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Everything posted by Steelcat

  1. After fishing in Ontario water for several years, I have seen a lot of good anglers as well as bad anglers. I said good and bad anglers doesn't mean they can catch big and a lot of fish, what I mean is how they treat other anglers as well as the environment (the fish they catch, the place where they fish etc). I think we all should post some form of Angling Code of Ethics that we all should follow as an Ontario Angler. Here are several points can be added in this Code of Ethics: - Handle all fish with care (I've seen people treated fish really nasty....throwing a fish that they didn't want up in the air and let it fell in a splash) - Leaving your fishing spot cleaner than you first arrived (gotta hate junk fishing lines, hooks, trash all over the place) - Be nice to fellow anglers in the area (I've seen people actually fight for a spot or when someone caught a fish, 10+ lines will be casted onto the same spot, then lines got tangled and temper flares) - Leave enough space for every angler to fish (This happened to me when I was fishing in a fishing pier with lots of fishing space, but then another guy came right beside me shoulder to shoulder as if I wasn't even there.) I'm sure there are more to be added into this Angling Code of Ethics, please feel free to add your opinions
  2. Thanks for the report I always see a day without fish as a day for me to test new lures. See how they swim, how they dive etc. Of course it's always fun in the outdoors~!
  3. I've seen several people fish for Crappie and keep them as if they feed an army. The worst I've seen was a guy with a Home Depot bucket filled with Crappie to the top, he stood beside the bucket and called his other friend from somewhere, wait till he arrived with yet another empty bucket then the 1st guy left. After an hour or so the 2nd guy got his full bucket of Crappie, called the 1st guy with the now empty bucket. The cycle continues until there's none for them to catch.
  4. Holy beep~! I wish I could catch that~! Just imagine every single perch we caught in Ontario are at least half its size; then Ontario's anglers average weight will for sure increase alot.
  5. Today my brother and I went to take a look at Humber River near Old Mills. Very dirty, but there were still 3 anglers braving the river. Here are some photo from Humber River Look at these hardcore anglers Left the river and head downtown immediately at 12. Alot more anglers than yesterday. Saw a kid lost a pike (line broke) right before my first cast. After fishing for 3 hours, there wasn't even one single bite. From what I heard, two kids got a 41 and 37 inches pike earlier in the day, and another guy got one as well. I guess I shouldn't go to Humber River and should go straight to downtown. By the way, where did the sun shine and the +10 C went as forcasted by the weather channel? It was +2 C when we arrived, and the sky was worst than yesterday. Even with the rain yesterday, we could still see the whole CN Tower, but today half of it was "gone".
  6. Went to downtown Toronto at around 10am today, tried out several spots from Ontario Place to around Spadina. No action at all. Saw a couple boats braving the waves while driving along LakeShore Blvd and saw several people fishing as well. Everyone had the same result as me (before I left anyways). As you can see there is still some ice out there Here is the only thing I've caught. Imagine my excitment while reeling this baby in. Uber piece of ice >< Tomorrow I might go to King's Mill Park. Never been there before, but I guess a little adventure will be kinda fun.
  7. Thanks Terry, I was planning to go to Holland River tomorrow. But after seeing your ice condition report, I guess I'll find another spot
  8. Thanks for the suggestions I guess I'll hug along the water front then
  9. My brother and I are planning to have some early spring pike fishing tomorrow. However, we still haven't decided if we should go to Toronto Island or just hug along the lakeshore. Any suggestion? One thing for sure, we'll be fishing tomorrow for sure
  10. Remind me not to swim with my pets or my future kids in European lakes
  11. A self made jig with my torned PJ threads as skirt, coke cap as spinner blade~~~ caught a baby bass with it..... it was 10 years ago... too bad I didn't have a camera back then.....
  12. omg you are making all of us so want to get out there tomorrow and have some fishing fun~!!! Nice fish btw~!
  13. Watermelon with red or green flakes, White, Purple, and Rootbeer color.
  14. Ancious moment before blast off~! OMG~ Pirate Ship in Rice Lake~
  15. I'm planning to have some soft water fishing in and around Toronto this sunday with my brother, but I have no idea if the rivers are "running" at this time of year. I also not sure about places where are off season or can still fish. Thanks in advance for everything guys~!
  16. Your dad lived a life worth celebrating. My deepest condolences to you and your family Vance.
  17. It's been like that for the past several years~ whenever there were a long weekend, the price went up (or stayed up). Even with the media asking questions about the price, there's always no clear answer.
  18. "The provincial government collects 14.7 cents in taxes for every liter of gas sold. This is in addition to the federal excise tax of 10 cents a litre and 6 per cent GST, which is applied to the retail price of fuel as well as the provincial and federal levies. Taxes account for 30.9 per cent of the total Ontario pump price." quoted from http://www.taxpayer.com/main/news.php?news_id=2359
  19. Just think of the day after Katrina whip through New Orleans, the price immediately jumped up to $1.30+. It's also funny how the price on the pump kept on jumping up and down ALL OF THE SAME TIME (any company) everyday, this is the only country that the price jump up and down like this. I've also watch an interview in Pulse24 asking one of the oil company representative about the price of the pump, the report asked "when demand is high, you guys raise the price; so what happened if the demand fell?" The oil company guys replied, "well if the demand fell, of course the price will go up." the report was kinda ticked "well you are saying the price will go up no matter the demand go up or down?!".... I really want to see their annual report for 2007 and I bet they will have yet another record breaking profit. When the oil refinery was down in mid Feb, they said everything will be back to normal in a week, they 10 days, then 2 weeks, then a month, now they said more time.... they also said it only affect 10% of the total production, yet almost every single gas station in Toronto went out of gas.... This is worst than some so called "third world countries". Some people might say, use hybrid.... sure it will lower the cost of gas, but not every can afford a brand new car. Some might say, use public transit, sure we'll use it, but if the buses were always not on schedule, sometimes no service during weekends, who is going to explain this to our bosses if we were late? All I know is the government is getting tons of $$$$ via gas tax especially when they mark the price so high, I don't think we can count on the government to do anything about it.
  20. The date for the Spring Fishing Show is: Feb 15, 2007 to Feb 18, 2007
  21. Seeing turtle in January is definitely worth your trip already and the diving bird pic is really nice as well Thank for the wonderful wildlife photos
  22. All I can say about this show is "OUCH~!". As one of the officer said in that show, no one has ever volunteer to being hit by those things, that's why they were so excited and took so many photographs of his "injuries".
  23. Once I had a campfire going, and I had a bucket of minnow close by coz I was planning on some fishing. Two of them jumped outta bucket and landed into the fire.... MAN they smell good~! Never had them though (dead or alive).... I can imagine serving them as fish fries
  24. I don't really get stressed out if I caught no fish. I only get frustrating when everything goes wrong during that fishing trip. for example: car tire blew up, boat motor wouldn't start up, fishing rod snapped, fishing line tangled all over the place etc etc ALL happened at the same time.... (that really happened to me once)
  25. Name hmmmm.... Hook on Dover B&B Room names can be: Crankbait Jerkbait Popperbait and you can get those GIANT decoration bait (e.g. those from basspro) and hang them on top of your B&B room doors or as room decoration
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