The "Double 10" Inline Bucktail(most have flashaboo, or tinsel as we've always called it) have definately acounted for alot of big fish in the last 3 years. Particularly on LOTW and Mille Lacs in Wisconsin.
Whats that old saying, "Its better to keep your mouth closed and be assumed the fool, than to open it and remove all doubt".
Sure applies to several of the above posters...
Braid has little to no stretch, so it will not grip the spool. Most of us use mono backing, spool a bunch of mono on then tie the braid to it and finish spooling with braid.
Wow, there should be a fine for doing that to a thread...
I made my own transome board, Big Jon makes one you can buy. I fasten it using 2 U-bolts through the mooring cleats on the inside of the gunnels.