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Everything posted by JoePa

  1. One thing you got to remember - everyone's experiences in life are not the same - a person may not like someone of a particular race because of the experiences that this person had with members of a particular race - sure its easy to say - don't judge an entire race because of a few - maybe if you had the same experiences you would feel different - let me give you an example - Your walking down the street and you see this pit bull coming your way - your've been bitten by a pit bull on two occasions before - so you cross the street - so you tell me not to judge all pit bulls by the ones that bit you - well I'll tell you something - I ain't taking any chances - I'm crossing the street - When you live in a multicultural society there are certain cultures that are in direct opposition to your culture - its pretty hard to embrace everyone - that is unless your made of wood -
  2. Would someone tell me where it is written that a person can go through life without being offended - this PC stuff is dangerous - when you can't say what is on your mind things have gotten pretty bad - it is called free speech - a fundamental right of people living in a free society - remember all it takes is the government to make certain speech hate crime and it has basically taken this right away - and next thing you are living in a police state - if I am against gay marriage, immigration, gun control .etc I have every right to say so and if some person doesn't like what I say - well that's just too bad - people that jump all over you because you said something that offends them better be careful because they are only fueling a dangerous trend that may turn around some day and bite them where it hurts
  3. Just passing on some experience that I've had over the years - first take off the battery terminals and give them a good cleaning by brushing them with a tool make to clean them - often times the battery connections look good but there is a film between the cables and the battery posts - When you hear the clicking the solenoid trying to close but it doesn't have enough juice to stay closed or it is bad - your battery may be weak - putting a volt meter on it won't tell you if it is in good shape - you can test the battery fluid if you can get at it - what I usually do to see if my battery is in good shape is put on the headlights and try starting the car - watch the lights - if the brightness really goes down the battery is weak - try jumping the battery with another battery in some other car while it is running - Starters go bad but not that often - make sure that all wires leading to the starter are connected and sound - I bet your battery or its connections are the problem
  4. I'm in my 80s - drank a lot of different beers in different places in my life time - but I'll tell you something - the beer that I consider the best is made right here in Pa. - its from the oldest brewery in the U.S. - at one time they advertised it as the oldest brewery in North American but had to stop because some Canadian brewery had that honor - its Yuengling lager - the brewery is in a small town called Pottsville - at one time the brewery started sending it to other parts of the country but this created a shortage locally - this almost caused a riot - so if you ever happen to travel down this way make sure you try this brew - especially if you can get it on tap - here's to you - To the guy who considers drinking beer as a bad thing - let me say this - having a few beers causes no harm - its like everything else - when you over do it then it can cause harm - you can say that with eating. sleeping, and everything else we do - I especially enjoy a nice cold beer in the summer after I worked hard all day -
  5. I'm a Korean vet - belonged to a legion for many years - was a nice place to meet older guys - have a few beers and get into a poker game - well gambling was illegal and someone must have threatened calling the law - so the poker games went down - then they started letting non-service members in who were mostly young punks - then the rock music started playing - then the final draw - we older guys wanted the football game on the TV - the punks wanted ice skating - well there was a vote - they won because there was more younger guys in the place at the time - I left and never went back - now I have a beer at home and watch the football game on TV - most of the old timers either die off or stay home - so much for the legion -
  6. There are two things that I very proud of - I haven' gone to a movie since 1963 and I always changed the oil in all of the 15 vehicles I've owned throughout my life - not too many guys can top that I bet ya
  7. Watched it last night - looks like the one son got himself all banged up - that part wasn't made up - he will probably never be the same again - he is lucky to be alive - walked off a 40 foot cliff in the dark -
  8. I've only been to GTA once in my life - but I'll tell you something - how anyone can put up with living there is beyond me - I'd rather live in a trailer and have a low paying job somewhere out in the bush then to put up with the mess in that big city - but I guess all big cities are pretty much the same - I thank God every day that I was able to live my life in rural Pa. - where the only concern on driving is the deer crossing the road -
  9. Filming cops is a big thing down here - if you go on U tube the site is loaded with cops being filmed showing cops acting illegally towards citizens - just google police harassment and see what happens - the cops don't like it but a citizen has the right to film them - and if the cops isn't doing anything wrong he shouldn't mind it - it is the only protection a citizen has against a bad cop - God only knows how police treated people before the cameras came along -
  10. The way your chimney is topped off leaves much to be desired - as you say - the clay flutes should have been a little higher and mortar sloped so that water would run off the edges - the way you have it the water just sits on the top - but it's like everything else when you own a house - things keep needing fixing - a never ending job - my place is now 45 years old and I'm always doing something -
  11. Yes - there's something about a dog - they are so trusting, and always look to please you - I had a small Westie that was my best fishing partner for a long time - I always remember - years ago when my wife was still living - I would come home from work and my wife would be busy at the sink getting dinner ready - she'd hardly notice me coming in the door - but not Annie - she'd be there wagging her tail waiting by the door to greet me - the one problem is that they don't really live that long -
  12. Yes - I watch this program and a couple others that have to do with living up in Alaska and living off the land - Live Below Zero - Yukon Men - Alaska Railroad - Gold Rush and others - enjoy them mostly for the scenery - the one thing that gets me with the Last Frontier program is the guys always saying that they won't make it through the winter if they don't get themselves some deer, bear or whatever - heck they got a hundred cows to eat if they had to - I know most of it is made up stuff but it is entertaining to watch - There is another program called - Buying Alaska - people go around looking for a remote place to live - kinda interesting to see what you get for your money up there - no much that's for sure -
  13. Mister G - its a Pine Ridge scope I got at Cablea's - your right - its a 3X to 9X - my mistake -
  14. I have a variable rifle scope - 2X to 9X - if I put the scope at 9X when sighting the gun in then put it at 3X when I go hunting - am I loosing accuracy because of using it at a different power than when I sighted it in? thanks for any comments
  15. So it takes 4 months before you can get a firearm - doesn't do the lady much good who is afraid of her ex-boyfriend does it - when he comes back a week later and kills her - its a God given right to be able to defend yourself and your family without having to go through the wringer to get a firearm - I can go over to Cabela's - pick out a firearm - rifle or handgun - go over to a computer and enter certain information - wait about a half hour and then pick up the gun and go home - that's the way I like it - In Canada all it takes is the government to require all persons to turn in their guns and that's the end of your ability to defend yourself with a gun - or hunt - that can't happen here - I like my right to bear arms - a armed citizenry is a free citizenry - remember that -
  16. Nice truck - Ford is a good choice - been a Ford man all my life - have two pickups right now - a 1991 and a 2005 and a full sized van - always had good experience with my Fords - owned a total of 8 Fords in my lifetime - good luck - keep the oil changed every 3000 miles and the engines will last forever -
  17. Boy - all kind of theories and advise what to do - but let me tell you the truth - there is evil in this world - always was and always will be - if good people don't fight it then evil will win - and don't think for one minute think that by not confronting it you will be left alone and it won't come to harm you at some date - The mess that now exists in the middle east and other places can be blamed on Obama and his liberal buddies who think somehow you can negotiate with evil - he has shown that he is not willing to fight evil and so it keeps getting stronger - if the U.S. maintained the strongest military force in the world and showed strong leadership no country would dare stand up to it - but he has consistently shown that he doesn't want to stand up at times when he should - and others are taking advantage of this fact - The Iraq war was a mistake because it eliminated balancing the power over in that region - Iraq and Iran were enemies and had fought a war - neither country was the dominate force in that region - with Iraq gone Iran is now controlling things there - Our only hope is to throw the weak kneed liberals out of government and put a good leader ( like Reagan ) back in the driver's seat - otherwise all is lost - the world is too small a place today to ignore what is going on in different parts of the world - freedom and liberty have a price - one well worth fighting for - remember - if you give up your freedom for security - you will end up with neither -
  18. Well let me just say this - these shootings are going to continue and people are going to need to be able to protect themselves - people need to arm themselves so that when a shooting like this occurs law bidding citizens can take down the wackos before they can kill more people - Notice that these mass shootings all occur in places where citizens are discouraged to carry concealed weapons - so called gun free zones - naturally if someone has the intention to kill others these are the places where they will go - I carry a concealed weapon with me most of the time - always have one in my vehicles just in case - then depending where I am going I often strap a handgun to my belt under my jacket - more and more people are beginning to realize that self protection is a wise thing to do - some school districts are now allowing teachers and administrators to carry a weapon - it takes the cops too long before they can react to a shooting - by the time they get there many have been shot - interesting times for sure -
  19. I had a tree near the house that had to be cut down - rented one of those lifts that I could control while in the bucket - just took my time and cut the branches into small pieces and dropped them to the ground - when I got it to a manageable trunk I tied a rope to the trunk and the other end to my pickup - cut a notch then started cutting the other side - when I got to a point I pulled the trunk over with the truck - after doing it I felt satisfied that I did the job - just take your time
  20. I live in the country and there are a lot of raccoons around - so yesterday after eating lunch I go out into the yard and about 20 feet from the back porch there is a coon laying on it's back with all 4 legs stretched out - I go over to it and can see that the thing is breathing - looks like it had just passed out or was drunk - I was wondering if it had eaten some fermented fruit and got drunk - never saw a coon laying on it back like that - it was real healthy looking and fat - didn't want to take any chances with the thing so I shot it - anyone ever experience something like this -
  21. I've been burning wood since 1975 - get it all from my property - it is a mixture of hard and soft woods - if its wood I burn it - somehow I like getting wood - it keeps me in shape and it is so nice in the winter to have a wood firing going - nothing finer in my eyes than a large wood pile all nicely stacked, dried and ready for the winter - I got my stove all ready for the season today - the one thing nice is I never have to clean the chimney - all the stuff in the chimney falls down over the summer and all I have to do is get it out of the cleanout in the cellar -
  22. It's been quite a discussion - this is my final post on this particular topic - for now anyway - it is estimated that there are over 300 million guns in this country - I personally have 6 rifles, 3 shotguns and 7 handguns in my house - all my 4 children who are married have at least one gun in their house - so the bottom line is that there are a lot of guns around - knowing that some of the guns are in the hands of criminals basically gives you one choice if you want to be able to defend yourself and your family - that is to arm yourself - I would much rather have a gun with me that I don't need than to need one that I don't have - Realizing the climate that exists in this country at this time all I can ask those who think arming oneself is foolish - what would you do if you lived here - leave yourself and family helpless when you are threatened with harm or even death - Finally - that student who had a concealed handgun at the subject school may not have helped others who were in different buildings but he was prepared as stated to keep those in his class safe - enough said - In the meantime - all is not so quiet on the southern front -
  23. There is no way that these kind of shootings can be completely stopped - no different than trying to stop people from getting killed in auto accidents where close to 30,000 to 40,000 die each year - accidents, mistakes, dealing with evil etc. are all part of living on this planet - do away with handguns then the crazies will use rifles or whatever - At one time it was easier to commit someone to a mental hospital but that was changed years ago - so even if someone acts or looks a little strange not much can be done - and if he wants a gun bad enough he will get it If you notice most if not all of these shootings have taken place in so called gun free zones - one killer even said that he was going to first shoot up a place but then realized that armed guards were there so he chose another place to do his dirty work - we put armed guards in our banks, in our social security offices, in our court houses but somehow we can't put armed guards in our schools because they are gun free zones - doesn't make sense - if some nut wants to shoot people he knows that there will be no guns in a gun free zone so these schools are his first choice - Many of these shootings could have been stopped or made less tragic if others with guns were present - the way it is now when someone starts shooting up the place people have to call for help that is often miles away and in the meantime the shooter has time to do much more damage - the only way to stop a bad guy with a gun is - with a good guy with a gun -
  24. Yes - it was me who often takes a gun when going fishing at night - sometimes during the day also - well let me give you a little back ground - I've have on two occasions in my life pulled out a gun I was carrying - both times occurred in Newark, New Jersey during the 60s when I was going to night school - if I didn't have the gun God only knows what would have happened to me - just showing the gun ended in the other guys leaving I was born and raised in a coal mining town in northeast Pa. - after coming out of the Army(I'm a Korean combat veteran) I went to school, got a job in Jersey and began going to night school in Newark for advanced degrees in engineering - there wasn't adequate parking around the school which was located in the middle of the city - so night students parked along the street in areas that were mainly occupied by factories - when school let out at 11pm there was a lot of traffic and guys walking around but after about 10 minutes it was quiet and dark - this was an all black neighborhood - one night when I got to my car I noticed that I had a flat - so I opened the trunk and got the spare out to change the tire - the first thing I noticed was that I was alone and only person around - then I noticed two black guys standing in the doorway of one of the buildings As I was jacking up the car these guys came over and wanted to know if they could help - told them no thanks - then they asked me for some money - said that they just came up from the south and were broke - told them I didn't have any and was kinda lean myself - I got up and put my back to the car - the one guy says to the other guy - lets take him - they started coming at me real fast - I pull out a small 25 caliber browning semiauto I was carrying and pointed it at them - they stopped in their tracks and took off - Now if I didn't have that gun I don't know what would have happened - I had the tire iron to defend myself but who knows what the outcome would have been - I could have ended up dead on that dark street with no one around - at the time I was carrying that gun illegally but because of the race riots that just happened in Newark I felt that I better have a gun with me - legal or not - The big difference between Canada and the U.S. is that down here there are millions of handguns around - most in the hands of law bidding citizens but some in the hands of criminals - so you never know what you might be faced with - sure most crimes happed in the big cities but criminals often leave the city to commit crime in other areas - when law bidding citizens have guns the criminals take a bigger chance that they may wind up on the short end of the stick - I hope I never have to use the gun that I carry but if the situation occurs I at least want a chance - someone once said - if you trade liberty and freedom for security you will end up with neither of them - have a nice day everyone - Joe
  25. G.mech - If you read what I posted you will find that I said - cities - not states - here's a sample - Detroit, 47.5 per 100.000 - Baltimore, 29.5 per 100,000 - New Orleans, 27.7 - Oakland Calif, 27.3 per 100,000 - and so forth - google cities with the highest gun deaths and you will see that what I posted it correct -
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