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Everything posted by Handlebarz

  1. Dang Roy how did you beat Dax???
  2. I have not been up there in years thanks for the flash back I know some of them spots well I must say I always looked forward to the trip up there each year we need to get back up there one of these years glad to here that they have great people running it still. If anyone gets the chance this is a great please to visit.
  3. Happy B day Paul hope it has been a good one for ya
  4. Hope the weekend goes great guys maybe next year I will see when it is or if there is a date picked a bit early we will come up and camp for the weekend I am sure i can find a 12' tinny some where for the weekend.
  5. Yep that's a UGLY bugger for sure. I here some salt and pepper little oil and cast iron and you have a great snack there. Nice Ski Matt
  6. Great Job the smile sais it all congratz to ya on the first of many to come sorry to here of your loss on fishing for other bait fish from now on.
  7. Dang that is one happy Dude congrats to him for sure that is a awesome ride and he sure shows it. Dave sorry about loosing your ride but if you want come down here I will take you out heck ya can bring Ryan also. Cheers Mike
  8. Dad and I stayed at French River Lodge back in the early 90's it was amazing time up there and from what I here the fishing is just as good today. If I were booking a place I would go to Tomiko lake lodge its just north of Sturegon falls home of the OFC BOSS and Tj also there is a lot of great bass fishing with some big pickerel I have only fished it on may 24 weekend but have friends who fish it all year and they do great. I don't know if they do guiding but you really don't need a guide as its not a large lake and there are great places to fish out of the wind if it gets tow rough out.Her brother lives up there or did and he is always out giving reports so that they can help you out. The prices are out of this world and Lisa takes great care of you. Just be sure to let her know you heard it from Mike from Chatham or Brad from Dover she will treat you great. I don't know if you will need a 4X4 to launch this time of the year or you could launch from the other lodge there. Contact her and see what there is to offer there.On thing to check and see is if there is a BBQ or bedding as she was getting out of Bedding and some of the BBQ's needed to be replaced i don't know if they were. http://www.tomikolakelodge.com/
  9. Congratz guys and thanks for the contest Phil and Mo
  10. Well after this season I have learned the hard way with two break offs on musky that I will not stray from Seagar again the only reason I did is I won two spools of Gamma and I know alot of people who use it so I figured that it should be good after the two I am DONE with them.
  11. I had a friend and his father down here yesterday and it rained almost all day but we were ready for it we caught two nice eye's just shy of 22" each and two small skies around 30" mark one more rip but that was it best thing is there is a lot less traffic when the weather is off. The fair weather guys are at home and the party people are on the dock gotta love fishing in the rain.
  12. Hey How did ya make out down here? I had not heard back from ya hope it was a good trip. I know a couple others that were down did Ok for the musky was just wondering how things went for ya. Cheers Mike
  13. Great offer I love the shirts I think they are 10.61lbs.
  14. I saw it out of the water at US customs well duty free so I ambushed Dave heck the poor guy cant even stop off in a international safe zone with out a fan being there. I entered but not near as many times as I should have as the stores here in the Chatham area did not get the stuff in they new nothing about it good thing for Tottenham store. Good luck to everyone like many others I hope a OFC'er gets it I would love to get it just to put some down east rod holders on it and slime that thing up good.
  15. Paul hit it on the head if I understood what they are saying I am not as mad but when I could only understand the company name that was sad. A few years ago I would let them talk to my son when he was just learning to talk it was funny as heck. all in all I am in a great mood so its off to watch BB12 with the family then off to bed and start over LOL. Cheers
  16. Well here I was just sitting reading Joeys happy thread and I get a phone call first off I dont answer the phone unless I know who is calling but this was different for some reason I picked up I could not under stand a word she was saying until she got to the company she was calling from they are the same ones who I have had a alarm for the house for over 10 years the thing that ticked me off is she said I won a FREE alarm system but had no clue I already was with them. Sorry it just urked me that calls still make it through even thought were on the DON'T CALL ME LIST!!! Rant over Cheers Mike :wallbash: :wallbash:
  17. Nice Joey but I dont know is he really that happy or trying to hold something else when some smart arse told him now is a great time to take a pic Joey does make a great bait and it sure is a great feeling to have pics of fish with your lure I know some who have them I think i will be getting a couple this fall. I hope you bring some here this fall to get out trolling with I here these things work behind the boat at 5mph October sounds like a good time to try them here.
  18. great report again Pete you have a very nice season going bet ya cant wait for them fall fatties I have enjoyed your reports all season they keep me excited as I had not been out since July 5th (well was out last week) and it was getting me itchy. Check out the cannon cameras I have the power shot something or other and it is great 10 maga pixels and has a great timer I have it set for 30 seconds then it takes 10 pics in a row so you can have 40 seconds to get at least 1 good pic of the fish
  19. done again but dang them others have some major help some how
  20. great day out for sure and ya can not beat that stat to the day congrats Ryan
  21. LOL now that funny great to see them pics Brian glad it was not to rough out there for the girls and yes one of these days I will be able to get out on your new ride.
  22. Dang thing only let me vote 1 time but its in there will keep going each day I can remember some times I need to be reminded what I need to do so a pm to keep me on my toes would be OK
  23. Great to here that there are still places like that out there congrats to them next time were on Rice I guess I will have to take the time to check them out.
  24. not sure if we can even see them from the deep south but when I lived in Sudbury they were amazing to see nothing better then being up at camp with no hydro or lights around and watching them dance hope everyone who can get out and watch them takes advantage of the night
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