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Everything posted by Handlebarz

  1. Love that under water shot of the Musky I think I need one of them cameras
  2. I must say that the cops are good around my area heck just last month they were here in 30 seconds to catch the 3 pukes that were breaking into the CRACK HEADS house next to us (that is another story)the wife called the cops when she saw a guy leaving the house with a TV before the other 2 could get out with the junk they took the first guy dropped the TV on the road as there was 2 cruisers already pulling up. They got all 3 and it was funny to here the one PUKE crying saying he did nothing wrong BOO HOO crying that he did nothing wrong with a hand full of her JUNK. No on the other hand I was pissed at them on Canada day as my wife was towed along with 4 others who were parking in a no parking area. For the 5 who were downtown on Canada day from just before noon on Canada day they had no clue that after they parked some officer was coming around with NO PARKING signs to put up for the parade. My wife and son were enjoying the day with the rides and all the shows on the main stage downtown just 1 block away from where she parked when she got a call from her friend who saw a wrecker tow her van. She called me (I was still 2 hours away from home) so not much help I told her to go to the cop shop and see what went on that is where she found out there was 5 of them towed at $85 each. I think that is a crock as there was no signs up early and the street was packed at noon one would think signs would be posted the night before or at least before the party in the park started that day heck they could have even made a announcement in the park that people need to move but Oh no just tow and leave the people to find out for themselves. I guess that's carma for getting them PUNKS caught
  3. Very nice looking place Ryan hope it sells fast for you so your that much closer to the boat launch. Good Advice John I think I will be shooting you a PM as we are getting ready to sell and yes if your in the LSC area please look me up as well as all OFC members.
  4. Awesome fish for sure congratz heres to many more fatties this season
  5. Dang some nice looking pics there looks like your having a good season
  6. great story and very nice pic Congrats on a great Slimmer some times in the hotter weather they take a bit to get going but as long as they are keeping them selves up right you can let them go and just watch them to make sure that some jet ski does not run them over. Looking forward to some of the other pics
  7. Dang great going again you guys do good out there for the big fish I still have to get out there one of these days.
  8. Dang how come you did not tell Jade about them fish last night??? That sure is one great start to a amazing trip Ron cant wait for the rest
  9. Well I thought it would have been nice if she cleaned her room but it looks like that trip was another freebee. Thanks all we had a blast Jade is still pumped up and has not lost her smile I dont remember if I had mentioned the it almost pulled her in but at one point we had a bigger wave hit and it was running I was getting the net and did not see it happen but heard her I did how ever reasure her that I would come back for the rod and land a fish if it pulled her in I always love having the family out fishing and should post my son's first musky that he reeled in all on his own no help until the net time.
  10. Oh yeah Jade has been hooked on musky fishing since 2006 she loves getting out and trying for the big girls last year was her first that I had no worries about her holding the rod and fighting the fish on her own but she sure did learn that big fish are a lot different then the small ones. Thanks for all the good words we had a blast all weekend as we always do. I must say the wife was happy it was not a 50" as she wants one before the daughter LOL we have a great friendly family battle over who wil hit the 50" make first mom or daughter. Brian your right about that I dont know why musky did not like this boat before maybe it was to clean
  11. here is a lot of good info for releasing the big girls please have a look around the site there is a lot of great info there for just about everything Musky. http://www.muskiescanada.ca/articles/catch_and_release_tips.php
  12. Heck he could have had a Compre very cheap a few days ago here
  13. The Belle River Chapter of Muskies Canada had our annual musky Classic this weekend and my daughter was lucky enough to pop a big girl and win it all. The short story we fished Saturday went 8 for 10 with 41.25" the biggest of the day one that was lost at the net (not my fault but still lost) was around 42-43" my guess the rest were between 20's-mid 30's inch fish. So today the wife and son stayed at home due to long day yesterday they wanted to sleep in and the wife had to make the cake's for the event. Jade and I headed for LSC around 5:50 and were fishing by 6:45 she had told me right away that the musky goddess was going to make us catch the small fish all day then give us a big one ( I need her to ice Mega Millions numbers) as she brought in 3 small musky all 25-35" range we just shook them boat side and they were off like the snott rockets they are. Well I tell her that we are done at 9:15 (I had to leave early to set up the hall) I re set the rods and change on to one of my own flashabou in lines that was at 8:45 its now 9:12 and I start to burn the baits through the water over 5.5mph and sure enough a nice fatty takes a hold ripping line I get the rod out of the holder and ask Jade if she thinks she can handle the fish like the trooper she is she sais yes and the fight was on she fauhgt the fish for a good time then she bursts out 77' I was just at 77' how much line does it need? Well that was not the last run she had 4' of line when it took another 100' run LOL LOL LOL is all I could do, now I am on the back casting deck waiting for the fish I had already had 1 look at it and knew it was BIG the net is just out of the water and I am ready to scoop her up when she runs into the motor and under the boat I had to grab the rod from her and drop the net I plunge the rod under the motor and get it free she came out Jade passes me the net we get her into the net and WOO HOO its over. She was 49.25" I did not girth her as I was so excited that she got this fatty all I wanted to do was cut the hooks out and take the pic and get her home. What a great day out with my little girl well 2.5 hours.
  14. Dax does know that lake very well I would suggest taking his tips in and that is a great point Dax I will try and remember that before helping on how to catch start with the release and handling. First you need good bolt cutters even the 8" from CTC will work a large net rubber coated is also a must two sets of long nose pliers I have 3-4 of them just in case some times I need the bent ones. I like jaw spreaders they help at times some don't like them but they sure are great when you need them.I know if you do a search on here there are a few good threads on release tools for musky fishing.
  15. Well my boat came with a 5hp honda it was a great motor but i had to get rid of it as I was wanting to much for it. Don used it for years trolling for bows and salmon on the big lakes it was good for that but for musky it was not enough to control the boat when we would get a good blow I had to start the main motor to get it back under control. My boat is a Star Craft 17.5' I will be getting a 9.9 down the road.
  16. Better for our friends to the south I see a lot more cross boarder shopping and now this is just one other reason for people close to the boarders to head over. heck you would save a ton on fuel alone before this crap. I also see more places willing to talk $$$ and getting away from using the cash register. On that note I was talking to a older girl this week about her small place that she runs and to see how this would help her in her eyes it does not help her and the first thing she had to do was fork out more $$$ on a new cash register then make up all new cards for her place as the old ones had gst/pst spots and so much more. Oh well take it up the well you know and make the change to what??????????????? WHERE IS DAVE on this one?????? That is my rant this tax sucks as well as all of the others that Dalton has made.
  17. Dang great Musky Larry congratz on the 2nd of the season 7 lamprey that sure would be a lot to get rid of.
  18. My daughter and I are heading out in the am for some KL fishing I hope these storms have not shut the fish down that would suck. Hope everyone made it through fine
  19. Dang great read and lots of Pics thanks for taking the time Joey it was Like I was there with ya all.
  20. glad to here you made it out alright. heck people always looked at us like we were crazy when they would see dad and I pulling the boat down roads not meant for a truck and here would be the good ol caravan tracking on and then hit them crappy launches but if you take them like you did most are do able. I think Buster might have been with us on the groomed trail ride but that's a different story for another thread.
  21. A friend of mine has two Cannon's hand for sale $250 for the pair they have the breakaway (QuickDraw Cabela's)rod holder on each one and both have quick release bases (not swivel) with a lot of wire I don't know how much wire or pound it is but there is enough to call them full of wire.
  22. I bought one that you can change the height of the ball I think it has a 8" drop to a 5" rise some thing like that and it was less then $30 at Prinsess auto.
  23. Dang 4 watts I guess that's why so many truck drivers are running 5 trucks deep and 6" apart and all this time I just thought they were afraid to get lost. Most places charge around $25 for peek and tune I dont know what are good places here in Ontario as alot of us get our work done in Ohio they have some good shops down there hope that guy works out for you.
  24. I was not shocked at all when I first heard of this as I see it many times every year. I put in alot of hours on LSC and WAY to many PARTY PEOPLE are out there on the water. I am not going to take a shot at my American friends here with this next statement but on any Sunday morning around 11:30am-1pm they are on the ride home and DONT CARE WHO IS IN THE WAY!!! they leave the Thames river and set the GPS you better look out as they will not. My last run in was last weekend on fathers day I had my dads friend out (dad was to sick Sunday morning and stayed at home) His friend had no idea why these boats were heading towards us I let him know that they are heading home and would all pass with out a care he thought it was a joke until we had 2 of them come to close to us we called it a day as I did not need to play with the AS BAGS. A few years back we were heading out the Thames river and here comes a large boat way to fast we could not turn around and there was alot of other small boats coming in and going out this AS BAG flew right in and then came off plane right in front of every one I had to gun my boat to jump his 4-5' wake my wife flew to the front of the boat and hurt her arms and legs I dont know how the other smaller boats were not flipped over. I hate the others out here and there are way to many of them LSC can suck for this so please be ware if you come down and use my rule of thumb on early off early I try to get off the water by noon but some times the fish say stay longer. The best time is rainy days or fall cold it keeps the PARTY PEOPLE AWAY. Sorry about the rant but these people suck and yes alot are Canadians like the old bugger in the story in the first post.
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