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Everything posted by Handlebarz

  1. Nope just sitting around waiting to go to work
  2. Tag hit it I could not come up with the Record Peddler that was a great place for any underground bands or death metal I still have some venom records from back then
  3. Awesome fish Ian congrats man see ya out there soon
  4. Dang did not know he was still alive until yesterday we made many trips down to T.O. From Sudbury to look for the many awesome bootleg copies of Slayer,Venom and much more heavy metal thrash metal as no one else had it at the time. I always looked forward to the big records to mark the end of our trip. Yes we did hit the smaller shops but SAMs was the place to start. RIP Sam
  5. Looks like a awesome time congrats thanks for sharing
  6. Looks like a awesome trip with some very nice slime congrats
  7. Fatty for sure Them top raiders work all times of the day not early and late.
  8. I would bring it in have them look at it or question them why it might be milky and not talk about the line. Maybe the breakin oil breaks Down in some form like that??? I do remember some one asking about the difference in the original oil and stuff you use after the breakin period. But I have never bought brand new.
  9. Paddy and if you catch a lot of fish on it change the name to Paddy Go Lucky also acceptable names would be Green lantern (very original) leprechaun (again very original) Green Mile (to Soon) booger (kids (boys) would like that one) Octoberfest sorry Oktoberfest so I am not corrected fighting Irish Ok I gots to stop and go fishing but the dang wind is just not right its going to be a long weekend
  10. Awesome report and the smile say it all. Great way to end the summer congrats and thanks for sharing that nice 27"er
  11. BPS 100mph or the one that is a step down I have it and love it its light enough that in the summer its not to hot and just layer up in the fall its great. I have the heavy lined one from Caballas its awesome but its not good for summer use it dang hot.
  12. I have been using the down spout for many years now I use soft sided cooler bags which work well. The mag dogs were $15.99 smaller ones $18.99 double dogs and pounders 19.99 and double pounders $29.99
  13. Heavy west winds Saturday for LSC I will not be out there. Good luck in the KL area.
  14. Lol I like that color Joey bet it would be awesome on nip. It would have been nice to see you again I got a feeling it will be soon
  15. Just left sail what a great store was talking with a couple guys in the fishing department great guys. Prices are awesome not over priced good selection also. I will be back when passing through the gta
  16. Ronnie it was awesome To see you guys again. Awesome fish for sure I was wondering how long you could hold out on not sharing that weekend. The big girls down here have been very hot on the big blades the last month and a half. Just think they say the best is yet to come.
  17. Yep I can't understand the crap that has been said in a bunch of threads it seems like early cabin fever. Must be the ice fishing guys
  18. Im heading up TI check out sail on Weston road will be there around 9:30-10am looking at some more bulldogs they have great prices and no tax right now. I also want to know what do you all store your bulldogs in? I was just using the Plano boxes when I only had 4 I'm at 9 now and adding colors today just looking for new options.
  19. I will by pass crusty I mean Dax and post the pic I put the not for Dax but everyone who does not know that Dax has a sense of humor.Oh yeah for the ones who dont know this was not directed at Brian either. Dang its getting hard to have fun anymore I feel like Im running for President of the USA and have to watch my every word. Oh Crap there I go to politics that is a NoNo LOL enjoy. Here is the pic it took alot of work to save it but here it is thanks again all it was a cool find. BTW you can go to the MCI main site and I am sure there are back issues of the Release Journal that can be seen.
  20. That is one reason I switched from shimano ul rods in the 90's I kept breaking my aero rods I do like there heavier Muskie rods
  21. Awesome not much better then that watching from start to net congrats.
  22. Thanks that was cool to find out today Mikey though it was awesome I love the grit and determination on his face battling the monster
  23. awesome looking bow
  24. Nice looked like a great day out there
  25. I loved the colors on this little guy i had to take its picture
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