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Everything posted by Handlebarz

  1. Ron dont tell her my tape starts at 4" Mike I had to laugh at my self also I knew she was pulling alot but did not know I had to get hulk out to help get her from under the boat
  2. One more pic from another follow on the figure 8 it stuck to the lure for about 3 figure 8's but then left bad part is in the video my arm blocks most of the video Oh well its still cool when I get it done here is a shot of it any way
  3. Jim please do we will have done BBQ and chat if there is time after fishing. Bring your casting gear and your best boat partner.
  4. That would be great Ron I know you guys do some great vids. When are you heading east for the season?
  5. I think I got it done this time here is the first video I just need to work on piecing the others together from the follows and splashes and then try and get some music to go with the other video
  6. Well I got one of the many videos on the mac now but I dont have a clue what Im doing to crop it down I have it down to 1min 24 sec but when I try to save it I can not Im using I movie and have about wore my brain out dang I owe alot to the guys who make these videos look so awesome. I have alot of footage from today I just want to make a small video of it all or at least the big girl and a couple boat strikes. I did figure out how to get a picture from it so here are 4 from her jump boat side.
  7. Well today was supposed to be my first day back to work after my holidays I show up at 6am and am told they did not have me scheduled for a run so before they could find something I was out the door (actually they gave my run to some one else Oh well) Anyway I turned that into a positive and went home hooked up the boat and headed to LSC plan was do some more casting for slime it worked out great I boated 3 had 7 other miss hits and follows I only took one picture she was a beauty 50 1/2" one of the others was mid 30's and the other around 40's it was a great day now I just need some pointers on how to get my video from the gopro to my Mac? I have tried but it seems to be taking for ever each video is about 3-8min long. Any help on this one? here are a couple pics until I figure this video thing out
  8. Very nice looks like a great time thanks for sharing
  9. Awesome job Ron congrats on a nice ski
  10. Yup Raf hit it I lost a couple lures with a high speed stop with 50lbs PP I now only use 100lbs on my casting gear with no fear of a repete
  11. Well it looks like I picked another great weekend to go tenting with the forcast 100% rain at Cameron lake Friday it will make for long days. Wife just went and picked up a new 20X40 tarp to try and make it a bit dryer for dinner time. What do you all do to battle the weather when camping?
  12. Ron you know where to find us this weekend chasing them clear musky we will be up there early tomorrow. Simon it's nice having the wife out it sure makes it easier to buy lures as she knows the end results. Ehg I sure do love the colors but it's nice to chase some others for a different look
  13. Dang glad things turned out the way they did
  14. Thanks y'all the wife is still jacked up. Frank we will get out for sure maybe near the end of aug or early sept.
  15. Awesome day for sure. Better company then a ugly hairy bugger Btw the two appointments took a total of 10 min it was longer writing the check then her getting the work done I missed fishing for that.
  16. Congrats all the best to you and the misses
  17. Well the wife and I finally had time to get out fishing by ourselves for a couple hours we had planed to fish until 7:30 or so we hit the water at 5:15 and were fishing by 5:30 we had to head deep on LSC to find some cooler water and we were rewarded for making changes to the original plans the rod goes off and the wife is in action she thought it was a smaller musky but turned out to be her new PB walleye 23 3/4" We set up the rods again and troll on not 5 min later same spot the same rod goes off this time I know its a ski then it clears the water its a big ski she is now getting very excited as she has not been on the boat when we have had a big ski like this before her biggest was 44" well she battles it like a champ in the net it goes hook pops right out. We have the camera and tri pod already set up I also have my OFC 64" ruler mounted on a board to get good measurements its ready she hits the self timer on the camera I get the big girl out of the net for a quick pic and back into the water lay her across the board and she breaks the 50" mark not quite 50 1/8" but close. it took her about 25 min to go but she swam off under the boat and back to her home now we can high five and enjoy the moment it was now 7pm so we just called it a day what a great evening it was well 1 1/2 hours. I did not have the gopro set up so we did not do any video This is why I like the self timer with 10 shots you get your pose and hope to get some other cool pics I like this one. If it was colder I would have done a head shot and mouth open shot but I wanted her to get back great shot the wife took just as she was kicking out of my hand
  18. just a couple of the casting baits I bring with me mushy hunting
  19. They have rail mount and bolt on which I would think can be used on a track. I would not use them to hold the rods when cruising along as they are designed to work when there is tension on the line they would just rattle around and move alot.
  20. Slime on LSC with slow poke. Maybe using 5lbs LM for bait
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