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Everything posted by JoePa

  1. What's wrong with suing - sometimes its the only way to get justice - especially when your dealing with a bunch of idiots who are using their position to screw you -
  2. I had a go around on another forum about the differences in Canada and the U.S - it seems up there you need permits , licenses or be registered for just about everything you do - it would drive me crazy - its a wonder you don't need some kind of permit to take a crap - I'd get a lawyer and sue the city - what they are doing is criminal
  3. There is a solution but you can't talk about it because you will be called a racist - the problem in the big cities is that the black culture does not provide the support of a strong family - the basic foundation of a society - when you read that 73% of black children are born to single mothers you feel sorry for the kids as they grow up without the support of a good father - the kids end up in the streets with other kids in a similar situation and join gangs for support - until this situation is resolved things will never get any better - How is a kid who grows up in such an environment going to compete with kids who have a mother and father who take good care of them and make such their kids do well in school and get a good education or trade - so what happens - they end up in welfare the rest of their lives and past this situation on to their children - an never ending cycle - I was born in a coal mining town in northeast Pa. - most of my neighbors were coal miners - one thing we had in common - we were all poor - but you know something - we had good families for support and faith to count on - I had 2 uncles who were killed in the mines in 2 separate accidents - both left several young children and a widow to fend for themselves - everyone of those kids grew up to be good citizens
  4. Don't get all worked up Iron - if you read my post I started off saying some don't - not all - if you do or not I don't know but anyone who would allow a cop to take away his freedom by illegally taking away his rights can't value freedom very much - Typical American attitude - what - you get all bent out of shape when a man stands up for his rights - what you want for us to be a bunch of wimps - no way - I wasn't raised that way - and as far as being an amuricum - I'll tell you something - I don't know my country anymore - have little in common with it As far as leaving Pa - let me tell you something - I'm 82 years old - a Korean combat vet - been all over the world - lived in Canada for awhile - have MS and Bull in mechanical engineering - worked at the world's top research and development company (Bell Telephone Laboratories) - lived in a number of different states - raised 5 kids - and you know something - I stand up for my rights - if you or anyone else likes it or not - oh - I also carry a firearm with me just in case -
  5. Maybe some of you don't value freedom to the extent we do down here - as an American I have certain rights that I cherish - and I know if we keep giving them up they won't be around very long - the guy who just goes along with the Cop's instructions because it is the easy and safest way is not doing anyone a favor - I admire the guy who stands up for his rights - we need more people like that - if your a cop and you for some reason can't respect the rights of an individual then you shouldn't be a cop - get another job - like maybe flipping burgers - Time and time again you see on video where cops overstep their boundary when dealing with people - and the main reason is that they have developed a culture within their ranks that they are in a position where they can do what they want - well things are changing with people filming them and they are going to have to get their act together or you will see more shootings like Dallas - In the last two cases where cops shot two black guys - what do you think would have happened if these instances were not recorded - nothing - the cops would have lied and the whole matter brushed under the rug When you watch what happened in the one case where the cop shot the guy in the car - the cops all point their guns at the woman and make her kneel on the ground and then handcuff her - then put her in the police car - while this is happening the guy that was shot is bleeding to death - how the hell is this unarmed woman any danger to these cops - they should have been treating the dying guy - if they are so threatened by an unarmed woman then they shouldn't be cops We had an incident a week or so ago in a town not too far from where I live - a couple put their turn signals on and pulled their car over to the side of a street in front of their house - a cop pulls up and wants to ticket them for not putting on their turn signal - they don't agree with what the cop is saying - the woman uses her cellphone to record what is going on - the cop tries to take the phone away from the woman - she won't give it up so he knocks her down on the porch steps - punches her a couple times and takes the phone and smashes it against the side walk - He then grabs the woman and throws her down on the sidewalk and puts the cuffs on her - well unknown to the cop there is a video camera on one of the porches which is recording the event - it also shows that the couple did indeed put their turn signal on when they parked - well I'll tell you something - if I was the husband of that woman that cop would be in the hospital - the cop was fired and arrested - thanks to the camera -
  6. I imagine you got the area around your place free of brush and trees with so many fires up in that area - man can you imagine after you get this place all built some fire takes it down - I guess you have some insurance against that - sure is a beautiful location - best wishes - Joe
  7. Sorry Sinker - it's not my attitude - these mass killings happen because cops have for years mistreated citizens - if cops respect each citizen's rights then there would not be any of these type killings - if I have the right to remain silent - then why doesn't the cop respect that and give me a ticket if I broke some traffic law and let it go at that - its when the cop starts pushing his weight around beyond the law that makes things go south - Even respectable former judges are now advocating that citizens record any encounter they have with police - people just don't start mistrusting cops because they have nothing better to do - there is a reason for it - people are sick and tired of cops acting like storm troopers - I have a GoPro camera attached to my dash - if I get pulled over I would turn the camera so that it faces the driver's side window - you would be surprised how cops change their attitude once they see that they are being recorded - I'll tell you one thing - they hate being filmed - but then if they are doing nothing wrong why should they care - after all their dash cam is recording me -
  8. Art - I guess we don't see things the same way - first off if a cop arrests me for refusing to answer any of his questions he and the horse he rode in on is going to get sued big time - he has denied me of my constitutional right to remain silent - at a traffic stop I need to show my insurance, drivers license and vehicle registration - if he asks me to step out of the car I must comply - If he asks me any questions I tell him I am exercising my rights to remain silent - I also tell him that I don't consent to any searches of my vehicle or me - my 4th amendment right - and I will be recording him on my GoPro camera - my 1st amendment right to do so - He would have to have probable cause to search my car which he wouldn't have if I was only pulled over because of a traffic violation - now you may say - Joe why don't you just cooperate with the cop and give him what he asks and do what he says even if it violates your rights - well Art - many guys have fought and died for the rights I have as an American citizen and if we don't exercise those rights it won't be long and we will lose them I record any encounters I have with cops - and so are more and more people - search - Police Brutality You Tube - and see why this is being done -
  9. Listen to this defense lawyer about talking to cops - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6wXkI4t7nuc - so yes Iron' a cop might ask me if I have a weapon in my car but I ain't going to answer
  10. Sorry aplum' - I don't agree with everything you posted - I have a hand gun in my van always - I have a permit to carry and always do - if I was stopped by a cop for a traffic violation I am required to give my drivers license, insurance and registration - and that's it - I will answer no questions - any good lawyer will tell you that - I have the right to remain silent - telling him I have a gun only complicates things - If you tell him that you have a gun the next thing he will do is have you get out of the vehicle and most lightly handcuff you - then search your vehicle and who knows what else he will do - my advice is - don't tell the cop anything - keep your mouth shut
  11. Let me point out a few things - I would suggest you search Police Brutality You Tube and view the thousands of instances where cops use excessive force and kill people - then you will get a picture of the deteriorating relationship between cops and the citizenry in the US - for years cops have gotten away with mistreating citizens but now because people are filming their encounters with police we see what is really happening - people are getting fed up with the way cops run rough shot over the people - they don't respect people's constitutional rights - they lie and when caught doing something illegal they file false reports - sure there are so-called good cops but all to often they just stand by and do nothing to stop a rough cop I knew that something like Dallas would happen - cops need to act as servants and not like a bunch of SS bullies
  12. Can it be that the crappie population has increased in those lakes - they feed heavily on small bass - it's been my experience in lakes that I have fished that as the crappie population goes up bass numbers go down - also the opposite - where there are commercial fishermen netting crappie in the fall eventually the bass population goes up - crappie also compete with the bass for food -
  13. If you choose Lake Nipissing - I've camped a couple times at Panorama campground - they have cottages to rent too - nice and quiet place on the northwest arm -
  14. Did you hear about the two bald headed guys that put their heads together - they made an ass out of themselves
  15. That's right - no sense changing it as long as it works - it's the old story - don't fix it if it ain't broke - it's been working for 25 years - maybe some kind of record - maybe I can get my name in some kind of record book -
  16. I hear you guys but - I bought my 17 ft deep V Tracker new back in 1991 - I paid close to 10K for it - it has a 40 OMC on it - I had no problems with it at all - still have it and intend to keep it for a long time - on the motor I have never changed the impeller on the water pump - from what I read it is the newer welded hulls that are cracking and buyers are not getting satisfaction from the customer service - if I were to buy a new boat it would be a Lund - I've fished in a couple of these boats and really liked them - I actually priced one last year just for kicks - getting one with everything I wanted would set me back around 33K -
  17. Here's why you need a gun - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NE3mHhpGV2A
  18. Boy every year I have to put my slide-in camper on my PU truck - man I hate doing this - I have a Lance Camper and a F350 PU - I have to get the camper between the wheel wells and between two rubber bumpers in the front of the box - I end up going back and forth a dozen times to get the camper on the truck just right Well the other day I go to do this - backing up while looking out the back window - I have my foot on the brake - but then as I'm backing my foot hits the gas pedal and the truck knocks the camper off a couple cement blocks that were under the lifting jacks - down comes the camper on the truck bed - I'm luck the camper didn't fall over on its side - it did danger the truck bed somewhat and broke the back window on the truck Repairing the window is going to cost me 500 bucks - once I get the window fixed I'll have to try loading the camper again - I'm wondering does any one go through this every year and do they have some suggestions as to how it can be done safety - thanks
  19. Why is the 2nd amendment so important to us? - let me try to explain - our founders knew how repressive a government can be - having just thrown off the yoke of the British crown - they wanted to make sure that the citizens of this country had the means to resist a government when it become repressive - when you look at history you see how governments in Germany, Russia, China, Cambodia and other places killed and mistreated its citizens - your own government can become your worst enemy at times There is also the right to defend yourself and your family - it is considered an inalienable right to do so - we are guaranteed this right under our constitution - in today's climate you need a gun to do that - Some may say that there is little chance that some citizens with guns can do much against a government that has gone wild - I beg to differ - look at the Cuban revolution - a handful of men toppled a government - one guy started WW1 - a guy with a gun can change the course of history I've mentioned this on other forums when the subject of guns ownership can up - let me repeat it here - years ago a holocaust survivor gave a talk at a college in Allentown Pa. - after his presentation he took questions from the audience - someone asked him why the Jewish people went to their deaths without putting up a fight - his reply - with what - they took all our guns Finally let me end with this statement - an armed citizenry is a free citizenry - if you are willing to give up your freedom for security you will end up with neither
  20. The number of people that got killed could have been averted if some of the people there had guns to defend themselves - considering all solutions the only one that will work is for good people to have guns - time and time again some nuts comes into a place and starts shooting and there is no one to stop him - you can pass all the laws you want but it is impossible to keep guns out of the hands of some nut -
  21. Before I get too old I would like to fish Nipigon some time - from what I can gather there is a Provincial Park on the eastern side of the lake - I guess that would be a place to park my truck and slide-in camper and launch a boat - maybe I'll never make it but sure would like to see the place - just wondering if there are other places to park and launch a boat - like a campground on the lake - its about a 20 hour drive from where I live according to google maps - oh - I'm 82 now so I can't wait too long -
  22. When you hear thunder it's time to go - this happened two years ago - I was cutting grass in a field next to my house and I could hear thunder on the other side of the mountain - on my side of the mountain the sky was clear and the sun was shining - I go into the house to get a bite to eat - no sooner I'm in the house I hear this explosion - lightning hit a pine tree located at the edge of the field - split the tree in half and knocked it over - this happened while the sun was still shining - so if there is a storm anywhere near you to a point where you can hear the thunder get off the water
  23. I bought a Lance slide-in camper back in 2005 - at the same time I bought an 2005 F350 PU - I travel all over the place with it and pull a boat at the same time - I'll tell you something - I really enjoy having this outfit - the camper is fully contained so I don't have to stop at a campground - got all the things in it that I ever want - but yes I need a pretty heavy truck because the camper when loaded with propane and water weighs around 2900 lbs. - the truck you have is a bit light for a slide-in
  24. Like so many other things there are two sides to this issue - I've been burning wood since the 70s - I live in the country and have my own wood so it is a nice way to heat my home during the winter - three years ago I got a new stove - one of those low air use and very clean burning - it actually burns the smoke so has very little smoke - if any - living in the country makes a big difference - I don't have any close neighbors My son lives in a developed area and told me about some guy who put in one of those outdoor furnaces - the prevailing wind blew the smoke across some neighbors house and just about smoked the neighbor out - the neighbor went to court and was successful in stopping the guy from using the furnace So it depends - I could see some restrictions on burning wood if you live in a city where there are close neighbors - moral of the story - don't live in a city
  25. Years ago my wife had a cousin who was in the used car business - that's what he did - turn back the mileage on all his cars - when you buy a used car it is good to buy it from someone you know otherwise you don't know what your getting - at least a horse you can tell by looking at its teeth -
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