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Everything posted by purekgw

  1. awesome creek single barbless hook and no live bait if i remember right any spot is good just find deep holes
  2. i can order them trough my work i believe it was that ill check tomorrow
  3. thats way over priced i have see eagle ones for $29
  4. my dads friend make musky bucktail jigs and musky size bass spinners out of tin so its the same size but alot easier to cast
  5. even though some are spawning there are always ones that will hit i got a 41" from the grand the other day
  6. nice fish man and yah the grand has been very good lots of eyes if you know where to look headin down again to night gar pike are also up awesome fight if u can hook em
  7. sat Hamilton harbor sun work mon work ahh what a week end
  8. its not a portable its a permanent mounting unit
  9. i have no clue what size i need its just gotta be a 12v its to power the humminbird fishfinder i got for my kayak im still doing research of what size would be good.
  10. does any one know where i can find one of these in Hamilton?
  11. its not always that easy tho when we were up north for walleye opener my dad got a musky and we had to bring it in the boat to unhook it there was no other way
  12. paddle shack in toronto had a big sale this week end
  13. where headin up to the kawarthas this weekend to for the all mighty walleye
  14. thanx gerritt
  15. what time does his store open we are heading to Hamilton harbor in the morning and need carp bait dont want to drive there and find hes closed any help?
  16. lol my friend had something happen hooks into a nice 20+ and it decided to go for a run and we where on slick mud so he ended up in the water and rod went bye bye u fishing in a small pond?
  17. you can eat em i have never tried but i hear carp is ok smoked
  18. looks fun man nice report
  19. some beef jerky and pepsi is the way to go
  20. we usually try and hit a few rabbits or deer on the way up and thats the food for the week
  21. grand rivers loaded with carp and suckers right now in Caledonia
  22. very nice fish and vid, you can see that its about to thrash when it cocked its tail
  23. might head to Hamilton harbor for some nice carpin i always avoid the grand on opener
  24. yah i find the open eye one runs straighter
  25. yes KTL is still around working at a bait store we has triple S , KTL and DFS Triple S is in U.S tho
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