats all gary had to fit
  20. What choke do you use? Mine is a carlsons .650 not many options for my crappy stoeger p350.
  21. Thats why I was posting to see peoples opinions. All of the other guys I hunt with are shooting 2 3/4 with modified or full chokes that get maybe 5 in the head and neck at 40. That paper is just printer paper and a turkeys head is bigger than what I put on there. Im sure if I was a turkey 30 shots to the head and neck wouldnt make me a happy camper.
  22. Today I dug out my turkey choke and grabbed the 3 types of shells I have and headed to where I sight in my guns. My cheek is still a bit on the tender side . The number in the bottom right of the pics indicates the number of neck and head hits. The target was at 40 yards. winchester #5 3 1/2" winchester #4 3 1/2" Kent ultimate diamond shot #5 3 1/2" To me the kent has the best pattern but it is hitting low. Since I was aiming at the black dot I know that if I put the bead on the top of the big gobblers head its going to be nighty night. I fired 2 of the kents and both targets look similar in shot grouping. Anyone else have some pattern pics ?
  23. ok well i checked out my stash of shells and i have winchester number 4's and 5's already ( bad memory) , so i went and got a box of the kent diamond shot 3 1/2" #5's . Maybe tomorow ill go and try each one and post pics of my results.
  24. is the kent diamond shot one of those 30 bucks a box loads ? i was thinking about that hevi shot , but i dont feel like spending that kind of coin on turkey shells.
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