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Everything posted by Pigeontroller

  1. Don't listen to people that tell you not to use stabilizer in fuel. They will likely also tell you regular oil changes aren't nessasary! LOL Use the Ethanol treatment all season long and the regular for storage, or just use the regular stuff all year...
  2. Belle River Yacht Club, and Petit Dragon Motel, both in Belle River.
  3. There is alot of info NOT on that petition form! You want people signing a petition you gotta be a tad more forthcoming with the info...
  4. Tips, advice for cleaning and treating my Cabelas Guidewear suit appreciated!
  5. If your doing that with cellphone pics...I can't wait to see you with a DSLR. Canon.
  6. Nice Fish! Just got in from a 6 fish day on that same Lake! Nothing as nice as that 44" though!
  7. If you're NOT using some form of fuel stabilizer/ethanol treatment...You're doing it wrong!
  8. Ask him how deep the snow was when he was a kid...
  9. I don't understand why you would hook the cranker up to an onboard charger? Isn't that what an alternator is for?
  10. Nice boat, and nice Muskie! Its a spotty, very interesting colours, definately not a Pike.
  11. I'd go with something 8-8.5' with a rating of 2-6oz. This will handle a wide range of baits. 65 lb. will do, but one birdsnest and SNAP, go with 80 as a minimum. Use your thumb to stop the lure, do not engage while line is going out... When trolling, assuming your using a rod holder, set the drag so line will go out but not too easily, turn 'clicker' on. If you don't have a clicker, either hold the rod or keep a close eye on it. Some anglers use barbless hooks, better for the fish, safer for you...all a matter of choice. In dirty water, or in low light, do a f-8 or L-turn on every cast, otherwise always watch for follows and do a f-8/L when you see one. Or do one every cast and you WILL catch more Muskies. Attend a local Muskies Canada meeting, ask questions, make friends...No pressure to join, guests are always welcome!
  12. Calm down guys! As far as Muskie guys over reacting, I'd be upset if any fish was treated like this, they all deserve respect. As far as comparing a native sportfish to an invasive common carp, well thats just foolish! Muskie have low population densities, and are slow growing, thats why conservation of them is especially important! I Got a call from a OMNR C.O. this morning...Made my day, they know who he is, they have contacted the guys that witnessed/video'd it, I'd say they have a pretty good case against this guy!
  13. I've called this in to the MNR tips line, if you find it as offensive as I do please do the same.
  14. Dry your boat! Like other important things, never put it away wet!
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