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Everything posted by F7Firecat

  1. proper prep is the key, sandlast to clean and profile is the best, the right materials and you can refurbish concrete, apply coatings and overlays. acid etching is not an option contrary to popular belief pretty simple really, the right prep and the right materials and your good to go
  2. geee saltydog had to run to his computer to get a post on OFC before anyone else.......love it!
  3. saltydog also forgot his caddy time with kessel and phagoof...........pitching wedge anyone? because the leaves are not even close to the fairway
  4. gotta love all the leaves fans making excuses for why Tampa did not win.........wow its just like cheering for the leaves, excuse after excuse after excuse as to why they didn't win, time to grow some balls leaves fans GO HABS GO!!!
  5. I think you have a propping issue, not enough torque to get it on plane, you need to drop on pitch to get better lift out of the hole, also you need to know what your running for top rpm also, dropping pitch will increase top rpms, but at this point getting it to plain is more important than the top end rpms. If its new the dealer should be taking care of this problem not you, they should supply you with the right equipment to get it to plane properly.
  6. Kicking frog needs to go caddie for his beloved Pilon Phaneuf and quit worrying about how awesome the HABS are doing this year.
  7. Remember wind power is based in rural Ontario which is affecting rural family lives everyday and wind power was shoved down their throats, no choice no voice, here it is and this is where the turbines will go. We don't see people from Toronto and the "GTA" with them in their backyards affecting their lives from the background noise, the flickering of your sunrise or sunset through your windows and doors everyday from the shadows of the turbine blades. Pretty pathetic what our Fiberals have done to this province and the people. Almost to the point of communism. Blow another billion just to save two seats in the GTA, we as tax payers greatly appreciate it. This is not an informed decision, it is more like an informed fact,
  8. another cup of cottage cheese
  9. big cup of ricotta cheese
  10. another cup of cheese
  11. Poured concrete wall cracks and tie holes can be repaired with polyurethane injection. Hydraulic cement won't work, the crack will move and the cement will crack. Here is my website, I've done thousands of linear feet of crack injection. www.advancedconcretesolutions.ca Typical crack goes for about $450.00 plus HST txs Bryan
  12. Commanda Lake Resort 705 729 5856 AL or his wife will help you out, he has a bunch of cabins to rent out as well as their "Café" where you can have dinner and sometimes some live music on Saturday nights. They also rent their old house that sleeps 10 -12 and is just beautiful inside. Be a great place for 8 people sledding for the weekend. Trails around there are awesome, you can ride up to North Bay and back in a day. Awesome place, awesome hosts give them a call the house may not be booked as he only likes renting it out to large groups.
  13. selection of a machine all depends on what you intend on using it for most sound like you need a utility machine more than a fun machine
  14. Perch grounds and some pike, walleye are far off from Long Point Bay unfortunately.
  15. Whats it cost to service those generators?? Does generac come by twice a year or once a year and give it a service?
  16. dumbest show on TV right now, watched it for a total of about 15 mins, never turned it on since
  17. yap a time tested method since when 1967 LMAO
  18. I wonder how many guys that have posted here criticizing Rob Ford for smoking crack, have smoked crack themselves........I bet its more than one
  19. atta boyz! never ship with ups
  20. ill bet oakville and mississauga vote liberal in the next election......just watch
  21. and people wonder why this site has no credibility..........
  22. yup the good ole boys are out in full force on this one
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