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Everything posted by purekgw

  1. we were keeping like 2 small cats so we threw them in there
  2. as long as you bring sucker meat some egg sinkers and big hooks i doubt you will be skunked every one down there got one
  3. we got all them off shore i was running 14lb test with 2 egg sinkers, the top one came out to be 17lbs had a good gut we are heading back down next weekend also we kept 2 little guys to try and see how they taste
  4. Headed down to dunville at 5 in the morning to get there and have the whole river to are selves until more and more people started showing up but was a very good day ill let the pics do the rest. in all we got around 5 to 6 each these where some of the bigger guys not bad for first timers
  5. i already have the sucker meat we got some last night from the dam
  6. alright since im to poor to buy cut bait can any one help me out with some home made cutbait recipes, i now most people use suckers but what do you add to the meat to make it smell?
  7. ahhhhhh party pooper lol i was really wanting this to be realistic car its a really good design, and yes the challenger is really nice but like you said i dont really care for the rear end still nice tho
  8. do they eat bread? if so sneak so alcaselsers in there and boom
  9. well after seeing mattones new truck it reminded me of the 2010 dodge charger and i must say if the come out looking like this ill sell my soul to have one
  10. wow those are some nice fish congrats man and sinker u should defiantly go for them
  11. so any burn outs yet lol nice truck in deed
  12. there a nice little kayak for the price depending on when you will be using it SOT are also good theres a kayak tournament this summer with demo kayaks for people to use http://www.canadiankayakanglers.com/index.php?page=13
  13. people think if there closed you just cant take them home so they keep fishing for them, and the MNR probably didnt go down i have called the MNR a couple of times in caledonia for pouching
  14. big creek as in grand river big creek?
  15. the only thing open here right now is pike some of the people you see down there are fishing for carp, suckers and crappie, some people keep the suckers for cut bait when the cats move into dunville
  16. we are getting that exact seat its "in the mail"
  17. the ice is out now small ones are up but bigger guys should be coming up soon!
  18. i like the Bob Izumi signature rods i have an ultra light hasnt let me down yet
  19. wow i just looked at prices its going to be around $100 for us to get in and park i think thats alittle bit much
  20. buy the stamp they put on peoples hand lol free pass
  21. check out haldimand motors we got are truck there good prices and good vehicles http://www.haldimandmotors.com/
  22. thanx guys i thought it would be like that wanted to make sure tho
  23. can you run 2 deep cycle batteries on a 12v trolling motor to make it run longer or can you only use one at a time ? if you can how would you do this?
  24. i laugh when i see people fishing like that then i think how do they do it
  25. thanks guys ima go do some fishing
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