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Everything posted by Casey123

  1. I hope that atr some point in time, we can prove that we are not all from the same gene pool.
  2. Hoggs Bay, Lake Muskoka, Jack's Lake
  3. Couldn't have said it better myself.
  4. Dude, Those are some awesome slabs. WTG
  5. I have to agree with the Coyote.......It looks far to large to be a Red Fox. My office is in Burlington, there are two coyotes playing around across the street early every morning (before it gets really light) They are really cool to watch and they keep the cat population down. Leave your cats inside so they don't kill all the song birds people!!!! Anyways, very cool video
  6. Very Cool, The river channel out from that little bay was the ticket for us. Steve said he wanted to try figuring out the night bite on the river, when i get back home I am going to try to do exactly that. We marked and caught more fish in three hours there then we have at many places further up North. Congrats and my wife and I will see you in a couple of weeks.
  7. The |French River Basin would be a close second for me too.
  8. Very nice.
  9. My wife said I was not allowed to be Masterb8t anymore. So she told me what my new name will be Oh well, she always catches more fish on the hard water, so I will let her be right, for now.
  10. Nice fish, We did really well just down from the shop this weekend. It was our first time their and we were very impressed!
  11. Just wondering what everyone's favourite body of water to fish is? If you could only fish one body for the rest of your life, what would it be? For me, its a tough one, but I would say the Niagara River.... Lots of different species - Lake, Rainbow, Brown Trout Walley, Pike and Muskie Smallmouth(some real monsters in the lower river) You can fish it all year You never know what is on the end of your line
  12. Is that anything like a Short Bus?
  13. Sorry Jen , We don't like sharing our fishing spots, especially when there as good as the river in front of your place. Had we known we would have saved our selves a trip to Dog Lake last year. Anyways you guys have a great place and we will be back again soon(When I get back on the 23 of Feb)
  14. Thats a preety big Accu View Tripod!
  15. First Light(6:45) Hit the ice, fished 12 FOW, Caught 5, Lost 3 Big Females at the Hole, Even found my cell phone that I lost yesterday when i decided to wipe out. All ready to go!!! Al ready to prepare lunch!!! Can't Forget this guy! Finally our pet ferret lands a clown fish, sort of???? All in all a great day. Left at 5:30am home by 11:00am No pics of my fish!
  16. Another member helped me out so I will do the same Restoule Lake is a good place to start. Go to angler atlas and get the map. Find the 20 foot hump by the islands, late afternoon, off the hump in 25 to30 FOW. Oh yeah, sledding - 10 minutes from the park gate, walking 1 hour. We walked, nice time|!!!!
  17. The Law Is An Ass!!!
  18. Wow, I am such a block head, enjoy the pics.
  19. No, Fished lake X on Friday.
  20. Here are the other photos. I figured out the picture thing. YES!!! I am such an Idiot!!!
  21. That's Lake "y" as in Y ask, I am not going to give it up. My wife and I had a tough day yesterday, fishing up towards Port Loring. We had plans of fishing even further a field today, however 3:30 AM came and went, we managed to make it out of bed around 9:00am. We got the itch before noon to to hit the water again, by 3:30 we were set up, only 12 hrs later then we expected. With in 15 minutes my wife nails the first one this weekend, 10 minutes later we miss one, then another. Then it is my turn, nice 18" male. With in about about 30 seconds the screen on the fish finder went blank, notta, nothing, zero....so I head out side toturn the ice around our hut into swiss cheese, my wife came behind me and with in 5 minutes lost another eye, it was a little cold for her so back to hut and heater she came. I went out and nailed the one she had just missed, a nice female on the 20"+ side. She iced one more and we missed a few, at 6:30pm we packed it in. Stopped at the lot, chatted with a few others and then headed to pick up some liquid libation. Hope everyone had a good weekend. PS can someone help us figure out how to upload pictures, we use image shack, however we are having difficulty getting images from image shack to here.
  22. I am sure this is a personal opion ...but I would not trade my soft sided bag for 100 hard plastic boxes. For me the best attribute is simple, we keep all of our takcle in Plano's. We just swap out the tackle that we need for the day and go.
  23. Hey, I have been trying to quit, several attemptsin the last 2 years.... What is this Champix you speak of?
  24. Every year on opening season we head up to algonquin. We spend Saturday fishing some lakes east of the park and Sunday sight seeing in the park. If anyone has not been up to the park at the end of April or early May, I highly recomend it. Last spring we saw 7 moose along 60, the year before we saw over 20...not to mention the foxes, porcupines etc. Anyways I degress, The small lakes usually have ice on them still, leavingthe larger, deeper lakes the only ones open for early season lake trout. Many lakesare either HP restricrted or no outboors period. So last year we saw something so funny I almost lost control of the car and crashed I will get the nae of the lake but it is on the south side of 60 at km 27 if you are heading from west to East, there were about 15 boats and motors, 3 of the boats were so close together you could walk across them, and there were two older gentlmen, obviously were arguing, started to slap at each other with boat oars...... You couldn't pay for this type of entertainment, hence the reason we fish outside the park. I would love to hit some of the interior lakes in te north part of the park, I bet I wouldn't have Larry, Curly and Moe to entertain me though!
  25. Anyways, just wondering if this could have waiteduntil March 15 when the huts have to be off????????????????????????????????
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