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Everything posted by purekgw

  1. its a nice start you going there you do need more topwater, senko's, jigs and x-raps are key heres mine crank baits top waters randoms tubes, bass jigs and jig heads a few of my bass spinners some gulp, yum and other soft and one of my 2 worm binders all senkos can never have to many just buy stuff as you go and you should be set and watch out for deals like buy 1 get 1 frees are always good :thumbsup_anim:
  2. proctor marine has em i think
  3. what would u sell the truck for?!?
  4. yah i wouldnt mind trying it but Mosquito’s have never really bothered me they usually stay away
  5. LMAO is that where my cat went?
  6. i dont know if i wonna tell u
  7. i wouldnt drink the stuff in it
  8. trout opener is going to be packed i dont dare head down on opener
  9. looks good ill be taste tester for yah
  10. i was kidding and the sign might work but you will still get people who dont care, laws need to be enforced better by OPP or something i always see cops sitting at the top of the hill by the dam only one has come down and that was to talk to use about good spots to go fishing along the grand with his kids nice guy tho
  11. gerritt let me know if you wonna head down with some bats and beat the regs into them
  12. i have only ever seen one officer down there and thats when the steel head open and your lucky to get near the river
  13. i spend alot of time at the grand what can i say
  14. even walleye people have already started targeting them like there closed for a reason.
  15. next time you see him send him to the grand he will get a few busts
  16. i have had it with these poachers, headed down to the grand to day to get some sucker meat for some nice dunville cats when i look over to see this guy fighting a very nice fish after about 5-7min he gets it in and turns out to be a steel head i almost snapped but when i see him throw it against the rocks i had seen all i could take. So we walked to shore and headed over to the guy and just as i thought i see a steel head laying on shore so we make a comment about how there out of season and he pipes up "o well i have been fishing them all week in hamilton, and they open on the 15" well Bull today is the 15 so he tries the "o well i thought they were open" well after words were passed we left seeing as the fish was already dead, but i snapped a couple pics of his plates and reported him to MNR. Im done with it next person i see going to keep one im calling OPP on the spot :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry:
  17. i think we sell them at caledonia bait and tackle
  18. nah 30feet of water and some cement blocks and your good to go
  19. Cormorant Defenders International i wonna round house kick one good kill the cormorants there over populated
  20. i know where that is lol you get some good cats down there and carp
  21. carp is where its at
  22. SANTA!!!
  23. buy a CO badge put it on your coat and walk around asking people what there fishing for lol they prob crap them selves on the spot
  24. ima start drop kicking people i seen at least 4 people fishing steel head today
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