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Everything posted by Pigeontroller

  1. I think so...Not much of an answer I realize. I think Natural Sports and the next shop down had some or all of what your looking for.
  2. Simon, you're not one of those climate change denyers are you?
  3. So many religions...What makes one the 'real' one? Why is Odin a mythical God? How about Zeus?
  4. More people have been killed in the name of religions, Christianity included, than for any other reason. I am not religious, I have have strong family values, good morals...
  5. Ironically, strict return policies are a direct result of fraudulent return scams....
  6. Welcome Dave, if you ever want to get out fishing let me know, currently by fishing pardner is a bit of a dork and I could use a new one!
  7. Normally Al's 'sermon' is just a nice uplifting story, but slamming evolution is another step. "Religion is a crutch for the weak-minded" -Jesse Ventura
  8. Always well treated at my local CTCs here in St.Catharines....If I wasn't I wouldn't continue shopping there!
  9. Awesome. I love how the whole time he's working towards his main goal of getting the camera!
  10. Only if it comes in white, with a top speed of 35 mph!
  11. How can you care about anything outdoors and like the current Federal Govenment???
  12. Great store, well worth the $5 for a membership,
  13. The FB page belongs to a Guide, who is a member of the Ottawa Chapter of Muskies Canada. The Guide just might be using this fish and MCI as a way of promoting his business. The Angler who caught the fish is choosing to tell the story through the Muskies Canada newsletter.
  14. This has got nothing to do with Muskies Canada other than it was an Ottawa Chapter member who caught it, not John Anderson by the way. The Gentleman who caught this fish is a humble retired guy who is trying to avoid this becoming a big sh*tshow. I haven't seen the pic(s) either. And Ex Musky Mike, comments like that have no merit.
  15. Thats about just enough for a quality Muskie combo Lew...
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