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Everything posted by Casey123

  1. We like 7 Foot plus for our casting rods and 6.5 for verticle jigging. We find a little shorter rod for jigging is easier to get a good hook set right under the boat. All of our other rods are 7 foot plus.
  2. Funny, I have the 3rd edition of this book.
  3. Michelle and I spent the day between Collingwood and Wiarton looking for fish. The Big Head has a few starting to show up in the mouth - We don't like fishing here as it is a marina/harbour. We saw a few jumping in Coplsy Bay and in the Owen Sound, but it is still a week or so to early. Just wanted to save others the trip.
  4. To add to the first aid kit - Some Water Proof Tape for applying gauze pads. We never use the gauze but the tape wrapped around the nicks and cuts keeps the infection out. Also if you are like me, by the end of the day your thumbs will be chewed up and sore from hooks and fish teeth (I am convinced that there is a safe way to lip a pike LOL).
  5. I have seen a dog catch a fish with his teeth, but never a boy. Maybe I should start up a carp fertalizer plant.
  6. Not sure if you have a vehicle at school? If you do, I can help you out with some not to far places on the Conestoga.
  7. Welcome Aboard Tony.
  8. Awesome SmallMouth - Find the sunken Sailboat - enough said!
  9. We bought a couple of Gary Parson one piece Medium Heavy Walleye rods, and really like them for Pike. They are a one piece with a fast tip.
  10. As many of you know, I started a new job in September of 2007. I was hired to open a new sales office in Burlington, Ontario. It has been a very rewarding career move, it has also meant some sacrifices for Michelle and I; primarily our time. We have not had a vacation in a year. I have had to work very long hours, meaning Michelle, in addition to working a very hectic full time job, has had to do double duty at home picking up the slack. This year we choose a lodge North on Nakina, an old CN Rail stop in about 36 miles North of Geraldton, Ontario. We left Hamilton a little after 9:PM on August 29, 2008 and started the 1280km drive North. Our drive was without incident, we made record time to Timmins, just over 7 hours. Just after the 101 bypass, I saw my first Lynx, standing right out on the shoulder road. Between Timmins and Chocrane, we also saw 5 Red Fox hunting in the long grasses at the side of the Highway. We made a quick stop to grab a coffee in Chocrane, and made a decision to stop in Kapuskasing for breakfast. After a nice hot breakfast at the Park Inn Motel, Michelle took over the wheel for the last 480km to O’Sullivan Rainbow lodge. O’Sullivan Lake is a large lake, approximately 14 miles from the Southern Tip to the Northern Shore and almost 7 miles across from East to West. The great thing about fishing this lake is that you are never more then 1000 yards from a shore line. There are literally 100's of islands and thousands of miles of shore line to fish. Saturday afternoon we got a little turned around, once you head out a few hundred meters from the shore, you can no longer tell what land masses are islands and what is shore line. By Sunday we had the main body of the lake figured out and Monday we had the confidence to travel the entire lake and find our way back. Saturday we caught several smaller walleye and pike. It was a great introduction to the lake, in addition to the vast amount of shoreline, there are dozens on sunken islands and reefs, many coming up from 70 FOW to 10FOW in a few short meters. Sunday was exceptionally windy, it was a little tricky keeping the boat off of the shoreline when trolling. We did mange some bigger Walleye, including this 27" beauty caught travelling around a wind swept point. Our real reason for picking this lake was to target some deep water lakers. We originally planned on doing some vertical jigging, we had purchased a good assortment of jigs from 3/4 oz Swedish Pimples to 3oz Cast Masters (Locating these took a little research). A last minute trip to J.B.'s in Toronto changed all of this. The young guy at J.B.'s showed me a a different kind of weight called a Torpedo. It is used with a 3 way swivel and has a chart that corresponds to the speed of trolling and depth of your lure. We used primarily silver, gold and 1/2 Williams Wobbler's; from 3" to 6" in size. The results were immediate. The scenery on the lake was breath taking, Michelle took some great pictures of the many rock formations along the shoreline. We found the the area much different then the Chapleau region that we normally fish. There were not many towering White Pines, the trees were primary Black Spruce and Jack Pines. Every where we pulled up on shore, we found 1' + of moss and many species of Fungi and Lichens that we were not use to seeing a little further South. By the end of the week, we had caught and released over 25 Lake Trout, countless Walleye and Pike. We will be returning next year, and give a ringing endorsement to this piece of heaven that Bob and Michelle own. O'Sullivan's Rainbow Lodge Summer (807) 329-5297 P.O. Box 29 Nakina, Ontario, Canada P0T 2H0 Winter (715) 564-2248 4995 Willow Rd. Tripoli, Wis. USA 54564
  11. Packing a fish out and getting stopped will be the problem. You would most likely be issued a ticket if caught and have to go to court to prove you were not in the wrong. You would not be in contrevention of the law, proving it would be the tricky part.
  12. Dead Carp, can't see what all the fuss is about.
  13. and the alligaotrs, pike, snakes, hawks, coyotes, musky, cars, dogs, cats, etc., etc. etc., Sounds like a wel thought out plan
  14. :dunno:You could always go fishing
  15. G you know the drill alright! 5:30am till 8:00pm here, depedning on the call though, I try and let the voicemail on my cell pick up the really early calls and the late night stuff, uless of course it is an emergency.
  16. This is based on sunrise/sunset as defined by Enviroment Canada, the info is free on theri website, the same applies for hunting regs.
  17. Thanks, I was looking for this paragraph, you saved me the troubles.... Anyone not clear on this??????????????
  18. Cool pic, great to see your interest in the baby ducks well being....but I must agree with the others, best to let nature take its course. We have geese at the office a good 15 minute walk to the nearest creek (Bronte) the babies do fine, the ones that are not so strong. go back in the food chain.
  19. I second this for Sunday.
  20. Aile your right, while it sucks not to have your own boat, it is better to dwell on the fact that you will have time to spend with your wife and child. It is a long weekend and you will be nowhere near the big smoke. The only thing you may consider is the following: Your wife and you might have to take turns going out in the boat as it may not fit two adults! Just teasing, no matter what happens enjoy the time away.
  21. I didn't know they made them that small, my float tube is almost as big! LOL Oh man does that suck
  22. I think everyone is misunderstanding the point of the question!!!! This is how I interperte what you are asking.... If the water you are fishing has a 2 limit possesion then it is a 2 limit possesion, gone are the days of daily and agragate possesion limits. So if you catch 2 on Friday, that is it for keeping them. You can continue C and R BUT if you stick 2 in your freezer up there and take 2 more home to London you are in violation of the law. Your total possesion limit is now 4, 2 over the limit. You may get away with it, but you are still breaking the law, knowling doing so is even worse. Now if you were fishing on Friday in lake Huron with a two possesion limit then on Satuday moved to a body of water that had a 5 possesion limit you would be entitled to catch an additional 3 fish without breaking the law. The daily limit is the same as the total possesion limit you are allowed to have.
  23. Awesome
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