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Everything posted by Handlebarz

  1. Thanks Terry and Carol. Now for Brian heck I wish I could sponsor my self let alone have a staff LOL. I have something for ya for next time we get out you should like it I hope.
  2. Dang the lake looks nice and Friendly that day glad you guys got out for a good one its always nice not having to do all the work and just go for a boat ride.
  3. I here ya on that side Ron but on the down fall he will just take out his trophy and win that round of arguing kinda like some time I remember a couple years ago
  4. Sorry to here of your loss moms are something special for us guys it sounds like she was a great person in your life and will live on with you. Our Condolences from my family to yours.
  5. Thanks for the props Brian and sorry I could not give you the first one of that color it would not be fair to have it sit on a shelf beside your trophy SYN thank you Wayne I would love to do nothing more then make lures that would be almost a dream job next to owning a camp and make lures. I will sell some and not have the inflated prices so that regular fishermen/women can afford them. Will figure that out soon enough. Johhny You are right it sure was a great feeling to have that one go off it was not out to long either we (well I) lost two more on it after Brian got that one. When the end of the day was here this is how it totaled Brian 1 Mike 1 Musky 5 What a great way to start the season off.
  6. I here ya there I got a few hours in good enough for a day on the water I will let Brian do all the work
  7. Well go figure its the night before opener and I along with many others cant sleep we will be hitting LSC in hopes of getting my first Opening day musky so far the last 5 years I have been skunked here to getting a fatty in the net tomorrow maybe I should also head out for the 1 am shift. For baits I will be running 6 1/4" woodies bright colors early and depending on the weather will switch to some darker ones or browns later. Will also be running my new HandlebarZ flashabou in hopes of getting a big girl to bite I will also have the 10" jakes and a few other big baits at the ready if the girls dont want to move yet. Good luck to everyone tomorrow time to try and sleep again.
  8. Dang that sure is a great looking Tiger the color is great Hope to find one of them this year.
  9. Yep thats all he need is another HAT good going HollyWood your the only guy I know that is picked fist for a prize table and takes a HAT I bet cupcake does not get this one.
  10. There are no fish in rice lake have you not been told enough? You keep making a left where you should take the right dang man get a MAP. Nice Haul Hollywood great to here you still have it and also nice to see that I missed a great weekend out but hey the wife almost has a bathroom again.
  11. great shots Clive nice to see the youngster taking after the old man
  12. That is awesome for sure. I love watching the kids playing with the live well that thing is better then any TV set out there. Both our kids have been in the boat since they were born bouncing around in the car seat and it sure did pay off as they both love fishing. I guess you boy is like most of our kids on the site with not much choice but to get out with the family and learn to love teh out doors I can wait to see the reports wand watch him grow on the boat. Cheers Mike
  13. Thanks guys Wayne I will not show the wife your post she can just wait until December 16th to see where they will go in the off season right now she just wants her clock back Canada Dude this is nothing new on the market just something fun for me to do at the house they do cost a fair bit but still alot cheaper then buying them in a store and ya have some fun at the same time. I was using the normal Flashabou but it is just not good enough and I have cut up alot of baits I made as they would tangle and twist into the blades.
  14. Here are the first batch of HandleBarZ Flashabou musky bucktails. I have been playing around for a couple years now and like to tie some lures I love tying bucktails and had bought some of the flashabou a couple seasons ago but was not impressed with it as it would twist a lot but with the Newer Magnum Flashabou I was more then happy with the results from tying this stuff just tying with it you know it feels strong enough to put in front of the big girls and the test market over the last few season has been great with all the rage for bigger baits and flashabou like double cowgirls and other double 10 and 13 blades. Well here is my take on them most have a size 8 colorado or indiana blade there is one 13 and one mag willow 5 that is 7" other then that we have alot of luck with smaller blades here on Lake St.Clair.
  15. Keep up the fight Ron there are alot of people behind you who will not speak up but do support you.
  16. Dan if you are staying right in town try fishing lake Ramsey just before dark for some eyes head down to moonlight beach park and walk all the way across the beach then out along the rocks (there are paths just above them) go about half way to the summer camp pick a spot and have some fun. When fishing this spot use very UL stuff nothing heavy at all I never used more then 4lbs line with a good UL rod and the lightest jig heads you can find. All your going to need is a black or unpainted jig head and motor oil color twister tail or mustard color ones if you can find them they are a little darker yellow. Wait until the sun is just about to set on the far end of the lake you will be looking at the RR tracks at the far end when its just about to set you are ready to rock (usually 8:45-9:15 is the best window but it does not last a full half hour) when you get your first eye keep in mind where it was and cast just ahead of where you got it as these eyes will move in a huge school and you can get a few each pass when they are in close then when they hit the beach and turn you can get them going back out a couple min later casting as far out as possible when you cast that jig let it sink to the bottom and bring it is as slow as you can and I mean slow so that its almost not moving just rais you rod tip and reel in the slack on the way down SLOW. Once the first couple pike are caught go home as the eyes a usually done then.One other thing I always used scents on my jigs every cast or so I would re apply it. I used this style for many years living in Sudbury and would out fish everyone who would head down there they would get pissed as I could get them almost every cast I would watch the others and see what they are doing most had to heavy line or old crappy stuff like 1980's CTC 30' line and would be to fast so remember that UL AND SLOW are the ticket. Ramackos on HWY 17 comming into Sudbury in the 4 corners is a great place to learn go in and pick there brain they are amazing people.
  17. I also did mine in 2000 or 2001 when it first came out the girls at the coast guard booth talked me into it she said it was free to write and $20 if I passed I went in and only had 1 or 2 things wrong and I think they were about sail boats. the wife did hers online and had to have a friend come over to witness it and she also passed no cheating she is very boat smart and every summer some one is shocked when we are camping and they wonder where the wife is and I tell them she took the boat to go fishing on her own.
  18. Was supposed to hit Rice and the area but with my bathroom in many other rooms I had to change my plans and stay home. Good thing its not Musky season opener or the bathroom would wait.
  19. Terry if I win I will take lots of Pics Sorry some one had to say it first. It would be nice to meet you in person and this would be a great trip to do it on and YES I will pick your brain on Photo Shop. Thanks for the heads up
  20. Tj put the AM dial (yes I know that is all you have for the North CBC radio) But down here you want to listen to AM 680 they have traffic every 10 min on the 1's LOL it is very god and will give you heads up on problems. Enjoy the show
  21. Buy them and use them the way they say to they work and fish love them you will also. Bottome bouncers or in line or split shot depends where you are fishing depth and bottom contour. Shallow I use split shots deep with short leads bottom bouncer rocks bottom bouncer weeds both Mix it up and you will be surprised
  22. Dang Dan that sucks for sure I hope that you can find some closure in this matter for you guys even if its with some of the parts. Like others I will keep a look in the Chatham area ya never know it might just end up in the big city here we do have alot of great people here.
  23. Did you contact them about the problem? I know they are great for over the counter replacement even if you break it. I had to have one replaced many years ago and it was past the 7 years they give but don't care just take it in and most places will take care of you. try sending the ma email especially if the top coat is coming off. And the blue wrap ones are Ugly Stick Lite PRO and are very nice for finesse fishing. Not like the just LITE ones with orange wrap.
  24. They are almost all I use for years I would buy the $100+ spinning rods to only break them I got sick of it and went back to the Ugly Stick they are great. A few years back I found a new line of them with blue thread wrap on them I think they are called PRO SERIES? They are alot more sensitive then the normal UL ones and yes great for finesse fishing. I also use them for trolling for musky what I use are the catfish rods they have a very sensitive tip (great to watch the rod for weeds) but great back bone for setting the hook and fighting a musky. all my family has them and the kids DON'T BREAK THEM. I will always stand behind a ugly Stick. I must say yes there are better rods out there but you will be paying 4X as much for them and you will be afraid of them breaking my rods get stepped on banged in doors dropped and pretty much anything else and they keep on ticking.
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