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Everything posted by Handlebarz

  1. Give my friend Brent a call he is great and you will have blast he is funny as hell and knows his stuff I know they will have a great time with Brent tell him I sent ya. here is his facebook page he does not have his site totally done yet. http://www.facebook.com/pages/FISH-NV/175864882437212
  2. talk to the Boss's husband send Tj a PM he will hook you up.
  3. Frank if you get down here LMK before hand I will give ya some ideas on what is working. Fishsled it would have been great to have her follow a few times then take it I am waiting for that I have had them follow on a couple turns but not take it. Phil I will be out and hope the family can make it with me if not I might just jump into another boat if I am solo.
  4. only ones I could recommend would also be Linders series as they have so many of them for every fish out there. I don't know of cool ones for documentary stuff if you find them let us know as I also like to see this stuff.
  5. I have only went night fishing a couple times it sure is different when you cast your bait and here it hit the water but don't see a thing then when you miss judge the distance from your rod and the leader hits it that is a rush its self. I have not caught s night time musky yet but cant wait for the first. One thing I was thinking of was adding some red rope lights around the inside of the of the boat so I could see the inside of the boat but not ruin my eyes for night vision I was on a submarine before and noticed that they had all red lights inside.
  6. Great way to cap off the season at camp Geoff congrats
  7. Dang I am very sorry to here of this tragic news our thoughts are defiantly with him and his family.
  8. Very nice Carl I will have to pick your brain if I get a chance to take the wife out she has wanted to get out for bass all summer but we only make it once
  9. Ron it was a blast my first figure 8 musky when teaching Jade on my bait it does not get much better then that. Simon you should look at some musky hunting on LOTW or Eagle when your done there fishing you will get hooked easily. Thanks Carl I love getting time in with Jade
  10. Dang Chris I am sorry to here this atleast he can have all the bones he wants now and the biggest puffiest couches any dog could imagine
  11. Dang I thought that by Monday night there would be a lot of different bait makers posting here it could be a great thread lets see what ya all got
  12. Thanks Pete it was not a 50"er but you know
  13. Lew that was my first official figure 8 musky it was a long way from years ago fishing with you when I had my first follow As most know here I love getting time out with my little girl we sure do have a blast getting them musky was extra fun for the day. I had my lucky shirt my lucky hat (dad gave it to me when I was 11 yes I had a big head then also) and my favorite lucky fishing partner. Johnny your right on the better times on Monday. Thanks for the kind words all I hope there are more reports to come this fall as its just getting heated up here. The lake looks awesome with stained water and lots of hungry fish
  14. John you more then right there it was great to get out even if it was just a few hours I had my lucky shirt lucky hat and best fishing partner. (sorry Brian your still out) Joey it was amazing I was thinking you should have been down here to get some of that sun rise it was crazy awesome (what ever that means)
  15. Nice choice Mike I made the same choice and ended up cutting the lawn in the dark at 8pm the other night it did not look to bad and I did not step in any unsuspecting dog logs.
  16. awesome story and way to end the year with your parents there that is very cool. Nice looking ski also I sure love them colors of that one congrats on a great way to finish your camping for the year.
  17. nice going Brian and kudos to Ryan for showing you a new spot. I have a nice spot that we would fish with no one around nothing better then leaving 100 people to fish alone.
  18. Very nice Mike I hope it was from a area you don't target musky so it gave you a new place to look for them.
  19. Mike we were just casting and she was having trouble with her figure 8 with the top raider so she asked me what she was doing wrong I told her to watch me and also explained I had a 9' rod not like her 7' and it was easier for me but continued to show her what to do and then that cast I had the musky come from under the boat to inhale the bait.
  20. Dang now that looks like a very busy weekend and a fun filled one great report Dan
  21. Dang now that is some way to spend thanksgiving kudos to your family Wayne for working together so close.
  22. Nice going guys and congrats on the new PB
  23. thanks everyone I sure do love to spend time with my daughter chasing musky I know she will be back out with me this season as she is a die hard musky hunter. She did get a bit of a shower when a musky jumped out of the water to attack a bait that was running right beside the boat just 24" from the rod tip I wish I had saw the look on her face when it first happened not after it splashed her.
  24. Well we finally got on the water together and put a couple fish in the boat what a beautiful day it was from the start the first one my daughter got trolling it was first thing in the am and smashed the Jake it was a easy un hook of the back hook and CPR away it went and we were fishing again.The picture was blurry as I had forgotten my big tripod and had to use my small one and put it in the wrong spot on the boat Oh well it still tuned out some what. The second Ski of the day cam e later on when we were casting LSC Jade had asked me to show her how to do the figure 8 again so I was explaining it to her (she was having trouble as she was using a top raider) I was showing her how to do the first turn when I saw the ski come up and inhale my Double 10 LSC special color the fight was on and I was "winning" this fish did not want to see me but it was not going to win the battle Jade got the net ready and passed it off to me what a pain in the arse to net a ski with a 9' rod I got the job done and felt the adrenaline flowing and was ready to have a better look at her. she was deep hooked I could not even get to the hook with my cutters as she had all three points of the 5/0 in her mouth I just cut the wire of my bait and was able to get her mouth open the surgery was easy from there with no damage to her.She was 47" and thick after a quick pic that Jade took I let her go she swam away strong to come back next year. here is the bait after I cut it up, I bent the wire so that the beads would stay on and not get all over the boat. I know a guy who will rebuild it for me for next weekend. What a great thanksgiving day to top it off we had turkey and the wife's home made pumpkin pie and carrot cake nothing gets better (well steak instead of turkey)
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