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Everything posted by Handlebarz

  1. I love my Lawrence give Josolyn a call at angling outfitters he will hook you up with great prices I know he sold two of my buddies the HDS 5 for the same price as the USA he also had some used units that are still in great working order so you might get a higher end unit that is used for less then you will pay for a new one. He sells used cards for what he takes then in at. I got mine for $50 or so a few years ago.
  2. nice going sometimes you have to mix it up to get them to go I know way to many people who will not change there speed as they have caught all there fish at one speed. Fishing from 2.8mph-7mph is the norm in my boat give the fish what they want and see where it gets ya. Very nice looking ski and the best part is you still have a 50" to look for once you make that mark its kinda sad as you then want a 54" and that is just crazy.
  3. Very nice congrats on a couple nice days out
  4. Its also nice to just thank a vet on Remembrance day or if you see them in uniform heck now they have there license plate so they are easy to find. Brian I bet it means alot to him that some one is paying attention. I hope others take a look at this site just to reflect on where we came from.
  5. Nice Jer glad to see that mug around here. If you have free time and are heading down this way look us up we have extra room and I have the boat ready to go
  6. Dang awesome report and great pics thanks for sharing to bad mother nature was a witch this last week and kept you guys away but you made the right choice it was nasty and dirty here on the weekend.
  7. I dont know if anyone here has shared this site before on here if so then here is another round and I know it can be shared many times over and no will be up set. My Uncle Leo Cleary served Canada in WWII he has not shared many stories with the family but he has spoken to Canada to share a couple of them. This site is amazing as you can read and listen to the stories of our troops who have given us the freedom to have the great life we have here in Canada. Thank You to all our vets here is the link to Charles Leo Cleary http://www.thememoryproject.com/Stories/Veteran-Profile.aspx?itemid=3743
  8. Gods country WTH I see you found the good SW Ontario tobacco barns LOL. I am in Chatham and would much rather be in the north that is god country but I guess from the big city living in the county is gods place. Any way back to your question if you head to erieau fishing from the docks can be fun you will catch anything and everything there from big pike to crappie perch even trout and what ever else is in from the main lake. in Shewsberry just a couple min from your house you can fish the cuts there in the spring they get loaded with crappie. If you want to get out on LSC for some musky fishing LMK and we can try and hook up for a afternoon or morning fish. Hope it helps a bit
  9. I think they did it for sheets a giggles just to Confuse and Bewilder Redneck's well thats what my brain sais
  10. Sorry for not getting back to this sooner guys but things have been taking my attention away from the boat I did how ever have time last night to take the batteries out of the boat and started to charge them with a 10 amp charger. Garry your right there was a blown fuse its weird that it would blow as I have had it hooked up for the season and all of a sudden it has blown??? Well I will see how things work out after they are fully charged and I replace the fuse. Thanks for the help all.
  11. I was driving my usual trip for work on my way home at mile maker 118 in Ohio when the BOB&TOM show came back from break they were not there usual funny laughing show Bob started to talk about the first plane hitting the building. I would drive with 3 other guys they had not heard it yet so I told them what was going on then we listened to AM radio to get more details. We all decided that we would full flat out for the boarder before it was shut down or plains ran into it. what a crazy feeling came over me when we headed through Toledo and again up in Michagian when we were around the air ports and there were no planes in the sky. We made it to the bridge in Detroit just as they were closing it I was one of the last trucks to cross before they closed it. It was a crazy day on the hi-way as there was little traffic out there. All I could think about way my wife and daughter who was just 1 1/2 years old then. The best part is they had no clue as Elmo was on our T.V. so the wife was not worried about us getting stuck in the USA or worse on the bridge. I just finished watching some video on you tube my son cam in and had alot more questions it sure is hard to tell him what happened with out messing his head up. I hope I did a good job but he still does not understand why fire men and police were running into the building when they were going to fall down. RIP to all that lost there lives 10 years ago and Thank you to all who have given there lives to save others.
  12. Hey Phats nice to see ya here if ya want to get out musky fishing this fall LMK I have the extra room for you any time. As for favorite lure all around fishing would be baby minus fire tiger color I have caught everything from bass walleye pike even a splake on them. Musky would have to be a double 10 (no bias (if that is how you spell Bias) here)
  13. Good luck with the family I hope things are better for ya I always enjoyed the posts from you just remember we will be here in 5 years consider this your FA meeting place. Maybe the mods can make a separate section just for non fishing posts so guys who are addicted to the board can still enjoy it with no fishing content For the guys and girls who have a love of your life that does not enjoy your obsession to fishing let this be a lesson that you will also need to make this choice down the road as it will never work out if they don't enjoy the time on the water with you or in my case the time your gone away. If you have kids or are planning to have kids get them out fishing and camping at the earliest age as they will be brain washed into LOVING fishing and camping this will save you from meeting this same fate.
  14. Ok two or three years ago I bought a on board charger this year I bought two new batteries well they are not charging the indicator on the charger sais they are but I can not get either of them to take a charge so I am guessing that the charger is not working. I went to CTC to get a charger that was on sale the 10/2amp one but saw that they had 1amp Trickle chargers on sale also how well would a 1amp do me? and is it worth the time or should I get the bigger charger? the on board one I was using was a 3 bank 15amp each battery would charge at 5amps. How much longer will it take with the 1amp (Yes I know 5 times longer but any idea how long time wise to charge them up in hours? I have looked and must be missing something in the book that tells me this. Thanks Mike
  15. it started here last night around 7 or 8pm with a great light show then the skies opened up around 10:30 and it was on and off all night great light show and very loud thunder. I was just glad it held off until after 10pm for the rain as we had a send off party for my niece she is headed to University today we are all proud of her for that.
  16. that is about the biggest thing I hate about living here in the SW no small lakes I have the choice of two great lakes and LSC and two big rivers with anything I want to catch but I sure do miss them lakes like that crappie one just pop in for a few hours then head to the next. Very nice going on the crappie they are not always that easy to get nice to see ya found them that easy.
  17. its the long weekend and the only ones left in front of the puter dont want to think about fishing I guess dead fish talk does not count
  18. very sorry to here it BB it sounds like there are enough memories to go around keep him living by sharing them stories with everyone.
  19. just started to watch the show it is good so far but only saw a couple episodes.
  20. Glad to here things are headed in the right direction hope it works out for ya and to be working in the fishing department is cool.
  21. Happy Bday Paul pop a fatty but save some luck for when you get down here.
  22. Congrats on the first hears to many more
  23. Congrats on the first Ski everyone is special in some way but you never forget the first. I would suggest a good tri pod for your camera also learn to use the timer function it is amazing what great shots you can get using them. I set my tir-pod up just after setting my lines trolling or before I start to cast this way its ready to go. I attach the base to the camera then place it back into the case for quick use. good luck on the next ski. Oh yeah Bass love musky lures here is one from last week it ate a woodie.
  24. best advice I will give ya for your rings is head to WM and get a set of the split ring pliers they sell they are AMAZING and work better then my high $$$ ones. I have used the heavy stainless steel ones from reel pro AKA luremaking.com they are very good and strong I am not a fan of triple rings for crank baits as they some times mess up how the hooks hang.
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