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Everything posted by purekgw

  1. that was on tv last night a lot harder to control then it looks
  2. lol MAGIC!
  3. WOW man nice haul
  4. lol takes mad skill
  5. the reason the one in my pic is bleeding is because we had such a hard time getting it through hole we had to gill it and since we keeping it didnt matter where we grabbed it and didnt want it to suffer
  6. wow man what an awesome day the whiteys taste SO good
  7. we where out at Port Bolster in about 40 feet
  8. are those all white fish because when we where there yesterday there where about 10 right under us at one point we got a couple up and they were cisco
  9. thanx we are having it to night should be good
  10. nice fish man
  11. her she is my first every whitey
  12. very nice eye man congratz
  13. Finally got out to simcoe for a day on the ice left home around 3:30am and got there around 6ish after getting lost (thank god for GPS) made it to the hut started off slow then around 11ish picked up a bit with perch. Then went dead for a couple hours with the odd perch and crisco (i think thats what there called) then finally tip up get a little action like something bumping it up so i slowly lift up on the tip up and boom took off like a dart starts to come up and turns out to be a nice whitey, after almost losing it like 6 times down the hole finally get it up and boom the other tip up goes off set the hook and it didnt want to move was like a brick after a little while finally starts to come up can see a little tail and it decides it doesn't like going up so darts down and hes gone have no clue what it was but he didnt want to see the sun. Over all a good day ill take some pics of fish in morning :thumbsup_anim:
  14. you can use bass tubes for lakers? nice fish by the way maybe i get 1 tomorrow!
  15. nice fish man
  16. good catch how deep you fishing?
  17. i have a pair of skies they sitting back in the shed lol havent been used in a while
  18. snowboarding is BETTER!
  19. Its randys fish huts that we are going with
  20. do they drill the holes in the huts when they drop you off or are they pre-drilled?
  21. Ok well friday morning we are heading to simcoe we have rented a hut out there but if fridays going to be nice i wouldnt mind fishing out side but i got no auger. So if i bring a hatchet what are the chances of finding some ones old hole that i can get through?
  22. i was going to go to P.E.I for them
  23. they do but you have hit them at the right time of the year i was looking into it a while ago they in rivers in spring and fall
  24. whats Friday going to be like?
  25. that was on top gear i think it is lol
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