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Everything posted by purekgw

  1. i still cant find a 2009 regulations book does any one have a web site for the lower grand?
  2. melt ice melt!!
  3. looks kinda like a rock bass to me and thats one nasty hand lol
  4. i have a few torrents if its a microsoft thing you need peer guardian and i always use a proxy
  5. any kayak you can fish out of but some are better then others you can easly buy a CT one and add rod holders but make sure that the kayak fits you right you dont want to buy one and not be comfortable and you can use the clips or stretch cord to hold you paddle some people also like to use rod leashes just to be safe < rigged kayak
  6. thats wrong
  7. 12 foot would be a good, SOT are good for summer months but have alot of storage and places to mount stuff like fish finders and rod holders ect. i personally have a SIK they keep you nice warm and dry but dont have as much storage depending on the kayak but its mostly personal preference this is my kayak here i will be adding 2 flush mounted rod holders where the black spots are and mounting a fish finder and scotty rod holder on the dashboard if you have more questions this site is very help full with ideas http://www.yakfisher.net/
  8. nice to see another person interested in kayak fishing depending on what your budget is there are many things to consider where are you going to be fishing lake or river? do you want SIK SOT? you want speed or maneuverability?
  9. buy more rods?
  10. theres glue lol?
  11. i agree with #3 i am SO tired of winter i want it gone RIGHT NOW!
  12. kind of yah its also really really fun lol
  13. best way to put is its just fun like an art
  14. the best thing is to screw with them and confuse them they usually hang up really fast and now there even calling my phone i dont mind messing with them at home but when they start wasting my phone minutes it means war
  15. people keep more then they should or even out of season fish all the time in the grand makes me SO mad like what gives them the right to abuse the fishery
  16. this summer go diving or snorkeling off where you lost your box if there was some weight in it couldnt go to far i find lures and stuff all the time when im snorkeling
  17. thats so not right
  18. the water has gone down near normal in caledonia so should be about same there the ice i dunno tho
  19. i feel bad for that nice fish
  20. good report man looks fun
  21. the pike is really good there nothing huge but fun
  22. i have heard of people doing that i guess it must work
  23. i have never fished it but i would try out a large rabbit hair leech
  24. just use your dead bait to chum holes pop there air blaters and let em go down
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